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(PP-F3) Ice To Meet You <<Avalanche>> [Ebony] COMPLETE!

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Quest Info:





This quest takes place on Floor 4
This quest is repeatable

This RP will not count in the benchmark



Word from the Information Brokers speaks of a hidden respawning Field Boss on Floor 4. A small party reported having farmed the <<Ice Elementals>> found throughout the Tundra awakened a hidden Field Boss in the form of a giant <<Ice Elemental>>. This monster, identified as <<Avalanche>>, proved to be a dangerous opponent for the relatively low leveled party, and dropped a powerful Alchemical Concotion.



-At least two [2] pages of Rp  (21 or more posts)

-Avalanche must be defeated

-Maximum Party Size of 3

-Repeat completions will only yield <<Snowfrost>>


Avalanche Information:

 <Avalanche> is a respawning Field Boss and has the following statistics:
HP: 100
Damage per Attack: 24


  1. <<Snowfrost>> This incredibly potent alchemical salve can be applied to a piece of armor, increasing resistance to Fire Damage for one battle. [The wearer will only take half damage from the burning damage over time effect]
  2. 3 Skill Points


Parties or Groups of low level players are allowed
Recommended Level: 12



Manta exited her shop, switching the sign around to say closed. She locked the door and tuned around to leave, only to see the girl with the black hair she had met a few days earlier. Of course, met was a relative term, the girl had challenged her to a duel, and Manta had blasted her out of her shop before the other girl had a chance to do anything. Maybe she was back for a rematch? Manta certainly hoped not. She didn't enjoy beating low level players. She smiled and gave a little friendly wave. "Hello. What are you doing?" She asked, hoping that it wouldn't be another request for a duel. Not enough time had passed for the girl to have leveled up enough to stand a chance against her. Manta wasn't being arrogant, it was only a fact.

Edited by Manta Gaul
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Ebony looked up at Manta. She had been lost in thought, strategizing about how to become the strongest possible. She remembered why she was there, and ran one of her hands through her hair. There was something that Ebony needed help with, a quest boss. It was way above her level, but she needed the skill points to upgrade her first aid skill. "Umm, Hi. I was just wondering if I could ask you for a favor." She paused, debating whether or not she should even ask before deciding that she had to. "Can you help me with a quest boss on floor four please? Im a support character, so I can heal you while you fight." Ebony explained. "And im Ebony by the way. I dont think I introduced myself last time."

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Manta's smile grew a bit broader at hearing Ebony's reason for standing there. She was always up for helping other players. Odds were good that the boss she was talking about was Avalanche, a boss Manta had beaten a while back with her friends. With the help of a support character she should have no problems. "Of course I can help out. I'm sure Koumori already mentioned me to you, but just in case he didn't, I'm Manta." She held out a hand for a handshake, her smile warm and kind. Manta enjoyed fighting, but more than that she enjoyed helping out other people, regardless of level. They were all stuck in this game together, and they needed to rely on one another to get through it alive.

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Ebony gave a sigh of relief. She had expected immediate refusal, but she'd gotten the opposite. After what had happened the last time Ebony thought that she had ruined her chances of getting any help from Manta whatsoever. "Thank you." Ebony mumbled. She motioned in the direction of the towns teleport. "You should probably lead the way. Your stronger and more experienced. If I get hit by anything I'll probably die immediately. Ill hang back, you attract it's attention, and I'l heal you when you need it." Ebony said as they walked, explaining the strategy she had in mind.

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Manta pulled up her HUD, equipping her combat gear. She equipped her pendant and her breastplate, and now she was ready to go. She already had her sword equipped, so she didn't need to do anything with that. "It's no problem. I enjoy fighting, and it would be my pleasure to help you out. There aren't enough support characters as it is." The front lines would probably need healers sooner rather than later. Ebony asked her to lead the way, so she did, listening while Ebony explained their strategy for fighting the boss. "Sounds like a solid plan." Manta said before stepping into the teleport and calling out 'Snowfrost Town'.

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Ebony had thought that her plan was pretty solid as well. She had always been good at strategizing, and instead of coming up with something complicated she'd decided to go with something simple instead. Manta attracted the attention and dealt damage while Ebony healed her as best she could. Ebony stepped into the portal after Ebony and called out Snowfrost Town as well. In a couple of moments she appeared in the teleport area of Snowfrost town. She glanced around for a few moments before her eyes landed on Manta. She jogged off in the direction that the boss would be, waving her hand at Manta to come on. 

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Manta wondered what had happened to her staying in the lead. Apparently Ebony no longer wanted it that way, so Manta sprinted to catch up before jogging and keeping pace with her. "I'll go into the spawning area first so it attacks me. You follow up after I attract it's attention. We don't want to risk it attacking you first." Manta called out as they rapidly exited the safe zone and headed for the area the boss battle would take place in. Manta unsheathed her sword in preparation, a serious look appearing on her face.

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Ebony nodded her assent and hung back as they approached the spawn area. She unsheathed her dagger and got out some of her medicine patches, the tools through which she used her first aid skill. Ebony stood outside of the zone and watched as Manta stepped in, a serious expression on her face and her sword unsheathed. Ebony prepared to activate her first aid skill as soon as the boss appeared an attacked. She didn't know about Manta's fighting style, but for some reason felt as though she was a tank build.

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Manta felt the ground shake a bit as the boss spawned in front of her, rising out of the snow to tower over her. She leapt to the side, easily dodging it's fist as it slammed into the ground right where she'd just been. She charged forwards and swung her sword, missing by a hairs breadth. She gave a little smile, getting into the fight. It'd only just begun and she was already enjoying herself immensely. This was what she felt she was made for, soloing bosses. Having Ebony as a backup made her feel a bit better about fighting this boss solo, so she was free to unleash her most powerful and dangerous moves without fearing death.

ID# 37556 results:

Battle: 3 (+2)=5 Miss

Craft: 8

Loot: 20

MOB: 1 (-4)= -3 Miss

Edited by Manta Gaul
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Ebony watched as Manta easily dodged the boss. It looked like she had, once again, been wrong about Manta. She appeared to be some sort of evasion build, which led Ebony to believe that she probably was a high damage type too. Still, she knew not to judge Manta by appearances. The last two times she had tried she had been completely wrong. Still, it would only be a matter of time before Manta got a hit in and Ebony would get to see her true power. Ebony stayed out of the fight for the moment, until Manta got a hit in. She didn't want the boss turning it's attention towards her.

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Manta dodged the giant ice elementals next attack, slipping to the side. As it recovered, raising it's fist up to strike again, she activated her most powerful sword skill, <<Shooting Star>>. She sprinted forwards, her ivory blade glowing bright white. She leaped into the air and sliced into the bosses chest a single time. Manta preferred combo sword skills, but none of the ones she had yet could beat that single, devastating attack that she had just used. She landed back on the ground and twirled around, preparing to attack again.

DMG: 1 (base)+3 (enhancements)+4 (skill)=8   8x7= 56 DMG

ID# 37558 results:

Battle: 4 (+2)=6 Hit

Craft: 9

Loot: 4

MOB: 4 (-4)=0

Manta: 72/72  EN: 11/18 (-7)

Ebony: 20/20

Avalanche: 44/100 (-56)

Edited by Manta Gaul
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Ebony had expected Manta to do some crazy fifteen hit combo, but instead she just sliced her blade through the bosses chest. Manta must not be as powerful as she had originally thought. She sighed disappointingly and made her way into the bosses area, Manta having successfully drawn the bosses attention. She glanced up at the bosses health bar, expecting to see only a tiny fraction of it gone. She was convinced that Manta would need her help with this. Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open at seeing more than half of the bosses health gone. And only in a single hit as well! Ebony brought herself back to the fight at hand, paying attention to Manta's health bar. She didn't need healing yet, but if she did Ebony would charge in and give it to her. 

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Manta ran forwards again, her blade glowing white again as she prepared to attack with the same skill as before. Before she even knew what was happening the giant ice elementals fist slammed into her side, sending her flying a couple of feet. She manage to stay on her feet though, and immediately charged again, slicing deep into the bosses side, It burst into crystals, leaving Manta alive and only slightly hurt. "It was a good fight, dontcha think Ebony?" She called out, sheathing her sword and grinning over to her friend widely. She looked at her loot scree and smiled. An uncommon item, one that boosted the chance of healing in battle by a small amount. The perfect item for Ebony. She hit accept and took all of the loot she had gained and handed it to Ebony, both the potion she had gained, and the item.

ID# 37560 results:

Battle: 7 Hit 56 DMG

Craft: 8

Loot: 20  Uncommon Item(to be submitted for eval)

MOB: 10 (Crit Hit) 14 DMG

Manta: 58/72 (-14)

Ebony: 20/20

Avalanche: -12/100 (-56)  Deaded

Edited by Manta Gaul
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Ebony watched as Manta was smashed in the side by the elemental's fist. She rushed over to heal her, but before she could do anything Manta was already attacking again. Within moments Manta had sliced through the boss killing it. Manta then walked over to her and deposited all of the loot in her hands. One of the items was a potion, and the other was a beautiful ice blue crystal on a silver chain. "That was surprisingly easy. Thank you so much for all of your help. Would you maybe be up for helping me out with another boss in an hour or so? We can get some food or something first." She said excitedly. She didn't bother to heal Manta as her health had almost regenerated fully.

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Manta raised an eyebrow in surprise. She hadn't expected Ebony to get all friendly with her in such a short amount of time. Maybe she was in shock. Sure Ebony had asked her to help, but she hadn't been too friendly about it, just civil. She wasn't adverse to the change though. In fact it was quite nice. "All right. I know of a great place in Snowfrost Town, a café. We can talk about our plans for the next boss over some coffee and pancakes or something." She suggested, starting to walk back to Snowfrost Town. This felt like the beginning of something important. She didn't know if it was a good important or a bad important though.

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Ebony sheathed her dagger and followed Manta back towards Snowfrost Town. She felt like she had made an important ally, if not a friend. Ebony felt like she had a lot in common with Manta, even though their levels were so drastically different. Plus, Manta was a strong player, and Ebony needed strong allies if she was going to get through this game. "Thank you so much for your help with that boss. I really need the skill points to upgrade my healing skill." She said.

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Manta smiled back to Ebony. "It's really no problem. I try to help out as many players as possible. We are all in this together." She said, sharing her motives. "Plus, I like your attitude. You have a goal and your doing your best to achieve it, even if you have to ask for help." Manta kept walking until the two reached Snowfrost Town. Upon entering, Manta led the way towards the center of town, where the café she and Koumori had hung out at was located. "So tell me about this other boss." She stated as they entered the building, the bell above the door ringing. "And it's my treat, get what you'd like."

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It appeared that besides being a strong player, Manta was also a kind one too. It sounded as though her goal was to help everyone in the game get through alive. Ebony blushed at Manta saying that she liked Ebony's personality, but largely ignored it, not really having a response to it. Manta asked her about the boss, but Ebony waited until they were seated in the cafe to say anything. "It's some sort of sand shark, on the fifth floor. It swims through the sand and comes up underneath players to attack them. You've probably already fought it." Ebony paused as the waiter came over and asked what they'd like. "I'd like a coffee with cream and extra sugar." She ordered.

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Manta nodded, recognizing the boss's description right away. She had fought that one with her friend Koumori, and her fiancé Sousuke. Hopefully the two of them would be able to pull off what Manta and her friends had before. "I know the boss. It shouldn't be too much of a problem with you to support me." Manta said, appearing confident as she could. She glanced up at the waiter, waiting as Ebony made her order. When she was done, Manta piped up. "I'd like a plain black coffee." The waiter moved off to take care of their orders, and Manta looked back at Ebony. "We should be fine." She stated, hoping that that was true.

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Ebony nodded as Manta said that they would be able to take the boss. She certainly hoped so. The waiter came back with their drinks, and Ebony took a long sip of hers. "Ill heal you when you need it, if possible. Once again you'll have to take all of the damage from the enemy. Im not a high enough level to join the fight head on." She took another drink of her coffee. "Do you think after we finish our drinks we could go get it over with?" She asked. She was ready to get some more skill points. If all went well by the end of the next boss fight she would be able to upgrade her first aid skills.

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