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SP-F4 In the search for strength...

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Th endless snow fields and mountains of floor four were an almost pristine landscape, untouched by players as many did not venture further than the area outside of the main settlement of floor four: Snowfrost. But, on the path to a looming snow-capped mountain there was a long trail of footprints, unfaltering that went on for many miles, until they had reached the top of the mountain, a small plateau leading to a cave. And... Standing in the middle of that plateau, encased in a grey suit of armour, electricity arcing from his spear to his shield, was Xion: Second in command and aegis of the Crimson blades. 


The boy's blonde hair was now flecked with snowflakes, his face one of both determination and great sorrow at the same time. "I...I left them...I left them so that I could become stronger, so that I could become a better leader..." he mumbled to himself as he looked into the cave before him, he could hear a low hissing, the sounds of claws on the cold rock. "It's in there alright..." he mumbled, a pair of red eyes glowing gently in the darkness as he did. 


There was a dragon in the cave, a small one mind you, not much larger than Xion was himself, but it was a start. His goal was to slay the greatest dragons of Aincrad, and this one was the first that he had come across, the first of many that shall meet their ends by Xion's hands. As he raised his spear, it's tip glowing with sparks and electricity he took a deep breath in, preparing himself for the battle that was to ensue. 

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ID: 36653

BD: 9 (5 DMG Base) 

MD: 5 (Miss) 

Xion (52/52)  (Energy: 8/13) 

Dragon (10/16)  (10 DMG - 4 MIT= 6 DMG)

Dragon (16/16) 


Xion grinned as he charged into the entrance of the cave, disturbing the dragon before backing out, meaning to lure the beast out onto the plateau, only to find that there were two of the beasts, presumably a mating  pair. "Crap..." he muttered before raising his shield. Both of the dragons tried to attack him, the flames that they spewed licking his shield but not damaging him. With a smile, he leaped from behind his guard, driving his spear into the legs of one of the dragon, and then again into the other leg, stunning the beast as it's wings dropped to it's side and it fell to the ground, unable to move. 

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ID: 36670

BD: 4 (Miss) 

MD: 10 (13 dmg) 


Xion smiled, content that the first dragon was out of action, he was about to launch another attack against it but before he could he was blind-sided  by the claw of it's mate, smashing into his shield and knocking him to the ground. "Bloody thing!" he spat, pushing himself to his feet as the non-stunned dragon screeched and howled at him. "I'll need to be more careful, while I have the MIT to survive had that been something on floor 11 I may not have been as lucky..." he mumbled, looking at his health which had dropped by a single point. 


Xion (51/52)  (Energy: 7/13)  (13 DMG, -35 MIT 1 DMG taken)  

Dragon (10/16)  

Dragon (16/16) 

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ID: 36715

MD: 3 (Miss) 


Xion trained his eyes on the two dragons as he recovered from the previous attack, he was now weary of the power of these dragons, despite their low health and level. They both attacked, one after another, trying to scratch away at hi defence but both attacks missed as Xion back-stepped a couple of times to avoid their huge claws. "Bets not attack...I need to regen my energy"


Xion (51/52)  (Energy: 8/13)  

Dragon (10/16)  

Dragon (16/16) 

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ID: 36716

BD: 10 ( 5 DMG) 

MD: 1 (MISS) 


Xion looked at the weaker of the two dragons, the one which he had hit with a stunning sword art. It's health was little above half, and one more string sword art would be enough to bring it near to death. "I need to use multiple hitting SA's to even deal damage...damn my low damage output" he said, cursing his full tank build. He set his sights on the lower dragon, his spear glowing as the system carried him like a puppet, two swift strikes to the neck later the beast was close to death, a quarter of it's health remaining. 


Swiftly after the two drakes attempted once more to attack, missing as they had before. 


Xion (51/52)  (Energy: 7/13)  

Dragon (4/16)  ( -10 DMG, 4 MIT= 6 DMG)

Dragon (16/16) 

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ID: 36776

BD: 4 (Miss) 

MD: 8 ( 12 DMG)

LD: 18 (MOB health x5 col 80 col)


The two dragons were growing tired, but thankfully Xion was not, he had more than enough health and armour to survive 10 of the things but he was still being careful, keeping his guard up and making sure that they didn't catch him off guard. "Come on attack me..." he said, his brow furrowed as he his behind his shield, almost taunting the creatures into attacking him as his thorns did as much DMG as his attacks, so turtling was a valid tactic in his case. 


After a few more minutes both of the creatures attacked, the one with higher health first, swiping at his shield, dealing a pathetic amount of damage before it was punished by the thorns, it's health dropping considerably. The second one, with lower health followed suit, raking at his shield with it's claws, before dropping dead due to the thorns: it's own attacks killed it. With a grin, Xion attempted a stab at the remaining dragon, failing but it didn't matter "I can stand here, do nothing and still be the victor!" he said to himself, laughing. 


Xion (49/52)  (Energy: 6/13)  

Dragon (0/16) DEAD  

Dragon (12/16) 


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BD: 6 ( 4 DMG) 

MD: 9 ( 13 DMG) 


Grinning as he watched the first drake explode into millions of data shards, Xions set his sights upon the remaining drake "The lovers shall die together..." he said with an evil cackle before leaping at the dragon, it's claws scratching against his chestplate as his sword art activated, striking at it's neck twice, dealing another quarter of it's health as damage, while Xion took another measly point of damage. 


Xion (48/52)  (Energy: 5/13)  

Dragon (0/16) DEAD  

Dragon (8/16) ( 8 DMG - 4 MIT = 4 DMG) 


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ID: 36783

BD: 6 (4 DMG)

MD: 1 (Miss) 


Once again Xion charged at the dragon, his spear raised as the system carried him through the actions of the sword art, striking the beast twice in the neck, dropping it's health by health as it scratched and screamed, trying to fend Xion off but ultimately failing as it missed time and time again, and if it had hit it would have killed itself due to Xion's thorns. 


Xion (48/52)  (Energy: 4/13)  

Dragon (0/16) DEAD  

Dragon (4/16) ( 8 DMG -4 MIT = 4 DMG) 



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ID: 36786

BD:  7 ( 4 DMG)

MD: 8 ( 12 DMG) 

LD: 12 (MOB healthx5 col 80 col) (+2 MATS for killing MOBs)


The dragon's health was low, while Xion still stood strong having received minimal damage throughout the fight. "Time to end this! he said, swiftly charging at the creature, thrusting his spear into it's chest as it roared, it's health dropping slightly before it struck him, dealing 1 damage but dying almost instantly as the thorns on Xion's shield took effect, killing it. With a sigh, Xion sat down, relaxing for a minute. "Both of them died to my thorns...huh" 

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The blonde chuckled as he sat down in the snow, watching his HP and energy slowly regen, snowflakes flecking his hair as they fell upon him, those that fell onto his armour melting into data. "I never took the time to appreciate this place..." he said, as he remembered the times that he had with his guild on this floor, the laughs, the nights at the forge. They were good times. "But...I'm not going to see them for a long time..." he said, solemnly, a single tear running down his cheek "But I must become stronger, I do not posses the strength of a leader, I am too weak to protect my comrades..."

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After a few minutes Xion got up, wiping the tears from his face and walking into the cave, which seemed to go deeper than he had originally expected: Much deeper. After a couple of minutes of walking he had reached a large chamber, filled with glowing crystals and the flames of dragons, illuminating the amphitheatre-esque area. "Wow..." he said with a quiet whistle, taking a second to appreciate the beauty of SAO. "Why is a game so beautiful so deadly at the same time?" he asked himself, cursing the fact that he could not properly appreciate SAO's beauty. 

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Xion sighed as he crept around the cave, trying not to disturb the dragons unnecessarily, as while he was a tank if too many of them attacked him at once he could run the risk of being overwhelmed and dying, no matter how much health or MIT he has. "There seems to be a branching path..." he muttered as he noticed a small cave off to the side, containing considerably more dragons than he had fought outside, but still less than in the main cave. "Let's see if I can get a good challenge out of this!" 

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BD: 7 (4 DMG)

MD: 1 (MISS) 


Just as Xion had finished his sentence he leapt into the middle of the dragons, scaring them as the all tried to react, their claws slashing and kicking out at the tank, who was able to dodge all 5 of the dragons' attacks somehow. "Wow, I really need to fight more of you at once" he said before pulling his spear back, yelling "HAYMAKER!" and sweeping the pole-arm in a wide arc, hitting all of the dragons and taking their health down to three quarters. "Come on you lousy drakes, I want some challenge!" he said with a cackling, almost evil sounding laugh as he stood before the 5 dragons, taunting them, challenging them. 

Xion (52/52) (Energy: 10/13) 

Dragon#1 (12/16)

Dragon#2 (12/16)

Dragon#3 (12/16)

Dragon#4 (12/16)

Dragon#5 (12/16)

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BD: 6 (4 DMG) 

MD: 8 (12 DMG) 

After Xion had attacked the dragons they  launched a counter assault, all of them clawing, scratching ripping and tearing mercilessly at his armour and shield, all of them being punished and reeling in pain from the thorns on his shield. "BUGS! YOU ARE ALL BUGS BEFORE ME!" He yelled, going more than a pinch mad with power (not literally) before yelling "Haymaker!" and swinging his spear in a wide arc, hitting all of the dragons once more, bringing their health down to a tiny amount. 



Xion (52/52) (Energy: 9/13) 

Dragon#1 (4/16)

Dragon#2 (4/16)

Dragon#3 (4/16)

Dragon#4 (4/16)

Dragon#5 (4/16)

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ID: 36994

BD: 8 ( 4 DMG)

MD: 2 (MISS) 


Xion sighed as he stood in the middle of the circles of dragons, their health bars at pitiful amounts while his was relatively untouched "I expected more from dragons...I must fight those on the upper floors" he said before they all launched a simultaneous attack, their claws scratching and bashing but none of them having any effect on the tank. Once the drakes had finished, Xion pulled back his spear, the system once more moving him like a puppet in one last haymaker which killed all of the dragons. 


As the five beasts exploded into millions of shards the tank sat down, assessing his loot.


(+5 MATS)

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