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[SP-Floor 1] Boars-- And how to survive.

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Miria : 5
Boar : 2
Boar;It is said as the weakest monster you'll find in SAO, but underestimating something is not good. She knows that, the best thing about attacking enemy is you must understand the enemy itself, and Boar is the best experiment. She's not high leveled and because Boar is the weakest, it's somehow equal. She finally decided to defeat some boar for some reason.

First, Miria needs to understand the game's mechanic. And after all, it's her first time wielding a sword, so it may be a little difficult. Second, she needs living. Some money or items would be nice. Third, well, it's the objective of the game. It's not a living sim, it's named Sword Art Online for some obvious reason. And There's no magic.

Ah, first boar. She stands and grip her sword tightly. She dashed and tries to attack the boar, because it's not an aggro, you need to attack first.

Roll ID# 28635 results:

BD: 8
MOB: 1

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[After Roll]
Miria's Roll: Success (8)
Boar's Roll: Critical Failure (1)
Miria's HP: 5
Boar's HP: 2-1(Weapon Damage)-1(One-handed straight sword skill)=0
When she dashed, she realizes that Boar's attacking pattern is relatively easy to read-- It just charged front. So she had a plan in her mind when she ran towards it. Miria then changed her track, she went front-left and slashed the boar's body as she ran. It's a hit, and the boar is down.

Ah, there's a dropped item. She pick it up, and the next thing she did is searching for a new Boar. There it is, one boar, alo ne. Her HP bar is still full, and after she knows the pattern, it's relatively easy. She knows what to do next. Miria then ran towards the boar, its back were open. A surprise attack won't hurt, right?

Shouting? no, the boar will notice it.
[New Battle]
Miria's HP: 5
Boar's HP: 2
>Dices:ID# 28636 results:
BD: 4
Loot: 16 | #1st Battle Drop: 10 Col
MD: 5


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[After Roll]
Miria's Dice: 4 (FAIL)
Boar's Dice: 5 (FAIL)
The Boar noticed her steps. It ran away, and then managed to get its way to attack Miria from the left side. "It can't be," said Miria, then she rolled to the front, in purpose of dodging the Boar's attack. This is hard. Even though they just charged blindly, it's still strong and faster. Taking conclusions after one time testing is not enough. But she gets more information, it can't rotate its body 360 degrees, and it's giving Miria an advantage.

So now she moved her legs, trying to get in front of the monster. The best way to attack it is like the last time, but she realized that it couldn't work all the times. To test it, she ran to the boar, tested her theory again. Her sword is ready in her right hand, and she ran to the boar. The boar charged, and next is, Miria changed her track to the right, another different side from the first test. It's her second attempt on a single boar. To think that the weakest monster is this tricky, she couldn't imagine another stronger monster than this.

Roll: ID# 28638
Battle: 9
MOB: 9

Miria's HP: 5-0.5-1(Crit) = 3.5
Boar's HP: 2-1(Weapon)-1(Skill)-1(Crit) = -1 (Defeated)

Level Up! 1=>2

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It wor--It doesn't work. The boar managed to hit Miria's body with its tusk, thus damaged her quite hard. Yet she keeps on running, and swing her sword from left to the right. It hits the right spot, and gave the boar more damage. "Hah.." her stomach hurts, maybe because the attack, but after a while she realized something. She's hungry. Well, NervGear is linked with the brain, so it's logical to think that you may be able to feel hungry.

And, voila. Level up. Quite nice, eh. "Level two.." she clicked the button. Her HP went up a little, and fully regenerated. If it's the real world, it must be really hurt. She's grateful that it's only game. It's 17:50, and she decided to eat some 'food'. It's enough to fill her stomach, but does her real stomach is filled right now? No, she thinks it only gives the feeling of full, yet her body still suffers from hunger. What about her condition? What about all player's condition?

Ah, there's the next boar. This is her new world, so she will fight here from now on. She stands, and ran to the boar. Hopefully, this one doesn't notice her presence.
ID# 28640 results:

Battle: 1 (CritFail)

Loot: 14 (#2 Battle Loot: 10 Col)

MOB: 7 (Hit)

Miria's HP: 7-0.5=6.5
Boar's HP: 2

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The Boar suddenly run towards her, and it's faster than the other boars. Some sort of mini boss? Or it's just her movements that is slower? The next second, the Boar managed to get direct contact with Miria's left foot. It doesn't deal much damage, but it is, clearly, slowing her movement than the last time. She takes deep breath, and get her stance and sword ready.

"Calm down," she takes her breath. It is actually normal to fail at some first attempt, however, her reaction is rather slow. It's not like she's the best at sports. Her sword's gleaming edge begin to darken, because it's dark now. "Just one boar, this one boar," she said as she backgrip her sword. Some kind of 'Serious Mode'. It is faster and quick, yet it covers only little area.

Now, she takes one step and dash to the boar. Hopefully, she deal some damage.

ID# 28652 results:
Battle: 7
MOB: 4
Miria's HP: 6.5
Miria's Attack: 7 (Hit)
Boar's HP: 2-1(Sword)-1(One Handed Straight Sword Skill Rank 1)
Boar's Attack: 4 (Failed)

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"Ha!" with one jump, Miria aims for the boar's forehead. She was able to dodge the boar's charge. The next two second, she rotate her whole bodies, and spin her whole body, swinging her arms and blade to slash its forehead. The boar disappear, and turns into light that disperse. Not far, there's a bigger boar. Seems its level is bigger and stronger.

She thinks that she finally had her own battling style. Fast, yet calculated. But because her stats is low now, she can't do much. "Now, now," She grips her swords backwards, and ran towards the Boar. Their range is 4 meters, and she moved fast enough to change her movement trajectory. She turn left a little, trying to slash the boar's left side. If it's not enough, she had another plan in her mind

 ID# 28654 results:

 Battle: 10 (Crit +2DMG)

 MOB: 5(Fail)

Loot: Pick mat 'Boar's Hide'

Miria's HP: 6.5

Boar's HP: 4-1-1-2=0

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The boar noticed her presence, so it does move towards her. But she calculated it so that she could move right in time do dodge the Boar. Another tactic, she sliced the boar's left side, but this time, zig zag. As expected, it deals unusual amount of damage towards it, and lost. There's a drop item-- Boar's hide. Leather type, so it will be useful later.

She put that inside her inventory, and continues searching for another boar. That one, it seems the same size as the last boar. She catch up her breath, because it's quite exhausting. Standing, running, slicing. She killed four monsters so far, and her exp gauge is slowly gained. "Next," she said as she run towards a boar, which oddly, run towards her. Aggro? But it's.. quite rare.. She haven't meet any aggro monster today, which is odd that she found one.


ID: 28656
Boar's HP: 4
Miria's HP: 6.5
Rolls: Battle: 5(Fail)
MOB: 7 (Hit)
Miria's HP: 6.5-0.5=6
Boar's HP: 4

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She failed. She couldn't understand why. She calculated her movement, and it should be done perfectly. Hold on. Suddenly she realized something. It's not one pattern for all boars, it's a pattern for some-group of boars. She remembers that her second battle is a failure, and she managed to win because she jumped and attack its forehead. So, maybe the pattern and weakness spot is different?

"Now i understand!" She pick her sword back, and grip it tightly. Swings it twice, then dashed towards the Boar. As the boar charged, Miria jump and spins her whole body, like the last move. It should workm, and if its not, she must try another method and hitting spot. Maybe from the back, or below? She ran as fast as she can, and began to jump in front of the monster.

ID# 28658 results:

Battle: 10

MOB: 3 

Someone said i should use the first roll so...

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[After Roll]
Miria's Attack: 10 (Crit +2DMG)
Boar's Attack: 3 (Miss)
Boar's HP: 4-1-1-2 = 0
Miria's HP: 6
Drop: Picked Boar's Tusk (No Roll)
Level up!
2 > 3
HP : 7 > 9
Full HP
"Got you!" Miria shouted as her sword slices through the boar's head, and it began to disperse. She began to grasp something about this game- it is not wise to imply that every same monster has the same attack pattern and weakness spot. She grows stronger, and she leveled up to level 3. It's nice, her HP went up a little. The interface popped out, and she clicked it. Ah, yes, the drop. It's 'Boar's Tusk', different than the last time. So now she have two different items from one monster. "Ah, you too," she dashed towards a boar with the same size as before. It haven't realized Miria's presence yet, but it is
wise to attack quietly.

ID: 28717
BD: 2 (Miss)
Mob: 8(Hit)
Boar's HP: 4

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Miria's Attack: 2 (Miss)
Boar's Attack: 8 (Hit)
Miria's HP: 8.5
Boar's HP: 4 
It's dark now-- at least for her. Although those red eyes of the boar can be seen, it is difficult to predict which way the boar will attack. She slowed her movement. "Right? Left?" And bam, the boar moved suddenly, attacked her left side. Luckily, she can avoid being full attacked and jumped backwards before the boar charged its body. "Ah!" its tusk happened to hit her body a little, and it gives her some damage. She stands back, and ran towards the Boar. This time, from the right side. "Hyah!

BD: 2 (Fail)
MD: 8 (Hit)

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