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[PP- F1] the meeting (Adelyn)

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Asphalt walks through the town on the first floor thinking about having to complete a death game while trying not to die as if he does in the game he would also die irl. He walks until his eyes met a girl who was falling. He had bumped right into her. "I am so Sorry, I didn't mean to walk right into you like that." Asphalt spoke as he offered a hand to pick her up.

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Adelyn was walking down the streets of the beginning city like she had been for the past couple days. It was the only thing she could do, she wanted to wake up every morning and go kill some of the mobs she watched in the plains sometimes, but she never had the guts to do it. She was always too scared of getting killed by a stupid boar to actually go fight one. Adelyn was lost in her thoughts until she bumped into by a man she didn't know. She heard the guy apologize, and then saw his hand. She took the hand and replied "Its alright, was partly my fault, being lost in my thoughts" She did feel partly responsible for not looking where she was going, and she knew shed have to work on that, couldn't be running into a new person every day. And she would never say that it was the other guys fault anyway, it just wasn't in her DNA, and she forgave quickly, anyway,

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"Are you sure that you're alright?" Asphalt asked looking at the girl skeptically. Asphalt was worried that she was taking responsibility for something that was his fault. Asphalt had always took responsibility for actions he thought he should take responsibility for. He looked at the young lady and said "by the way, I'm Asphalt. Actually not just Asphalt but in my castle they refer to me as Prince Asphalt. What is your name?"

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"yeah im sure im alright" I reply to his worriness as I brush my clothes as if dirt was on them. He began to tell me his name, and that he was some part of a royal family or something. It was cool that he was so, and lived in a castle, but I wasn't as impressed as most would be probably. It was probably the fact that my parents were rich enough to buy a castle if they really wanted, but that was just too much, glamor and space. "well asphalt...my names Adelyn" I say as I hold out my hand for him to shake. We was an interesting fellow, not many people live in castles, and usually the ones who did had a very powerful personality. wed see I guess.

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"Adelyn, what a lovely name. It's very unique, if I do say so myself."Asphalt kindly shakes Adelyn's hand. "So, how hardcore are you at gaming?" Asphalt smiles as he asks his question politely. Asphalt starts to walk in the same direction of Adelyn so he can walk her to her destination as it was a polite thing to do. Asphalt thought of the possibility of teaming up with the girl so they can get to higher levels and floors.

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Asphalt says my name was lovely and kindly shakes my hand afterwards, and a msile appears on my face, he seemed like a nice boy, and the world knows we could use more of those. He then asked how I was with gaming, and I shook my head. "Im not the, most hardcore I probably played an hour or so a day, I never really had the time" I reply being as honest as I could. I like gaming but I had a social life that I had to upkeep in the real world. And any kid whos ever been at a private school, or any school knows its time consuming. Hanging out with friends most of the time, was how I spent it with no parents around and all.

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"Doesn't matter to me how much time a day someone puts in a game. I look for their heart and how they value their friendships. You are a nice person. I can tell by the way you said you don't have much time, it implied that you spent a lot of time with friends." Asphalt continues to walk with Adelyn and converse.


Asphalt thought about meeting more people like her and would protect their lives if he had to.

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We continued to walk for a minute in silence as the conversation sort of died, and I needed a way to start one again. "So, you asked me what about you, did you play games a lot, and as a passion". I assumed he did as most people playing this probably did, the intense gamers were the ones most excited for the game and It kinda sucks so many were excited for this. I was happy now my friends didn't get this as well, made me feel amazing. I also did want to know a little more about this boy, as it was the best way to become friends.

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"Honestly no, I'm not much a gamer due to my responsibility as a prince. As my sword mastery training is very important, I practically practiced every day. I was with my guardian one lovely afternoon and my eye spotted the game. I did my research as I didn't want to waste any money so I decided to get it. My idea was if I could master this game I would be an excellent swordsman irl." Asphalt explained his story.

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As asphalt explained that he himself didn't play much I was rather surprised, but then again it made sense that his prince responsibilities made him unable to. And I could see where his want to play the game came from, it would definitely be cool to play a game that you could use real life skill in. "So, these prince responsabilities, just what are they, what else did you have to do all day, and how hard was it" I truly wondered hat it was like, cus I think itd be cool but who knew, well him of course

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"My responsibilities are to make sure I know of all events that happen within the kingdom, I get a lot of paperwork, then I have piano practice, sword training, sports and sometimes I have to attend balls." Asphalt sees this potential friend's will to learn about others.

"All I can say is that Royalty has its ups and downs."

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