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(PP-F1) 'Sup (Rag) COMPLETE!

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Ebony wasn't sure if he was indirectly asking her on a date or not. She decided she would assume that he wasn't. Still, she didn't want him getting the wrong idea, just in case he was asking her out. Plus, she still had that grinding to do with Manta. She let out a long sigh. "I have a couple of things I need to do, mainly earning SP and mats on some of the higher floors. I'd love to hang out with you later if youd like." She impulsively sent him a friend request, cringing a tiny bit as she did. She still wasn't sure she should be sending him a friend request, but it was the easiest way to send messages."Just send me a message if you ever need anything."

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"Will do." I said. I accepted the request and smiled. "See you another time." I said. I began walking away smiling to myself today was very useful. I met a nice lady who isn't ugly, holds some of the same values as me and is looking to be a healer. Learned a bit about the game. Had a nice walk and got a friend.

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