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[PP-F2] The Third Temptation of Paris (Nemesis)

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Just outside of Urbus, Arc surveyed the fields with a careful gaze. "The dealer said the bee appeared after several encounters with smaller enemies in the fields just outside town," he remarked blandly. "That means I'll have to go killing insects for a while."


With a sigh, he reached up to scratch his head. "Not like I have anything else to do, and the experience will be good, but all the same. I'd rather be doing something else."

The youth opened his menu and scrolled idly through the HUD, double checking his vitals. It felt akin to checking one's pulse or heart rate, these days. Those numbers and statistics kept you alive in this world. It was a habit he might never fully break.


Let's see... level 5, 20 hit points, 5 energy...


Before he finished his train of thought, the fledgling knight noticed another player passing him, coming from the direction of town. "Hello," he greeted, not unkindly.

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Nemesis was keen on advancing his power. Unlike some players he was focused on defeating the game so he could get back to his research. No doubt, being stuck in here for years was going to put him very far behind and it wasn't like they had years to beat it. They would eventually cut life support to all players, one by one. He walked the fields looking for wasps to kill. Rumour had it that a queen bee would come after killing 7 of its workers. It would be tedious but he had all the time in the world. 

He heard a voice come from beside him and he tilted his head to look over at him "Hmm?" It seemed to be a player out in the fields, probably looking for a partner to wipe out the pests. "I see. I could use you." He quickly shot him a party request and didn't wait for him to say yes or no. He bolted towards the nearest worker bee and activated his sword art, closing the gap between him and his opponent and slashing straight across the worker bee's abdomen. It attempted to sting him but he was to quick for it, or rather his new <<BloodShot>> vest was helping him best his opponent's reflexes quite easily. 

ID# 355220 BD: 9(crit) MD: 7-3(evasion)= 4(Miss)

Player Nemesis: 2 damage - 2 accuracy - 3 evasion - 1 Keen
HP: 20/20
ENG: 3/5 -2
Sword Art; Straight. Damage= 2+1*2*1= 6-2(mitigation)= 4 Damage
KEEN - Next Attack has +1 to BD

Worker Bee: 
HP: 4/8 -4

Edited by Nemesis
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"Use me?" Arc mouthed the words more than he spoke them, but they confused him nonetheless. It was a strange thing for anyone to say. The party invite happened just as quickly as the assertion of usefulness, and Arc wasted no time in accepting it. The man seemed to be intent on killing the bees, which meant he was just as much of a means to an end.

Rather than getting upset or asking questions, Arc slid his blade, a blue and black masterpiece and the only thing of any real value that he owned, from its place at his hip and rushed toward the worker bee.

With a violent slash, he struck for the insect and his blade clanged harmlessly against chitinous armor, which resounded with a harsh metallic ringing. The would-be swordsman grunted his discontent with the result, but remained no less vigilant.

"We might try attacking it together," he suggested.


ID# 35521 results:

 Battle: 4 (+1=5) miss

 Craft: 3

 Loot: 7

 MOB: 6

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Nemesis smirked as the man accepted the party request "Good! Let's make it quick." He called as he swung his two hander around his body. It was almost as tall as he was. It was just a basic weapon, a means to an ends but soon he would get something better. The profit of his shop allowed him such luxuries such as the gear he currently possessed. The bee was in great anticipation, the man swung at it but missed, the bee seemed to be to quick for him. Nemesis smirked and darted towards the bee "Alright, together then" He dragged the two hander by his side, cutting through the dirt as he brought it up diagonally, not allowing any leverage for the bee to dodge left or right. It connected and the bee's health dropped another point. Hopefully this guy could land a hit on it. The bee tried to strike back but Nemesis was sharp and ducked under it's attack, making it completely miss and be left open for attack. 

ID# 35522 BD: 6+2+1= 9(No crit) MD: 8-3(evasion)= 5(Miss)

Player Nemesis: 2 damage - 2 accuracy - 3 evasion - 1 Keen
HP: 20/20
ENG: 3/5 -1+1
KEEN - Next Attack has +1 to BD
2 hate

Player Arc: 4 Damage - 1 Accuracy 

HP: 20/20
ENG: 3/5 -2 from missing
0 Hate

Worker Bee: 
HP: 3/8 -1

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Arc wasted no time leaping into action. As his newfound ally ripped open the competition, the single sword wielding soldier swept his blade lethally across the insect's abdomen. The bee writhed in agony as scarlet pixels wept from its wound.

ID# 35523 results:

 Battle: 6

 Craft: 3

 Loot: 15

 MOB: 7


Player Nemesis:

HP: 20/20
ENG: 3/5
KEEN - Next Attack has +1 to BD

Player Arc:
HP: 20/20
ENG: 3/5

Worker Bee: 1/8 

Edited by Arc
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Nemesis was as keen as his enchantment was, he definitely knew how to abuse this games system in his favour at all times. However it sometimes made him grin to himself how good Kayaba's programming was. Nemesis lifted the heavy brunt of his blade once agains and dashed forward towards the bee. They might be here awhile if they needed to kill 6 more before fighting the queen. He brought the blade vertically down at the bee trying to split it in two down its middle. However this was an error as the bee just easily dodged to the side. "Little bastard" He mumbled. The bee tried to use it to its advantage and changed for Nemesis trying to sting him, though like every single time, Nemesis was to quick for his opponent. 


ID# 35525 BD: 2+2+1=5(miss) MD: 6-3=3 (miss)

Player Nemesis: 2 damage - 2 accuracy - 3 evasion - 1 Keen
HP: 20/20
ENG: 2/5 -2+1
2 Hate

Player Arc: 4 Damage - 1 Accuracy 

HP: 20/20
ENG: 3/5 
1 Hate

Worker Bee: 
HP: 1/8 

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