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Spices and Herbs <<Secret Medicine of the Forest>> PP-F1 (Annicade)

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I was sitting in my shop, still repairing some things that needed to be repaired. I had been able to finally fix the floor and the roof. All that was left were the windows and some other minor touch ups. I was yearning to get out and do something, so i got up and went to the quest board, to see if there was anything that i could do. That was when i saw the quest Secret Medicine of the Forest. I read the description and was pretty intrigued. I also decided to contact Annicade. Doing a quest with someone else was always better than going at it alone. I told her to meet me at the exit of Town of Beginnings. I sat outside the city awaiting the response of Annicade. If she did decide to join, then this quest would be an even bigger breeze than it would be if it was just me by myself...

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I was wondering around the town of beginnings, wondering where I should set up my shop and put my new tailor skills to the test. I was thinking maybe the market district or even possibly the outskirts of the town. That was when I got the message from Abalasster. I opened it and it said about a certain quest that he wanted to do with me. It was about going into a forest and fighting some type of plant. I decided that finding a place to station my shop could wait. I made my way to the outskirts of the town of beginnings. It wasn't too hard to find Abalasster. He was standing near the entrance. I was surprised to see that his scorpion friend wasn't with him. Or maybe it was just out of sight? I made my way up to him and said my greetings. 

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