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[F4-PP] <<The Essence of Steel>> (Zelrius)

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Rumors have been happening everywhere. She really did not look forward to coming back to this floor again, but she would have to and she might have to contact her guild commandant in order to have him help her with the quest. Knowing the man, she anticipated him to be in a bad attitude but she knew that the man would definitely help her out as he was indeed a caring man even though he has quite a bad attitude, especially against low leveled players such as she. Shizuka had accepted the quest after hearing the most recent rumors of the fourth floor. She had heard that a mysterious beast skull was seen north of the frozen wastelands. Apparently, she would have to strike the skull with a sword in order to awaken the actual boss itself which she thought was completely and absolutely obnoxious and stupid. With a sigh, she decided that she would have to contact Zelrius despite her unwillingness as the boss was said to be just as strong as a floor boss. She didn't know if that was an exaggeration or not.... And she didn't know if someone like Zelrius would be able to one shot the mob even with his amazing powers.

Shizuka opened up her menu before clicking several buttons and soon, she sent the friend request out for Zelrius, the blonde Azure Commandant, known as the best damage dealer in the game. Indeed, he was very powerful, but the thing is, he knew that he was very powerful and hence, his stubborness and attitude as a result of that can be truly annoying for those that quests with him, and this does include her. However, she knew that she would have to wear a face of happiness and smiles for the man or else he would be able to sense that something was wrong. Her recent findings that there were at least two supports better than her and the fact that she had missed a boss fight and the her best chance of finding a unique for herself really didn't help either.

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The boy appeared admist the snow and grey clouds of the Fourth Floor. Winter Wonderland again... he thought to himself, in his ever present state of hate for this floor. It seemed that no matter how much Zelrius loathed and resented this floor, he found himself appearing at the podium in Snowfrost town for whatever reasons. Generally, that reason came out to be helping out low levels, but occasionally it was for his own gain too. And just once it was for Kiru. Today, however, was one the few occasions where it was for several reasons. He would helping a low level, getting a support more SP, helping his guild, and getting the SP from the quest on his own too. Wandering a little bit through the snow, Zelrius found himself standing not too far from the pink haired support. Within moments, his face went from the nonchalant bored expression to arrogance almost instantly. His grin expanded, and his creases of thought visibly relaxed.  As always, Zelrius meandered around Aincrad, a sheath being bound to each side of his lower body, and a cloak covering most of his frame. Running a gloved hand through his blonde hair, the boy exposed his Tuxedo, the clothes he always wore no matter the situation. 

Simply looking at her, his eyes not sharing the same arrogance the rest of his face expressed, the boy spoke in his elegant tone. "Lady Shizuka, I am disappointed in your absence for the God of the Swamp floor boss. Though, truth be told, it was my fault for relying on a Low level to actually do something worthwhile." He had clearly meant to insult her, the final sentence having a bit of a sting to it. Giving a sigh he continued, "I hope you remedy that soon, Brigadier. You're part of Azure now, start acting like it, or get out." Aye, it was true the Golden haired Commandant was in a bad mood today, for varying reasons, of which we will not go into super great detail about right this moment. "Let's get a move on this quest so that you can prehaps do something productive with all the help the Commandants have given you." At this moment, there was no one else around, and so Zelrius didn't feel the need to hide his discontent with a certain pink haired Brigadier.

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Shizuka clutched her teeth tightly. Of course, she had been hurt deeply by the commandants tone. She did expect him to act like this upon his arrival, however, she had not expected him to be so straight forward and so insulting. She held back her tears as far as she could and indeed, she was somehow able to prevent herself from crying after the hurt that she had been inflicted upon the past few days. Her eyes staring right at Zelrius... she wanted to say something back to the commandant that would insult him, but she knew that if she did, her chances of remaining in the guild would become even dimmer than it was already. She needed to be strong, strong so that blonde tuxedo man would not see through her and her weaknesses. Indeed, she had to think that she and Zelrius were the same level, there was no difference. This would be how she overcame the intimidation. 

Shizuka stared directly at the pale face that was owned by Zelrius as he allowed silence for his words to sink in. Soon, Shizuka decided that the silence was enough. with a sigh, she said with a tone that she tried to fake out determination even though she was lacking that at the moment and she really disliked that. No matter, she would focus on this boss and clear the quest to relieve her of some of the depression which she now faces. With a look of defiance, she said, "I apologize for my absense in that boss fight and I'm sure that the players didn't even need my help. However, that can be discussed in another time. For now, we should head out so we can kill the boss with haste and speed. I'm sure that is somewhere important you need to attend to."

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Zelrius only gazed back at the girl as she looked at him. For a moment, the boy actually felt bad for saying what he did. Only for a moment though. Despite his words prehaps being overly direct and harmful, all of them were true. She was a low level, and they often produced little results. However, she was in Azure, and though Ssendom and Tristan seemed to accept her enough, Zelrius was simply being harsh on the account that he cannot believe he was outvoted on bringing her in. The Golden haired Commandant had higher expectations for that reason, and she had yet to produce anywhere near the needed results. Still, even past the arrogant facade, the boy felt that he needed to ease up a little, even if she didn't show any emotion toward the words. Not visibly to Zelrius, anyway. Lifting his foot to wipe some snow off of his black dress shoes, The boy was beginning to feel a bit uncomfortable with their bout of silence.

When she finally did speak, Zelrius was expecting a lash back at him. Often times players got extremely defensive in the face of insult or belittlement. What came out was the half-expected rather. An apology and then a quick dismissal of the subject. Though he was half way expecting apology, the quick dismissal was amongst those that slipped his mind. Giving a slight chuckle to shake his overthinking of the situation, Zelrius spoke up once more. "You're right, I have a nice cushy Inn room on the Eleventh Floor all to myself to attend to." He gave her a grin and looked at her once more "I agree that we need to deal with boss in haste, but if you honestly want do so just so you can get the hell away from me, why didn't you do it with someone like Ssendom or Calrex?" It was true that he was the highest damage dealer in the game, but it didn't take his amount of strength to complete quests like this one, and he certainly wasn't the only option.

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Shizuka grimaced as the blonde commandant issued yet another quest on her. From Shizuka observations, the boy was hard to predict and very, very easy to criticize people. However, he was still the best damage dealer in the game.. a valuable player in the front lines and hence the others would have to deal with him even if he is disliked by many. Shizuka clutched her fist in resentment for the player but decided that it was not worth it. He had indeed worked for his position, and it was true that she had to work harder to become a reliable support player of the front lines. "The reason I chose you? I honestly do not know. Perhaps it's because I've already done a variety of quests with Calrex, and maybe I don't know Ssendom that well... That is why I picked you to accompany me for this quest... As I'm sure it won't take you much time since you would be able to one shot the boss with ease." Shizuka said, trailing off in the end, having thought that she had spoken too much for the commandant. Argh... I can't just go on like this. She thought, knowing that the man will use something she says against her.

"For now, let us proceed with the quest shall we?" Aye. It wasn't exactly a quest, it was more like a statement with a respectful tone. She knew that Zelrius was one to seek power, and respect equals power. Oh. Plus that sword of his is also power. She thought casually before starting to walk. It might take quite a while for Shizuka to arrive at the skull in which she would have to attack with a sword for the actual beast to arrive but that didn't matter... She had all the time in the world and Zelrius has all the power in the world. As Shizuka walked, she opened up her menu and soon sent out a party request for the blonde commandant to ensure that she would obtain the skill points and rewards when the man defeated the boss. 

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"You don't know?" He let out a huff of air, finding it both annoying and comical. "Of course you don't" He insulted in a tone of resentment just to add salt to the wound. It was true that he didn't trust her, but that was really the only reason he had seen so far to hate her as much as he did. Other than that, Zelrius saw her value as a support, and her potential as a low leveled player. She had the mindset of most of the other Frontliners, which is more of a compliment nowadays then it would have been a few months ago. Another huff of air, in the same two feelings: Annoyance and Humor. "You're right, this one will be just as easy as they all are. However, I am not your, or anyone's, b*tch. I am happy to help, but if I feel for a second you're just using me to your ends, I will kill you just as fast as any boss or other player." He crossed his arms across his chest, a hand resting on each handle of the swords. "And you're a smart person, I don't have to tell you just how quick that would be." And just like that, he had in fact used something she said against her, by now doing things like that was just second nature to him. It was clear in his creased brows and intently analytical, always moving eyes, that the Commandant was slowly losing trust in everyone, including his fellow Commandants. 

He was more than convinced that everyone was out to get something from him, and then be done. Whether that be Uniques, Help, or to kill him for the Dual blades skill, either out of Envy or Hatred for him. This was shown in his distance between himself and most others, including Shizuka at this moment. The space between the two was more than it needed to be, and he was always poised to make quick movements. "Yes, let us proceed as you wish, Shizuka." This time, the golden haired Commandant hadn't given her a title as Lady or Brigadier, his way of showing her that she had lost a bit more trust and respect with her last comments.

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"Using you? The strongest player in the game? I think you should trust your fellow players more, mister Zelrius. The whole point of this game is to beat it with the usage of teamwork. Of course, this means that players need to share a bond with each other or else we will never be able to beat this game. I am not going to persuade you of anything, but I shall share my opinions as I am in no position to tell you what to do, commandant." Shizuka said, trying to recover her bond with the Azure Brigade commandant as things were obviously not going well so far. Indeed, she had noticed the way Zelrius had said, "Shizuka" in his last sentence. The way he had said that name with no respect or friendliness. Also, he used no title for her during that comment like he usually did. Shizuka could sense that the man was untrusting of his fellow comrades and well, Shizuka didn't know what the life of a high leveled player was like so she was in no position to criticize the man. Either way, she will continue on with the quest and hopefully complete it so she can stray away and complete some of her crafts.

Soon, Shizuka walked and entered the area in which a skull was laying. Immediately, to avoid further conversation, she held out her starter sword and slashed away at the white object. Soon, the cave begun to rumble and the snow boss came immediately with fierceness. It was aiming to kill and just the sight of it was enough to make Shizuka nervous and clutchher sword in anxiousness. She knew that Zelrius could just ditch her at the moment and she really hoped that the powerful man would stay or that would definitely be the end of her. "Let's do this," Shizuka said simply. There was no point for any further unnecessary speech.

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"Share a Bond, Not use eachother. Trust my fellow players more, heh, what a joke. I would love to trust them more, but they have yet to give me any reason to trust them. All they are is jealousy, hate, insolence and insubordination." These words, even as Zelrius said them, were just off in his mind. It was true: the golden haired boy had a certain resentment for other players, but at the same time, he simply cared too much and was too kind in his own mind to let them fend for themselves. That being the main reason Zelrius even decided to come here and help Shizuka in the first place. She was a support, meaning if there was anyone who could help the frontlines, it was her. Furthermore, she was another player, another human, and in the boy's mind, no normal human deserved to be abandoned. Zelrius gazed at Shizuka, and for a moment, was reminded of his own time at her level. He was still considered a High level in that time and was still easily the strongest in existence. In his mind's eye, the boy visualized himself, wearing the same tuxedo that he always wore, wielding the sword of two flames in his left hand, his arrogant smile daring someone to make a wrong move. Oh, how things were so different, yet very much the same. It was during that time that Zelrius was still Commandant but wasn't quite Champion of Clash of Blades. That would come a little afterward.

The boy followed her along and stood just a tad bit back as she went forward to strike the skull. Drawing his two blades, Zelrius gave a heavy sigh, knowing just how quickly this would end. Reaching a hand through his inventory, Zelrius activated a Bloodrage Crystal and waited calmly for the Snow Beast to appear. Zelrius charged forth, and just as he had done with Avalanche and the Butcher of the Sands, destroyed it faster than it spawned in. Turning around, Zelrius sheathed both blades and closed the Congratulations window. "Great, one more thing to supplement my boredom."

ID 38956 BD 7+4 = 11 Hit MD 7-3 = 4 Miss

7+4 Fallen = 11+3 Bloodrage = 14+5 Charge = 19*27 = 513.

Zelrius 180/180

Shizuka 64/64

Snow Beast 0/250 DEAD

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During this time, Shizuka had not even thought about the battle. Indeed, having given a glimpse at the boss, she decided to just go ahead and not bother with it as Zelrius was beyond able to strike it down and kill it within one shot. However, she had a different thing on her mind. It seems as if the blonde boy was beyond bored with his life in Aincrad and perhaps Shizuka could bring his mood up and hopefully change his personality to a happier, friendlier person. Sure, Shizuka could get mocked all day by the commandant but she decided that it would probably be worth it. As the fight raged on and was soon defeated by Zelrius within a few seconds, Shizuka thought of an idea. She was rather sure that there was an ice skating area in the fourth floor. It was called... something... like Frostbite lake. Even though it was a lake, it was really never actually in liquid form. Indeed, it was more often in a solid form of matter as the temperature was way below freezing on most days, on others? It was just about freezing point. With a smile in gratitude, Shizuka began to speak after watching Zelrius click away the CONGRATULATIONS sign and speak of a smart comment. "You are bored? I know that you are a busy man... But how about we go to the Frostbite Lake for a bit of ice skating? I heard that it's rather relaxing and I'm sure that someone as busy as you would need the rest." Shizuka said, hoping that she wouldn't be mocked for coming up with the idea... However, she was ready to face the harsh words of Zelrius in case he did decide to attack her mentally. 

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(Short post, sorry not feeling muse lately)

Zelrius tabbed through a few things in his menu, reading messages sent to him by various other people, checking locations of the few people on his friends list and what not. It was whilst doing this, the boy stopped on Shizuka's own name in his menu. To this day, it was still a mystery to Zelrius when and where she got there, but there she was. Giving a sigh, the boy equipped his white and gold gloves, the hands of Midas, as to shield from the weather. Giving his full body another quick swipe with the side of his hands, Zelrius brushed all the snow off of him and down back to the rest of it. The boy let out another short huff of air before commenting back. "Of course I am bored-" He was cut short as her further words sunk in for a second. Offering me a little cut-back, pft, what a joke. Giving a sigh, the boy dropped the harsh tone and spoke in a flat one instead. For a second, Zelrius quirked an eyebrow at her, confused by her offer. "If I was busy, I wouldn't be bored. I apperciate your offer, and accept, Lady Shizuka. Prehaps a little relaxation is what I need. " He said, simply not showing any emotions to what she had said. Zelrius took a glance at his feet, covered by his black slacks and dress shoes, giving a tired sigh. "Only issue: I have no ice-skating shoes of my own. Only my fancy dress shoes. So I think I will just recline by the side of it or something to that sort. Lead the way, Brigadier." 

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Shizuka nodded. She was sure that there were ice skate loans going on there, but she wasn't sure. Either way, if Zelrius wanted to just stand by the side of the lake, she was perfectly fine. Honestly, she too was just trying to find something of interest for herself to do. Nevertheless, Shizuka soon walked out. Honestly, she didn't think anyone of Zelrius's comments today was actually directed positively towards her. Shizuka guessed that it didn't matter... He was probably more superior and Shizuka was not the type to criticize someone on their personality. Remember... All people have good in them. She thought with an inner smile directed at herself to try and keep her under control. Unlike any other players that Shizuka had met, Zelrius was no doubt the most interesting one out of all of them. His behaviors were impossible for Shizuka to take note, study, and observe. Whatever he did was completely unexpected. However, Shizuka knew that if she was happy and positive, maybe that would influence the blonde man. As Shizuka walked, she admired the scenery that was absolutely astonishing in the fourth floor. Indeed, snow piled up everywhere and this combined with the lights that were in many buildings did indeed combine to make a good mix. Shizuka sighed to see the fog that had appeared in front of her due to the cold temperature. Within a few minutes of silence, they were able to reach the ice rink and when Shizuka looked at the ice, she noticed that it was rather thin and skating on it would be quite dangerous. "Seems like the ice here is quite thin... Perhaps we shouldn't be skating out here in the fall season... Do you have any other place that we can go for a bit of amusement?" Shizuka asked.

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(8 More Posts, Jesus Christ)

Zelrius wandered by Shizuka, as they headed toward the Ice skating area. The boy remembered last year's event with the ice and how much fun everyone had, the recollection bringing a slight smile to his face. The boy took a glance at his time on his HUD, giving him the information of the day and month. Mid-November. Almost Thanksgiving back home... Zelrius dusted off his coat of snow, trying to do anything to forget about the outside world. The silence was burning away at the blonde Commandant, simply because he was a social person, however much he hid it. Talking and socializing was a thing he liked to do, but as time went on, Zelrius drew further and further away from those around him, distrust and resentment slowly growing like a plague. The boy looked up at the thin ice when Shizuka had mentioned it and he gave a sigh. "Figures," His voice full of boredom and clear annoyance, both for Shizuka and the thin ice. "Looks like we'll have to come back around Christmas time for this to be of any use to us. That is, unless you want the Frostbite ailment when slipping into the water. Reduced Stats and constant damage, No thanks."

Zelrius had asked him if he had anything in mind, and actually, a few places popped into his mind. "There are a few things I have in mind, but-" He stopped short, prepared to just tell her that he really wasn't interested in doing anything with her at all. Giving a long breath, Zelrius fought that impulse and decided to suggest things anyhow. "We could be boring and go hang out in the downstairs area of an Inn, though I don't particularly like that bit. You can up the "fun" a little bit and we can go see if any of my various acquaintances are at their respective shops, there's one more thing," The boy grinned, the last suggestion was not something he expected her to agree to, "Mack held a Pre-Boss fight relaxation party at the local Hot-springs, not too long ago. Chances are, no one is there given it seemed pretty abandoned when I was last there. People on the fourth floor are so blinded by this "Beautiful Wonderland" that they rarely go adventuring out on the floor."

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Shizuka had sensed the annoyance in the blonde commandant's tone, but she decided that she would it no thought. The man can have all the attitude he wants and it wouldn't affect Shizuka one bit. She was a positive person, always static with energy and willing to converse and help others in times of need. She was not going to let this bad attitude get through her mind. However, she was going to act positive and go with what Zelrius suggested. Indeed, she had thought that going to an inn and just hanging out was indeed a boring thing... At least we have something in common. Shizuka thought, considering the man's attitude and personality the opposite of her very own. Also, going to bother other people's shops and days were, in fact, not something that she wanted to do as it might disturb the people that they visit from their daily activities and professions. Finally, Zelrius stated that the hot springs were probably somewhere in which they can go... But... If it were to be abandoned... She didn't know if it was a very good choice. Nevertheless, Shizuka thought that if she didn't make a choice, the man would become even more pissed and angry with the attitude that he has. So Shizuka decided that she would go ahead and agree to head to the hot springs with the commandant. It would be nice to get warmed up. Shizuka thought with a sigh before saying, "Fine. I'll go to the hot springs. However, I'll only go if it is separate gender instead of mixed... I'd like to have my privacy."

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Zelrius nearly busted out laughing at her comment toward the Hot Springs idea. While she did accept against his expectations, she did have a requirement. "Fair enough," He began to respond "I am sure there are enough pools you can find your own spot." To be quite honest, the blonde Commandant wasn't the least bit interested in sharing a hot spring with this Brigadier anyhow, and accepted her condition gratefully, though he wouldn't admit it. "Here," He stopped to rifle through his menu and send Shizuka a Map Data sharing request. "All my map information for Floor 4. I haven't been to the far out edges, but have mostly everything explored to the Mountain Ranges that separate the Edge from the towns. The hot Springs should be easily locatable on your map, but nonetheless, just follow me." He began to trudge off through the snow each step making a quiet crunching noise as it dug through the snow and then was pulled back up through it. Zelrius himself wasn't entirely sure why he felt the need to go to the Springs, or even continue to be on this floor rather than run back up to Taft or Nimbus and find himself some peace and quiet. His blue eyes looked back and scanned Shizuka for a second before lifting an eyebrow. He quickly returned his gaze to in front of him, giving thought as to why it was Ssendom had recommended her.

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Soon, after a series of time in which she felt had been quite a while, they arrived at the hot springs. Honestly, she hadn't wanted to separate here as, well, she had kind of wanted to communicate more with the commandant and hopefully develop a better relationship than they were currently in with the blonde commandant. However, she guessed that this would do as she did need some rest and alone time as well. With a sigh, she looked around for the woman's area and soon found it. With a smile, she could already feel the warmth of the water bursting through her skin. "PM me if you need anything." Shizuka said, rather excited to jump into the hotsprings and relax there. 

Soon, after unequiping her clothes and armor plus her charms along with her sword, she hopped right into the hot springs and the warmth was beyond relaxing. Steam came from the springs and well, she was the only one there in that woman's section of the Hot Springs. Indeed, she was all by herself and soon, she closed her eyes, relaxing to the fullest while she can.

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"Trust me, I am never going to need anything from you, Brigadier." He spoke, his tone harsh as he wandered off to a secluded pool away from her. The boy equipped the golden phoenix trunks that he had worn to Lowenthal's birthday party and slowly submerged himself in the hot water. He hadn't initially intended to be mean to her, but there was something constantly bother him, and as such, made his attitude and demeanor her direction more focused on being mean than most anyone else. Taking a moment, the boy let out a breath of relief as he sat alone in the pool of water, lost in his own thoughts, which happened often regardless of where he was. The difference is, this is far more peaceful than wandering around being lost in thoughts. He spoke to himself in his own mind, in light of the previous thought. 

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Shizuka had no doubt been offended by the blonde commandant. However, she planned to stay attitude and she decided that she would just chill herself out in the hot springs in order to calm herself from Zelrius's attitude and harsh comments. Power does that to someone. Shizuka thought. This is one of the reasons that I decided to become a support instead of a DPS or a tank. It is so easy to be corrupted with the power that is given to a strong DPS and a tank let along one of the best damage dealers in the game, if not THE best damage dealer. Nevertheless, she would just have to calm herself... the man's personality was probably steady and he knows what he is doing. With a sigh, she decided to give it no more thought. Soon, she was engulfed by the beauty of the Hotspring. Indeed, the water provided much-needed warmth for her along with the amazing scenery. The water was soft flowing, bright blue, the perfect water for one in a hot spring. Indeed, the water was pure, clean and very comfortable to stay in.

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  • 1 month later...

The heat relaxed the golden haired deeply. As of late, things had been weighing on his mind and taken their toll, to the point he even lashed out at Kiru of all people. The conversation he had with her before moving into to fight the Forsaken Crusader was one he hated himself for having to this day. He sighed, looking up into the gray sky that was the Fourth floor. Zelrius realized that he was lucky there weren't some peasants wandering about looking for these hotsprings, and if there were, Zelrius would simply flash his swords and his rank, commanding them to get the hell away from the place. He decided that he wasted enough time and stood. The golden haired Commandant opened his mouth to yell loud enough for Shizuka to hear, but instead smirked. He thought it'd be more fun to mess with her a bit. He opened up his messaging menu and titled the Message "Help." Following that, the first line of the message was "Just kidding, I am going home to my Lamb girl, The quest was fun." With that, he sent the message, equipped his gear and wandered off to the nearest town to teleport away from this god-forsaken floor and go home to Taft on the Eleventh Floor.

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Shizuka's eyebrows went up as she saw the blonde boy's dramatic and obnoxious method of leaving the scene. Whatever. Shizuka thought with a roll of her eyes. She had better things to do than to be frustrated by the cocky blonde boy anyways. With a sigh, she stood up and got dressed having had her warmth from the Hot Springs. However, she had not equipped her usual pink cloak. Instead, she had equipped her <<Golden Eagle>> cloak... One that she had yet to use ever since obtaining it from Zelrius. The reason that she had done this was because the cloak gave a plus 2 loot dice and that combined with the two loot dice skills that she had was able to help her out with material gathering. Indeed, now that she was dressed, she would go ahead and do a bit of material gathering for her shop before returning either to her shop or to go back to the headquarters of the Azure Brigade.

[I'll finish up this thread by myself since you left]

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ID: 46136
LD: 10+4=14

Shizuka didn't expect time to run out so fast. She had expected that it was still daytime outside but she was wrong and she really didn't have much time to gather as much materials as possible. She looked around in a location just outside of the outsprings in hopes that something shiny might catch her eyes and with the use of her equipment and skill, she expected material gathering to be quite simple. Shizuka sighed, wondering whether she might find anything before the day has ended. Zelrius was gone from sight and well, she would have to go ahead and finish up soon.

Total Materials: 0

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