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[F2-PP] The Dragon and Warrior Meet. (Carambit)

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Vasth was exploiting the forest,The forest was thick with trees and bushes, he was hunt for monsters today,he really needed material for his shop,He climbed up a tree and looked around.It was a a lot of animals around,Vasth was sitting around waiting for a good time to attack the animals.Vasth putted out a piece of bread and ate it while he waited around.He wondered if anyone would be around,he highly doubt that because it was quite deep in the forest.

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So far every time Carambit had wandered through the forest in the wild, he had been completely alone. There had been no other players around, there had been nobody to really interact with, and he had somewhat become used to it. The player rounded trees and wandered about, searching for a good enemy to face. He knew that different enemies dropped different materials, and from his previous experience with such games having many different materials on his person would help him greatly.

After passing yet another tree, he froze in place for a moment and jumped back behind the tree, hiding himself. He spotted another player, or at least he thought it was another player... He'd never encountered someone else out in the field. He peeked slowly around the tree, attempting to stay hidden, but also trying to suss out the blond man, sitting on the floor. He appeared to be indulging in a snack. Hopefully he wasn't a harmful player. As he saw the other man eating the bread from the beginner's pack, Carambit couldn't help but silently gag. He too had tasted that god-awful excuse for 'bread' that had been given to him as a survival ration. The taste was terrible, and he was amazed to find someone who was able to stomach it.

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As Vasth chomp his first bite,he grabbed some special jam, pasted it on the bread and bit from it again.This time it was a lot more better. Vasth heard some movement. Vasth quickly jumped up,twist as he grabbed his spear and threw at the tree where the movement came off. Vasth quickly ran forward and grabbed his dragon spear. The Dragon's Fang in his hand,he pointed to the tree with a hole.

"Who is there?!" Vasth said with a serious face.

"Come out or I will attack once again." 


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"Hey, hey, hey, friendly! Friendly!" Carambit called out. "I'm not an NPC I'm a player! It's all good I mean you no harm! I've just never seen another player out here before..." he slowly peeked around the tree again, both hands held up beside his head in a surrendering position. "I'm Carambit. I'd say nice to meet you but I almost got made into a shishkebab, so..." he very slowly, very cautiously lowered his arms and extended one for a handshake "What might your name be?" he asked, slowly turning his head and examining the spear that was taken out of the tree "Not 'Bullseye' is it?"

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Vasth put his spear back on his back.  "Oh I am so sorry, I didn't hit you, did i," Vasth looked at Carambit, he laughed and grabbed his hand for a shake. "Does it look like I have a target on my head, My name is Vasth" Vasth smiled "Sorry for attacking without a reason," Vasth let go for his hand. "What brings you here?" he asked Carambit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Nah you didn't hit me," Carambit said, "Nice to meet you, Vasth. It's all good, I would have been startled by another player being here too. I just came out here to grind up a few levels. Explore the floor and get a bit of a feel for it. How about you?" he said, looking the other player up and down. He was a spear user, which was very uncommon in Carambit's experience. He had sandy blond hair and seemed tough, like he could take a few good hits and keep standing. "You seem like you know your way around a bit better than I do. You been playing at this level for long?"

(Apologies for the late reply. I had a whole heap of life stuff I had to deal with. Its all sorted out now so I should be good to post more frequently.)

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Vasth smiled, "I have been here quite some time but not enough to be called a pro, do I looked strong to you." Vasth tilted his head. Vasth wore armour over his arms and leg, and his t-shirt with quite large for him so his muscles didn't show. Vasth smiled "Say how long have you been here." Vasth asked Carambit as Vasth sat down. 

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