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Zelrius stood in the settlement of Nimbus, early today weird as it may seem. Rarely did the golden haired boy get up so early for anything other than a boss fight, but this was said to be far more exciting. With his arrogant smile ever so present under the skull of the Hydra and his Azure Commandant's cloak keeping him warm in the midsts of the cold mountain tops, Zelrius had messaged a certaion One-Handed Straight-Sword master along for quite a journey. The boy found it ironic, he never pictured himself asking Takao of all people for help, and it seemed even more unlikely that the man actually accept. Nonetheless, The boy stared out over the fortress of a city that lay on top of Floor 7. Nimbus was an exceptionally quiet little location in the lower floors. Most people seemed to simply like the Winter Wonderland of Floor 4 more. To which, The Commandant couldn't blame them, Nimbus was crawling with guards and NPC soldiers at all times, like a Stronghold on the defensive side of some war. Over the Horizon, the sun rose, its orange light brightly piercing through the faint blue light that often loomed in the mornings. The boy waited, he was going to be patient about this one, even though inside he couldn't wait to start.

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