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[SP-F1] Combat and Material Gathering

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With a small grin, she checked her inventory, making sure she had her new armor equipped. She had ordered a new dagger, however it hadn't been finished yet, she couldn't wait until it was though. But for now, she would just have to go out without it. She was in the Starting City on floor 1, and so she started to walk towards the exit of town. Her eyes trained on the field beyond the big gate. As soon as her feet stepped out of town, she scanned the clearing for any sort of monster she could face. Her eyes fell upon nothing, and so instead she headed for the trees, where she would find materials among the roots.



HP: 24

Level: 6

Energy: 6

DMG: 2

Enhancements: +2 Thorns

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Her silver eyes brought her over to a tree stump, where she dug her fingers among the roots, in an attempt to gather some sort of material, as she turned up with nothing, she lifted her eyes searching for anything shiny out on the field as it may lead her to getting a material. Her eyes continuing to scan as she looked among the grass and trees around her. Maybe I should head for the lake....



LD: 13

Edited by Kitty
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