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[SP-F1]Role-play Titles are Overrated

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Red smiled as he looked into the clouds. The temperature was perfect, the wind was the perfect setting for Red, and so was everything else. Today was the perfect day. In Red's mind. He picked up his light curved sword in his hand, then stood up. He was staring up at the clouds before, looking at the forms in the cloud. Red slashed the sword around a few times, then decided right now would be a good chance to get out and fight. He smiled as he ran, knowing how much adventure could be found in the death game, but you can't only think about the death. You have to think about the other things. The adventure. The excitement. The energy. The passion. The thrill. For once, Red wasn't scared. He was exited, full of passion, and all of the other things I just stated XD. Red took his sword and his pride and ran. For no  reason, at all, he just ran. Until he found a shiny looking stone. He wondered if it could be used to craft something....... He picked it up. The rock had small crystals on it that could be used to craft decorative items and weaponry, as well as armor. Maybe I could get good money off of this.....  The game sent him a message indication he had received a Shiny Stone, which was a crafting materiel. Red's first.




Red obtained (1) Shiny Stone


Loot roll:



Required LD Result: [15-20]

Actual LD: [17]

Loot Dice ID: [37555]

Success? [Yes]



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Red continued to walk around, until he was stopped by a boar, that was glaring at Ace with it's deep red eyes. Red looked into his inventory and found a blade he had got from a player, as well as a bit of heavy armor he had recieved from a player. The heavy items weren't exactly his style, but for now it was needed to keep him safe. He equipped the armor, and then turned to look at the boar. The heavy armor was huge, and of course, a bit heavy, but not as heavy as the name "heavy armor" implied. Red ran down through his list of Sword Skills, this would be his first time using one as well as the first time he had killed a mob. 

Red found a nice one, actually the only one Red could use. Reaver. Red ran at the boar, going with a vertical slash. The blade, named Cupid's Arrow, sliced down from the top right into the bottom left with green light. But as Red looked at the boar, the blade attack had not infact hit, and the boar was staring at him with huge wide red eyes. instantly, Red went into panic mode and began to run, even in the huge bulky heavy armor he was wearing. The boar gave chase, and would've quickly caught up if it weren't for the tree. The boar hit right smack dab into the tree. Red tried to hold back a little laugh, or a giggle.

Move Summary-Turn 1



[Encounter]: Wild Boar Appeared

[Ace9]: Attacks with Reaver, a 1x1 Sword Art. Deals 0 Damage, misses, loss of 2 energy.

[Boar] Attacks with Ram. Critically fails, deals 0 Damage.

[Game Alert]: Ace9 Recovers 1 Energy.


Red: 4/4, 1 Energy

Boar: 4/4



38174 2 5 15 1 Ace9(Red) Msg_hover2.png 2015-11-11 05:21:22


(OOC: Not finished with this post)


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The hit had missed. The first hit Red had ever attempted in the game of SAO was a miss. That was a great start for Red, lol. Red held his Cupid's Arrow in his left hand, which, according to the item's description, had been received in a event boss fight against Cupid. But it was not Red's officially. Some player had given all of their items to him and then walked off. It was kind of... Awkward. And then his shield, Aegis, had came from another player, as well as his Tier 3 Armor, coming from that same other player. He also had recieved a bit of health potions and stuff, But he sold them to people in need for the floor 12 boss fight. But the players fighting that boss.... They weren't too far ahead, were they??? Red could get up there. he could. He knew it, deep within his fiery heart.  Red attempted another Reaver sword skill, and the sword glew bright green again. but this time, the hit actually made it's mark, and the boar turned into millions of beautiful crystals. "YES! I did it! I killed my first mob!" After cheering for like, forever, Red finally calmed down enough to view the loot screen. Red recieved a boar tusk. With that, Red continued walking.


38296 10 6 6 4 Ace9(Red) Msg_hover2.png 2015-11-11 19:06:40


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Red walked away, towards a more leafy area of the plains. As you walked more into the more leafier area, it soon became an even more leafier one. Then it had so much plants and vegetation growing that it was a forest. But there was nothing wrong whatsoever with forests, just the fact that they are spooky sometimes, especially when you decide to go in All Alone. Red kinda started to wish he had brought someone with him, but no. He knew he had to be brave. As Red looked around at the plants, he stopped by one that had some seemingly valuable thing inside. Red pulled out the plant, to see what was in it. But as Red turned the flower around, there was bugs sitting on the inside of the flower and ants climbing up and down like crazy, in panic. Immediatly(out of panic too) Red through down the flower. It was no good. Then Red continued walking. 



ID Battle Craft Loot MOB Character   Time
38312 4 1 2 6 Ace9(Red)   2015-11-11 19:48:18


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Red continued to walk through the forest, examining each little plant for any sign of a material that could be kept. There were plenty materials there to be found, but it must've been that Red wasn't looking in the right spots. He continued to look through the plants,  but without much luck. But Red would not give up. Even though he already had twenty-five materials, he still needed to keep collecting. As Red continued to look, he would not stop. Soon enough, he examined a different flower. This flower seemed to have some sort of sparkle inside of it, something that made it different from all the rest. I wonder, could this have some sort of material or secret in it??? Red picked it up and began examining it. But once again, this plant was crawling with ants and bugs. I should probably go somewhere else to look... Red walked far out into the distance, and just kept walking, until he came across a fishing pond.


ID Battle Craft Loot MOB Character Post Link Time
38360 8 5 9 3 Ace9(Red) Msg_hover2.png 2015-11-12 05:51:29
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Red just kept walking until he saw another flower. He hoped this one wasn't bug infested, but, he could not tell from looking at it that way. He picked it up, hoping nothing decided to crawl up him, and then pulled the leaves open a bit. Could this one actually be the valuable flower I've been looking for???? YAY!!!!!  Red examined the flower more closely, hoping it would actually have any worth to him. But nope. It was not as bad as last time though. This flower was not crawling with bugs, it just molded on the inside and it only showed a bit on the outside. Not much better than the bugs Red had been seeing. He threw the flower down and continued searching.



ID Battle Craft Loot MOB Character Post Link Time
38455 7 12 9 2 Ace9(Red) Msg_hover2.png 2015-11-12 20:48:56
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Red continued looking around at the flowers until he saw a beautiful pink and purple one, and when Red searched his material book he found it could be used in making a killer herbal tea. So he tried with this flower too. He carefully pulled it out of the ground, and began to examine this flower as well. But this time, the flower made a congratulations screen pop up right into Red's face, and he had recieved the material. Maybe Red could be a cook???? That didn't sound half that bad of an idea.


+1 Material



ID Battle Craft Loot MOB Character Post Link Time
38457 5 7 15 2 Ace9(Red) Msg_hover2.png 2015-11-12 20:52:54


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Red turned his attention to the fishing pond again as he walked down towards it. There was no one here. Just Red and a few fish jumping up into the air really awkwardly in the lake. Red turned around, but then continued to walk forward. There is nothing here, Red. Stop being such a baby. But if there was nothing and nobody here, then why would there have been such a clearly defined path leading here??? Maybe it was just a path fishermen take 247 to find the lake, but either way, it made no difference if the path was there or not. Could've just been a thing programmed into the game for no reason. But soon, out of the trees Red could here a rustling. Red decided he would search for another flower, then book it. Soon enough he found a flower, and then he looked at it to see if it was molded or not. But the flower was molded again, and then Red threw it down and booked it, away from the rustling in the trees.



Fail, no material.

ID Battle Craft Loot MOB Character Post Link Time
38885 9 11 13 2 Ace9(Red) Msg_hover2.png 2015-11-15 13:11:56
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