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(PP-F4) That's Cold. <<Avalanche>> (Manta, Ace9) COMPLETE!

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This quest takes place on Floor 4
This quest is repeatable

This RP will not count in the benchmark



Word from the Information Brokers speaks of a hidden respawning Field Boss on Floor 4. A small party reported having farmed the <<Ice Elementals>> found throughout the Tundra awakened a hidden Field Boss in the form of a giant <<Ice Elemental>>. This monster, identified as <<Avalanche>>, proved to be a dangerous opponent for the relatively low leveled party, and dropped a powerful Alchemical Concotion.



-At least two [2] pages of Rp  (21 or more posts)

-Avalanche must be defeated

-Maximum Party Size of 3

-Repeat completions will only yield <<Snowfrost>>


Avalanche Information:

 <Avalanche> is a respawning Field Boss and has the following statistics:
HP: 100
Damage per Attack: 24


  1. <<Snowfrost>> This incredibly potent alchemical salve can be applied to a piece of armor, increasing resistance to Fire Damage for one battle. [The wearer will only take half damage from the burning damage over time effect]
  2. 3 Skill Points


Parties or Groups of low level players are allowed
Recommended Level: 12

Edited by Ebony
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Ebony waited around the exit to Snowfrost Town, looking around, both for Manta, and the player they were supposed to help out. She had her new armor equipped, it was heavy armor, but it only covered her left arm up to the shoulder. It was a dark black, with a rose emblem on the forearm. It looked incredibly strong and imposing, like something a front liner might wear. She also had a black wooden rose in her hair, made from ebony wood, as well as her dagger, a blood flecked black stiletto. She had become incredibly strong in the past days, and she couldn't wait to show off to Manta.



1 Paralyze

14 MIT

3 Combat Craft

2 Base Damage

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Manta walked up behind Ebony, pausing a few feet away. Was that really Ebony? The person she was looking at certainly had Ebony's slim figure and long black hair, but they also had what looked to be some pretty powerful armor. Nope, it was definitely Ebony. She walked around to Ebony's front and waved high. The dagger and the rose in her hair confirmed it. "Hey Ebony! I'm going to assume the other person isn't here yet?" She asked, giving Ebony an impromptu hug.



1 Recovery


Charge (1)

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Red arrived in Snowfrost town. He was there for two reasons. 1 reason was to do a quest with two higher leveled female players, a DPS damage dealer and a support healer,  to help me get SP for being a tank, and number two reason was to cool down a bit. The heavy armor he wore was very.... warm, let's just say. Warm and heavy. Red began to look around Snowfrost for the two girls who were wanting to do the quest with him, but at the same time he had the quest pulled up on his HUD.It would normally  have been too hard for Red to accomplish and even fight in the battle with the boss, but the support healer, Ebony, had told him he could sit out this one, and then receive the reward anyways. Seemed logical, and a fast and quick way to level. But Red only wished he could help them....


Manta Gual was a DPS dealer. She was the primary one who would be attacking. Ebony was a support healer. She could be healing Manta as she fought. Then all they need is a tank, which could be Red, if only he was a higher level........... Red continued to read down on the quest, finding the Snowfrost Potion, which could be good for tanks, and then the three skill points that could be a reward to help rank up mitigation and shield skills, as well as hate skills.  The skills that will make him a tank, a real one. A relliable one, unlike the one he was gonna be in this mission, the one that sat out.


Red continued to look for them, until he spotted out two female players discussing something. In his head, out of nowhere, Red knew for sure it was Ebony and Manta. casually, Red walked up, but then he saw how pretty one of the girls was........ "Are... .Are you guys Manta and Ebony???" Red cleared his throat. "I'm ready to go on the quest!"




5 Base Damage

9 Mitigation

2 Paralyze


Edited by Ace9
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Ebony looked up at the newcomer. "I would assume that this is Red. Heyo, I'll be your support for today." She said smiling. Ebony always felt a bit evil when she met new people. She was always giving away col and items, to gain peoples trust and loyalty. It wasn't really evil though, as she wasn't planning to turn on those people. She was just making allies wherever she could. "This is Manta." She motioned to the white haired young woman next to her. "And I'm ready to go on the quest too. Repeating quests doesnt get you much SP, but I always enjoy helping out other players. Thats why I became a healer and not a DPS." She explained. Of course, that statement was only half true. She liked helping other people out because it made them indebted to her.

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Manta waved to Red, smiling. "Yup. Like Ebony here said, I'm Manta." She introduced herself to confirm what Ebony had said. She listened as Ebony introduced herself as the type of person that sacrificed everything just to help others. Manta had heard the whole thing before, but it did ring with truth, even though Ebony had once told her why she was always so helpful. Manta couldn't help wondering if Ebony actually liked to help people out and just didn't want to admit it to herself. Manta waited for her to finish before unsheathing her ivory blade and holding it at her side. "There's no rush to defeat the boss, but if you two are that eager, lets get on our way." She said.

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Red was fine with that. But Red did not want to die here.... He thought back to the stats of the monster he had seen on the description of the quest.



<Avalanche> is a respawning Field Boss and has the following statistics:
HP: 100
Damage per Attack: 24

Man....This thing has like 25x the HP I have.... And it's damage would cut right through my mitigation and kill me, if I attempted to fight, much as well if I tried to tank.....That sucks...... Maybe, if Ebony and Manta are able to hang on to the monsters attention, I could land a hit or so...... Or not. Either or. But I can't let them see how weak I am. I will fight if I see an opening, and just keep going from there. I need to do this quest so I can get some SP and become a better tank. 


"Okay! Sure! Let's go!" Red started to walk off in some direction, he was not exactly sure which, but then turned around. "Ummm..... Which way do we go???" Red stared at Manta for a moment, then looked towards Ebony... Her hair.... It was beautiful. She also had some sort of cute item in her hair, and when Red examined a bit closer, it seemed it was a piece of Ebony wood. Well no duh ebony is her favorite type of wood. It matches her name!!!! But as Red continued to look at her, the more he thought she was just amazing. "So... Ummm... Which way????" Red saw he was staring at Ebony and quickly turned away, making it rather awkward. But really, Ebony was one of the prettiest things Red had ever seen. Red scanned the surroundings around them. There weren't very many players in site. There was an NPC sitting in front of a stand, a player group of five players, and another group of three players hanging out, and then there was Manta, Ebony, and Red. The three weirdest but most perfect combination ever, was what it would be someday..... someday, maybe..................



(OOC: Manta, you might want to edit your profile. It has you down as a male!!! XD )

Edited by Ace9
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Ebony smiled at Red. He seemed to have a fascination with the wooden rose in her hair. It certainly was beautiful craftsmanship. She would know as she had made it herself. "The boss's spawn point isn't too far from here. I know from experience that Manta wont need my help, but I'll attempt to tank anyway. I dont know your level situation, so I'll do my best to stay between you and the boss." She said to him. She didn't want to assume that he was a low level, but that was the safest way to go. 

She unsheathed her dagger with her un-armored hand as they approached the bosses spawn point. Ebony no longer felt like she needed to be cautious, what with her having completed the quest before. She stepped out into the feild, and the boss immediately spawned, shooting up out of the ground in front of her and swinging a large icy fist at her. She got her armored arm up in front of her, blocking a good portion of the damage, but was pushed back in the snow a bit. Hopefully Manta had taken the opportunity to do some damage.

 ID# 38436 results:

 Battle: 3 

 Craft: 6

 Loot: 10

 MOB: 8 Hit (24 DMG- 14 MIT= 10 DMG

Ebony: 54/64 (-10)

Manta: 84/84

Ace9: 4/4

Avalanche: 100/100

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Manta followed behind Ebony, content to let her take the lead. They reached the spawning area quickly, and Manta jumped with surprise at the sudden spawning of the boss. Ebony got slammed with a fist, but appeared to be, for the most part, fine. Manta ginned and held her rapier out at her side, the blade glowing bright orange as she activated her sword skill, <<Penetrate>>. She leapt up into the air, her acrobatics skill allowing her to jump high enough to be able to reach the giant elemental's face. She unleashed her skill, her blade stabbing forwards four time in rapid succession, lowering the bosses health down into the red. She pushed off of the giants face with a foot and did a backflip, landing on her feet a safe distance away from the wailing giant. 

ID# 38437 results:

Battle: 5 (+2)=7 Hit! (8(base)+1 (charge)=9 x 8= 72 DMG)

Craft: 6

Loot: 20

MOB: 9 (-4) Miss

Ebony: 54/64

Manta: 84/84 EN: 13/21  Hate: 1

Ace9: 4/4

Avalanche: 28/100 (-72)

Edited by Manta Gaul
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Red stood behind with his sword at the ready for if the field boss decided to go after him. But he simply had his mouth and jaw wide open, gaping, as he witnessed Manta's beautiful sword art going. The three hits. They were just three, but they were huge. Light sparks of light shown as Manta hit her colored shining sword on the enemy, dealing tons of damage as Red just stared in awe. Made Red wonder what other front liners could do, and if Manta was/is a front-liner!!!! But anyways, if Manta was able to land another hit, Red was pretty sure the monster would be defeated. Then Red decided he would jut sit on the side and cheer on Manta and Ebony, instead of wasting his own life for no reason. Because Red knew that if he got hit, it would be instant kill for him. But that was not true for Ebony or Manta. Ebony had taken a huge hit from <<Avalanche>>. But yet, it did not seem to deplete her HP all that much. And Red would die if he got hit. What type of a tank was he???? Not a real one, at least. Not one that could absorb any damage without dying. "Common, Manta! Common, Ebony! Get em'!"


(OOC;Trying to post quickly, posts aren't gonna be as long as normal)

Edited by Ace9
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Ebony was starting to wish that she could heal herself. Although Avalanche hadnt done too much damage, her health bar had been depleted almost a fifth of the way. It was only thanks to her new mitigation that she wasn't already in the yellow. It looked like Manta was all set to finish the creature off, and Ebony had such low attack values that she doubted that she should even bother attempting an attack. So she didn't, and pulled out one of her medicine patches instead, on the off chance that Manta somehow got hit. She glanced over at Red and smiled, he seemed to have taken on a position as a cheerleader. That put her in an even better mood. She had been in the same position that Red was in now, just a week ago.

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Manta crouched down low to the ground in order to get more traction, the sounds of Ace's cheering in the background. She stared at the elemental, before sprinting forwards again, her blade slashing another four times in the air as her strikes penetrated the leg of the boss. The boss stood there for a few moments, before bursting into blue an green crystals. A loot screen popped up in front of Manta, and she hit accept, materializing the potion in her hands and holding it out in Ace's direction. "Your quest, your loot." She said. He reminded her a bit of Ebony when the two of them had first gone on this quest.

ID# 38442 results:

Battle: 6 (+2)=8 Hit

Loot: 6

MOB: 6 (-4)=2 Miss

Ebony: 54/64

Manta: 84/84 EN: 6/21 (-8+1)  Hate: 2

Ace9: 4/4

Avalanche: -36/100 (-64) Deaded

Edited by Manta Gaul
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Red held the potion in his hands and read the description carefully. This incredibly potent alchemical salve can be applied to a piece of armor, increasing resistance to Fire Damage for one battle. [The wearer will only take half damage from the burning damage over time effect]. It seemed like an okay potion for a tank to have, resistance to fire damage, but not the best. But Red looked back up at Manta, staring awkwardly again. "Th-Th-Thank you!!!!" Red tossed the potion around, fiddled with it a bit, and then put it into his inventory. His Battle Ready Inventory. "So, ummm.... Do you two mind if I add you to my friends??? I want to be able to find you guys again, and fight again with you two.... When I'm stronger.... So...... What do you say???" Red sent a friend request. "So what are you girls up to next??? MInd if we do some more quests together???? I would prefer we not do <<The Wasp Queen>> quest yet, I want to save that so I can prove myself once i become a better tank.... But do you guys want to do anymore quests with me???? It would mean a lot." And it really would mean a lot to Red if they did. Red slashed his Cupid's Arrow around for a bit, then started to speak again. "We could always do any of the quests listed, any of them that are easy enough... Even like the ones that grant items I don't even need, like for instance, Worn out Welcome and The Secret Medicine of the Forest. I do need to get Earning a Living done, if you two want to tag along...."

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Ebony clapped as Manta finished off the boss with little to no effort. They had both done this quest before, but Ebony got the feeling that Manta had done it quite a few times before. Ebony watched Ace toss his potion around for a bit before storing it in his inventory, wondering it tossing potions around somehow made them more effective. If so, it didn't say anything of the sort in the manuals, and it should be added immediately. 

"I'm up for more quests. I'm trying to get as many skill points as I can and quests are great ways to do that." At the rate she was going she would be one of the best supports in the game. After having me Zandra, she no longer felt as though she was the best. Still, that only gave her the motivation she needed to get even better and to surpass the other healer. "I't up to you, pick a quest and send me a message or something." She said, tapping the accept button on the friend request.

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Manta gave a mock bow to Ebony before turning back to face Ace. She tapped the accept button on his friend request before speaking up. "I have a couple of things that I need to do, so I wont be available to do quests for a day or two." She informed him. She had the boss fight coming up and she had to make sure that she had potions and that her equipment was all in order. There was no room for mistakes in a floor boss battle, even if Tristan was likely to take all of the damage, and Zelrius was probably going to one hit kill the boss. She sheathed her rapier quietly. She still needed to have that talk with Sousuke, but she hadn't been hearing from him lately.

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Red then looked to Ebony, the cute one of the two with the cute charm in her hair. "Wanna walk back to town with me??? It feels nice hanging with you, and I don't want to be attacked on this high of a floor, so....."  Red made some kind of excuse to hang with the cute girl named Ebony. "So, Ebony, tell me more about yourself. What's it like, being a healer???? Is there a lot of skills for support??? Too little? In the beginning, you know, I thought of becoming a support. But then due to the lack of skills in the support area, I decided I wanted to be a tank instead. There is only like one tank on the front lines, and I feel they need me up there. I don't know how much they need a support, but it never killed anyone to have an extra one up there!!!! Maybe we could be on the frontlines someday....." But then Red realized maybe she didn't want to be on the front lines. "Only if you wanted to though.... See, that's where I wanna be someday. I wanna be at the top at some point. Don't you???? I stay up to date on this type of thing. I know the top people's names and unique skills and stuff. I know I can be up there someday."





(OOC: My way of saying we still need four more posts XD)

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Ebony listened to the boy, nodding an affirmative as he asked if she'd walk him back to the town, completely glossing over what he'd said about enjoying hanging out with her. Of course he would, she was awesome! "Healer is a complicated build. And it almost always turns into a hybrid of some kind. The reason for that is the answer to your question about skills. There is only one healer skill, that we know of at the moment, called first aid. So once you get to a good level in that you have to decide between damage and mitigation. I chose mitigation, so im a little bit like a tank. I have an armor skill, and a shield on the way." She paused and started walking back towards the town before resuming their conversation. "I dont think they really need supports up there, but it's not just about the front liners, it's about everyone. And as a healer you get certain perks. Thats the cool thing. I like to call the healer the 'social' class. By healing people and supporting them in other ways, the healer gets a lot of allies, which makes up for it's weaker than normal mitigation or attack." She smiled happily. It was perfect for her. The only thing she didn't like was how competitive the build was becoming. She no longer had time to hang out or have much fun, except when heading back from quests and the like.

"Dont worry about it. I'm heading for the front lines as well. But are you sure you really know about the front lines? There are two people that serve as tanks, both friends of mine. That would be Tristan, and a guy named Calrex. Those guys are both way overpowered, and it's my goal to eventually catch up to them." She exclaimed.

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Manta almost immediately understood what was going on with Ace an Ebony. Just as she expected though, Ebony didn't catch on at all. That was probably for the best, as Manta didn't think Ace was really Ebony's type. He seemed like a nice guy, but she knew how Ebony could be and was certain that his rejection would be swift and maybe even a bit thoughtless. Still, it wasn't Manta's decision to make, so she started to walk a bit further out into the fields. "You two have fun. I'm going to attempt to get a few materials before coming back in. Don't worry about me." She called back to them, before hearing Ebony say something about being friends with Tristan and a guy named Calrex. She knew Tristan,  he was a great guy, but she had never met whoever this Calrex person. Maybe she would research him and see if he was up to a quest or something?

She continued to walk further away from Snowfrost Town. She would let Ebony talk the boys ear off without any interference from her. If there was anything that Ebony enjoyed talking about, it was her class and how awesome she was. Manta smiled, wondering how things might be different if the two of them hadn't met.

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Red knew the name Tristan. Tristan Delaney. The guy he wanted to fight beside on the front lines someday. But the other guy..... Calrex was his name...... Red had not heard much of him.... But he knew he recognized the name from somewhere... On one of the news things of SAO..... Hey, but that didn't matter at the time. Red turned his attention back to the girl, shaking his head really fast. Clearing the thoughts. "So, ummm, where'd you found the Ebony charm you have in your hair??? It is really pretty." red began to look around, to see if there were any mobs approaching the two of them. Red saw the type of look Manta had given him. She obviously saw what  Red was doing, and sent him a little message through the way her look was. It ain't gonna work. But the problem is, Red didn't exactly care if it worked or not. Red still wanted to be her tank, and to be her friend, and to go on quests with her. That was what he wanted... All that he wanted was that. and that was it. Pretty soon Snowfrost town came into view and Red has happy to see it. He was running out of things to ask Ebony. "So, what quest should we do next????" The smile Red had on his face was huge.



(OOC:Quick post, in school)

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Ebony reached up and felt the charm in her hair, smiling a bit. "Thank you. I crafted it myself, it helps with my healing. It's made from ebony by the way. Strong, flexible, and beautiful." She said, making it unclear whether she was talking about the type of wood or herself. Ebony saw him looking around and glanced around as well, wondering what he was looking for. Right, he was a low level, so he was probably worried about mobs. He didn't need to be afraid though, she would keep him safe. Still, she was glad when Snowfrost came into view. "How about <<Worn Out Welcome>>?" She suggested. It was a relatively low level quest, but one that she hadn't yet completed so they would both earn the skill point rewards.

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