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(PP-F1) More Mat Hunting (Koumori)

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Manta equipped her hunting items, waiting for Koumori at the eastern exit of the starting city.The floor was very familiar to her, as she spent most of her time here. She had loaned out her gauntlets to a beginning player, so she was left with her sword, Loves Oath, her breastplate, and The Koumori Hitter. She had a plan for defeating players with evasion, and all she needed was one more piece of equipment. She had actually ordered it only a day or so earlier from Sousuke. She had done a couple of solo material hunts lately, and had gotten a bit bored with them. She was a social person, and she liked having company. And even more than that she liked having materials for her shop. She had sent Koumori a message, stating that if he wasn't there by sundown she would assume he wasn't coming and head out without him. The sun was, at that moment, just about to strike the edge of the horizon. 

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I was sleeping on a bench when Manta sent me a message. It sat unread for hours before I finally got to it. I awoke when some stupid Apple fell on my head from the tree above me and sent my eyes wide open. I groggily went through my menu when I saw a notification light up. I pulled up her message and didn't even register what it said until it looked up. It said I had until sundown to meet her and the sun was practically already there. I snapped out of my daze and jumped up from the bench. "Crap!" I bolted forward and started blowing through the town. I took as many main streets as possible so I would have a direct route but that turned out to not be such a good idea. I had to constantly apologize for knocking people over and stepping on dropped items. I turned to scream sorry to a guy I knocked down when I ran head first into a cart of watermelons. I flew through the stack and landed on the ground on the other side while the fruits split open from the impact. I waved to the NPC attendant as I got up and resumed my sprint. I made it to the gates just as the sun began scraping the ground, not literally of course, and busted out to the field. It dawned on me I had no idea where to meet her so I started looking around and immediately saw her right next to the gate. I tried to put on the brakes but I only ended up tumbling forward to the ground. "So I'm early right?"

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Manta couldn't help giggling a bit as she watched Koumori blast into view running at full speed, knocking various people and things open before tumbling to the ground at her feet. "Your technically on time. I specified before sunset, so to be early you would have to be here before I sent my message." She explained and pulled her sword out, gesturing forwards. "This time were actually going to gather some materials." She resheathed her sword and reached a hand out to help Koumori get up from where he had tumbled.

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