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[F4] Black Wind Arms

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Located off near the edge of Snowfrost Town, Black Wind Arms looks not unlike the other various cottages and businesses in town for the moment, with the exception of the words on the sign.  A handful of display racks and stands dot the main floor, although for the moment, they stand empty.  The place has every sign in the world of being a fresh startup.  At the very least, the place is warmed by a near-constant fire, whether it's the forge or the hearth providing the heat at any given moment.

Shop Equipment:

For the moment, all equipment is perfectly normal-- functional, but with no enhancements.  As enhanced tools are acquired, they will be noted here.

Sales Inventory:

2x Black Iron Ranseur - Two-handed assault spear type weapon, Good quality.  (40 Col each.)

1x Basic Two-Handed Assault Spear(40 Col)

1x Jagged Half-Pike - Two-handed assault spear type weapon, Rare quality.  +2 damage.  (800 Col or 5 Mats)

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Now that he'd finished moving in (not just in terms of the shop itself, but also the small private room in the back!), Aetharan decided that he may as well give his first two daily uses of that Smithing ability a swing.  He wasn't going to get any good at the job if he didn't put the practice in, now was he?  There'd be no sense in having gone on that quest today if he wasn't going to put that skill to work!  Two crafts meant two of those iron ingots to put to use.  Hammer in left hand and tongs in right, he went to work.

Roll ID# 29245: CD 8.  Good item.

Roll ID# 29246: CD 9.  Good item.

The results were...  bland, in Aetharan's opinion, but he hadn't exactly been expecting masterpieces on his first couple of tries, either.  It was a matching pair of ranseurs, with leaf-shaped blades a couple of inches longer than his hand joined with a forward-curved pair of tines that joined at the end of the simple wooden shaft.  Neither weapon would be anything special unless somebody had a hankering to swap over to spear-type weapons after having started with a dagger or something, but either would be better than nothing.  He hung them on the first rack, one above the other, and put a price tag in place on them.

Edited by Aetharan
Adding craft dice.
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Another day, another pair of weapons to craft.  Aetharan stirred from his bed and stepped out the door into the shop proper itself, where he switched to his tools and went to work.  He was so glad that he didn't have to go mining, at least for these first few days of crafting.  He'd need to go get his hands on more mats eventually, but the quest had been generous in its returns, so he didn't mind burning those first!  Taking a few deep breaths, he did his best to concentrate on the designs he wanted to put into play.  Two crafts.  He'd already proven to himself that he could pull off a ranseur.  Today, he'd go with half-pikes!  Not that the typical gamer would know the difference, but he may as well display different kinds of pole-arm, even if they did serve the same in-game function!

Roll ID# 29295: CD 11.  Rare item!

Roll ID# 29296: CD 11.  Rare item!

It would seem that Lady Luck was with him today!  Holy crap...  Two rares of the same weapon type in the same day?  They truly were a matched pair as well!


Item: Jagged Half-Pike (x2)

Quality: Rare

Source: This post, approved here.

Enhancements: Damage x2

Description: Functionally, a two-handed assault spear.  Visually, a shaft of hardwood 5'6" in length, with the butt capped in a 6" socket that terminates in a black iron spike for driving that end into the ground, while the head has a 9" socket connecting to a trio of blades of the same metal.  The central blade is 12" long, edged on both sides and serrated for the rear half of its length.  The flanking pair are only 5" in length, starting almost perpendicular to the primary and curving forward so that their tips are only 20º off of its angle.  Both match the primary's edging style.

 (Reformatted slightly from evaluation version on Tristan's advice.)

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Third day as a blacksmith, and this time, he got the pleasure of working steel instead of raw iron.  Oh, he liked the look of the latter, but there was also something to be said for a properly shiny blade, when all was said and done.  After his time spent meditating at the waterfall, he couldn't help but think that the day had good omens built into it.  The switch from the half-pike he was so proud of over to hammer and tongs was easy enough, especially in the creative mood that he was feeling at the moment, and he took the first steel ingot out of storage to begin putting that creative urge to work.

Mind focused on exactly what he wanted to craft.  This first effort of the day, he figured, would be a glaive-guisarme.  As they had been so colourfully described by a friend of his once, 'a kitchen knife on a stick, with a hook on the back for extra fun.'  In the real world, they could do pretty much anything, but he'd be treating it primarily as a spear in this game.

Unfortunately for him, that first effort of the day came out...  misshapen.  He tossed it into a bin in the back corner, too embarrassed by that creation to even put a price tag on it.


(ID# 29536 results: Craft: 7 Loot: 11) (Result: Bad item.)

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Well, then.  That first weapon may have been a dud, but that didn't mean he had to give up for the day!  Mental image remained focused on the same type of pole-arm, but he paused to take several deep breaths before continuing.  He couldn't get this wrong.  He wanted it to be even better than the item that he'd first crafted, then blooded yesterday!  "Come on...  I want something beautiful enough to reduce that half-pike to a hand-me-down for the next spear-wielder I meet.  I know I can make this happen.  Just...  focus."

With that, the hammer came down, and the ingot was encased in light.  Moments later, it vanished into broken, wasted shards.  He'd wasted both steel ingots.


(ID# 29539 results: Craft: 2) (Result: Failure)

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More steel earned in combat meant more that he could work, and work it he would.  There would always be need for weapons in this world, and he still wanted something even better than his current main arm.  He took a deep breath before getting to work, heating that first ingot in the forge before transferring it to the anvil and just staring for a second as he thought.  "Alright...  this time I'm not going to bork it up."  Mind focused on the image of a sword-staff this time.  Full tang, a short-sword mounted onto a pole instead of being wrapped in a more standard hilt.  Unfortunately for Aetharan, he once again mucked it up.


(ID# 29825 results: Craft: 7 Loot: 5) (Result: Bad item, no recovery of materials.)

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With a growl of frustration, he tossed the ruined weapon into the same waste bin that other failures had gone into.  Yet another creation that wasn't worthy of being mounted on the wall for sale!  He hated coming up with failures like those, but the only thing to do was keep pushing.  He wasn't going to get any better at this if he didn't persevere and practice.  Thus, he kept the same mental image in mind as he prepared the second ingot of the day for crafting, then began to hammer at it.  He just had to focus.  Failure to keep his mind steady would cost him.

At least that focus meant that, this time, as it started to take the wrong shape he was able to catch it fast enough to quickly re-heat the metal and force it back into the shape of an ingot instead.  He'd only wasted one unit of steel this morning!


(ID# 29826 results: Craft: 6 Loot: 17) (Result: Bad item (again!), but this time, salvage possible.)

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