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(PP-F1) Heyo! (Koumori)

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By the time Koumori came to find her, Ebony had calmed down quite a bit. She looked up to see Koumori approaching, and put a sour expression on her face, even though she wasnt annoyed anymore. That melted away as she saw what Koumori was carrying. She squealed and stood up, running over to hug the little Ewok thing. "It's so cute!" She said, hugging the creature to her chest. "And its not a problem.... But I get to call you." She paused, a menacing look on her face as she left him hanging. "Senpai." She added onto the end. And why not? 

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Ebony squealed like, well like a girl, when she saw little thing and jumped up to grab it in her arms. She looked at it with affection as she hugged it to her chest. Seemed like she liked it. She pulled herself away from its eyes to tell me that what I said was okay, as long as she got to call me something to. She started to say but stopped before she finished. She sure wanted dramatic effect. What was she going to say? Most people called me Kou nowadays. Even though I'm pretty sure the only reason for that is because it sounds more girly. Ahh the things I went through. Eventually she came out with it and I could only tilt my head in confusion. Senpai? She wanted to call me senpai? Of course I had no objection but that seemed like an odd choice. "Senpai? Alright, if you want. Can't turn that down." I laughed at the thought of her calling me senpai from then on. That aside though, what to do with the Ewok? I just found it by chance, but what was it doing there? I took a step forward and gently took it back from Ebony and held it up to my face. "Well we gotta figure out what this little guy is and put him back where he belongs. Might be a detour but I'm not in a rush. What do you think?" I turned to Ebony and waited on her opinion. 

(I know how this is gonna play out so in my next post I'll get on with it)

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Ebony looked back down at the ewok creature and huggled him a bit more. "If I could take him as my familiar I would. He's just so cute!" She squealed again, twisting back and forth with excitement. "I think that's a great idea senpai. I would hate for him to get hurt if we left him out here." She said, agreeing with Koumori wholeheartedly. She grinned broadly, extraordinarily happy. That was just the effect that cute animals had on her. She allowed him to take the little cutey back, but continued to look at it, her entire face lit up with excitement.

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Ebony quickly agreed that we should find the creatures home before something happened to eat so it looked like that's what we were doing. I noticed she seemed disappointed when I took the thing away so I figured I might as well let her carry him. "Right. Here, why don't you carry him. Looks like you like him." I said as I plopped him back in her waiting arms. "Well let's start where I found him. Follow me." With that I lead Ebony back through the brush to the spot I had found the little Ewok. When we cleared the last set of bushes and came up on the spot I stopped in my tracks. Standing where I had been kneeling were three more of the small bear things. All three were different shades of brown and were busy looking around the area. "Looks like he has a family" I whispered to Ebony. It didn't take long for them to notice us and when they did they came quickly waddling over. The one that Ebony was carrying got excited at the sight of some of its own and started motioning that it wanted to be put down. When Ebony did so, the four of them seemed like they were greeting each other. I started laughing as I watched them rub each other on the head. When they were done they started talking to each other, obviously in noises I couldn't understand, before one of the new ones came up to me and started pulling on my pant leg. I kneeled down to get closer to him and smiled. "What is it little guy?" He looked at me for a second before turning and pointing in the other direction. "You want us to follow you?" I stood back up and looked to Ebony. "I think he wants us to follow him." I said to her, mimicking myself. Before we had a chance to go anywhere, the one I had found went back over to Ebony and acted like he wanted her to pick him back up. "Guess he likes you." I said smiling.

(I've got the destination too)

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Ebony followed close behind Koumori, huggling the cute little thing. Ebony looked up as Koumori stopped and pointed out the other creatures. "None of them are as cute as this little guy." She said with a smile before setting it down. Ebony nodded to Koumori as he interpreted one of the creatures motions as sayying for him to follow it. "All right, lets do that." She said, before the other ewok like creature started hopping up and down in front of her. She reached down and picked  him up, hugging him again as she prepared to follow Koumori.

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She picked it up and we began following the three others. I followed closely behind as they slowly led us through the forest for what seemed like the better part of 15 minutes. I had to struggle not to crack wise but I just stayed quiet and looked around. I almost didn't notice when they stopped in front of me and I had to swing my arms to keep from falling on top of them. The lead guy took a right and walked in what appeared to be the mouth of a cave. I shrugged toward Ebony and ducked to follow him in. I didn't expect to find anymore than a few straw beds but my jaw dropped when I saw what was really waiting for us. Inside the cave was another entrance that lead to a massive underground cavern. My eyes went wide when I saw the hundreds upon hundreds of furry creatures as they all turned in unison to look at their new visitors. "Woah....I hope they're friendly." As if to answer my question they all made a happy sounding yipping noise as they threw their arms in the air and ran towards us. I tried to keep my composure as Ewok after Ewok jumped and climbed around on my body. "Okay okay settle down guys. We're just here to bring back your friend." I said as I gestured to the one in Ebony's arms. As I said that two of them stepped forward and I quickly put together that they were its parents. "Well Eb, looks like it's time to give him up."

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