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[PP-F3] Just a Bit Worn Out <<Worn Out Welcome>> (Ebony)[COMPLETED]

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<<Worn Out Welcome>>

This quest takes place on Floor 3
This quest is repeatable
This RP will not count in the benchmark

The master NPC Armorsmiths Griswold, and his wife Hanna, have opened his services to new players of SAO a custom armor shop. He takes orders for no price, but instead asks for materials. That's right. YOU, the player, have to tell Griswold what kind of armor you want. He'll give you the material names and how to get them, and it's up to you to retrieve them.

Entering the shop on Floor 3, you encounter a surly smith and his loving wife. After describing the type of armor you desire (Cloth, Leather, Light Metal, or Heavy Metal) Griswold works with you to determine the right type of material, before sending you on your way to collect the needed materials. Upon returning with the correct materials in the proper quantities, Griswold and Hanna will create your very own set of Uncommon Armor. These materials can be found from fighting a dark elf in the Forest of Wavering Mists.


-At least two [2] Pages (21 or more posts)
-Defeat Dark Elf

Dark Elf Information:
<<Dark Elf>> is a mob and has the following statistics:
HP: 12
Damage per Attack: 9


  1. Leather Coat/Dragon Bone Cuirass (Light/Heavy): An uncommon armor with any standard armor enhancement chosen by the earner of the weapon which fits the armor type chosen. Only one person may earn this armor per thread.
  2. 1 Skill Point

Recommended Level: 3

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Red had heard of a few players getting armor at this shop and accepting a quest to get some easy materials for the armor, then you get some SP. and the monster you get the material from is an easy as heck one, with only 12 HP. The amount Red had. "Let's do this!!!!!'  Red PMed Ebony.




Let's do this! I'm waiting at Griswald the NPC's Blacksmith shop. Hurry on and get down here so we can start the Worn out Welcome quest!!!!!!






And that was the gist of the message. Just making sure she knew he was waiting for her. Red leaned on the side of the wall by the blacksmith shop, waiting for Ebony. As Red watched, there were actually many players... Players who were just beginning... Taking the quest. Surely it would not be hard for the two of them. Red was just eager for the SP, is all. Red waited for Ebony, who had not taken the quest either before, so this time they would both get the two SP.


(OOC: Sorry, was in a hurry XD)



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Ebony got Ace's message and hurried to the third floor to meet up with him. She had been checking up on her shop, but no one had left any orders or anything. Thanks to the last quest she had been on with Ace, she had leveled up her sword skills, and could now do about three times the damage she could have before. That really wasn't saying much though, as she could only do four damage max before she had leveled up. She approached the blacksmith and waved hi to Ace.

(sorry for the short post, heading to bed now)

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Red happily waved back to Ebony. He could've checked her location via his friends list, but that would be rather stalker-ish to do something like that. "Hey, Ebony!!!! What are you up to????" Red smiled as he retured the wave to Ebony, and he knew how awesome this quest was gonna be. Red quickly sent her a party request, since he couldn't wait to get started. "Well? You wanna get going???" Red said. Then he walked up to the door, was about to walk in when he stopped and held the door, saying "Ladies first." Red didn't have to be the one to talk to the NPC that way. It's pretty boring speaking to NPC's. Red let out a small laugh as he waited for her to go in.


(OOC: Another quick post. Been real busy of late. XD)

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Ebony smiled at Ace, walking up beside him. She was pretty sure that the quest itself would be boring as it sounded so easy, but with Ace there it should be much more tolerable. She raised an eyebrow at him as he held the door for her, both impressed, and a little confused. This quest was all about getting some armor, so why was she probably shouldn't be the one to initiate it. She already had armor. Oh, he had armor as well already. In that case he probably wouldn't mind her ordering a set of armor to her specifications. The blacksmith and her prattled on for a bit while she explained that she wanted some pink armor with yellow flowers on it. Once she was done with that she turned to Ace, not mentioning that the armor she had ordered was actually for him. She was laughing inwardly. "All right, lets head out.'

(sorry for the abbreviated talk, im in a rush and if i get caught writing this... It wont be good)

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Red barely had time to walk into the door before Ebony was already done, with some weird laugh. "What's so funny???" Red chuckled a bit, but the reason was not exactly clear. "Okay, so what are we looking for???" Red knew what he was supposed to go kill, the Dark Elf. But the way the quest worded it, it was as if there was something else he needed to do. "So we gotta go beat up some Dark Elf with 12 HP???? Sounds pretty easy. Let's go do it!" Red began to walk out of the town, towards the gate. He had a general idea of what the floor monsters were, and where they were at, through the help of the guidebook the beta testers had supplied. He had spent his time reading that before he actually left floor one, so he knew where this Dark Elf is. "So, what have you been up to???" Red smiled.



(Me too.... lol... same situations.)

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Ebony realized that she had been chuckling a bit without realizing it and stopped. "Oh, nothing. I was just reminded of something." She said in response to his question. After a few moments he asked what they were looking for before answering his own question. He seemed to do that a good bit, but she didn't mind. It was kind of cute/funny. "Yup. Thats it. And then we have to take the material we get from it back to the the blacksmith." She followed him towards the exit to the city, thinking about the question he had just asked. "Oh, nothing much." She said in reply, thinking about all of the adventures she'd had in the day or two they hadn't seen each other. She had fought a PVP with Seul, gone on a quest with another support player, and punched a rock with Manta.

(Lets make the search take a while. We need to reach at least 21 posts after all. Our characters can talk while they do search.)

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Red hadn't really done anything much either, besides read  the news feeds. Floor 12 had been cleared, meaning Red needed to hurry up and catch up. Here was also a very interested in the new quest on the floor 13, But as most quests were, it was way too tough for him. But it had a pretty easy way to beat it.... .And Red had an idea that Ebony, him, and Manta could beat it eventually, especially with Ebony's first aid and +3 Combat Craft which could make it easy as heck to land two first aid attempts on it. Red looked around, until he saw a little flower on the ground that looked like it could be used in teas or for herbs. Red picked it up to examine it. But the flower was disgusting and Red threw it back down. "So I heard of a new quest on floor thirteen that, once we are higher levelled, would be perfect for the three of us- Manta, you and I. The most perfect for you, with your Ebony Wood."


Material Gathering failed.


ID Battle Craft Loot MOB Character Post Link Time
38771 8 3 7 6 Ace9(Red) Msg_hover2.png 2015-11-14 18:55:37
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Ebony glanced over at Ace, prepared to brag about Manta. "Yup, and you'll never guess who helped do that! Manta was one of the DPS for the boss." She bragged about her friend. She was so proud of Manta, and kind of wished that she could have been there. She would certainly be at the next one though. "About that quest... Manta and I are already planning on taking it with some other high level people. I dont think youd be able to come as you would probably get killed, even with the mitigation you have now." She said as kindly as she could, her smile changing into a frown. She hoped that he wouldn't be offended. She cared about him and didn't want him to die. And Manta and her both needed the skill points.

 ID# 38775 results:

 Loot: 9 (+2)=11 No mats

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Red did not take offense to that. He obviously knew he would die, he looked at the stats. The boss would kill him. That's why he had said when they leveled up, but that was okay. But Red also didn't want her to overestimate his skills. Even +9 mitigation is nothing. The Dark Elf deals nine damage. The Dark Elf is supposed to be easy as heck. Red looked around some more for another flower like before. It seemed a bit awkward, staring at the ground, but the materials would help him some day. "Have you heard of what floor thirteen looks like yet???" Red said. "It seems pretty cool and interesting. I need to hurry and catch up!" Red smiled. Now, from some where, he knew he could get up there someday. Be a tank on the front-lines. And this-this thing, quest, Ebony was doing with him??? It was only a tiny step in getting up there.  He leaned closer to one of the flowers on the ground and picked it up. But it was molded, just like the last one. Red had only gotten one material by doing this before. He just..... isn't lucky enough.




ID Battle Craft Loot MOB Character Post Link Time
38838 10 11 13 3 Ace9(Red) Msg_hover2.png 2015-11-15 07:16:27
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Ebony nodded to him, relieved that she hadn't insulted him. "Yes I did. It sounds awesome. I heard about it from Manta. Floor nine is pretty cool looking too. It has volcanoes and streams of lava." She explained. Of course, floor four was still her favorite though. Something about the snow just seemed so romantic. "And please do catch up. Manta and I need a tank, and plus, your a lot of fun to hang out with. I think we'd have fun teaming up." She exclaimed, glancing at the ground for a moment to check for metals. There werent any so she looked back up and continued to lead Ace to where the dark elf resided.

 ID# 38887 results:

 Loot: 10 +2)=12 Fail

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Red smiled. They were becoming good friends, and he had made a good decision going tank. Ebony and Manta, Support and DPS, + Red, Tank. Then Red made an equation for awesomeness in his head. (XD)





Ebony + Manta + Red = x

(Support) + (DPS) + (Tank) = x

(Slightly Awesome) + (Tank) = x




(OOC: Got a bit bored)


But then Red began to wonder, what kind of armor did Ebony order??? Ehh. It didn't matter. No one needed the armor, anyways. So it could be sold in one of their shops, once Red had a shop. "So..... I don't even know all that much about you. Do you... Have any siblings???" Red kind of hoped he wasn't digging too deep. He looked at the ground and saw another flower, and he hoped it wasn't molded. But once again, it was another molded flower. Out of all the flowers he tried to obtain in Aincrad so far, only about one of them were not molded. What was wrong with this place??? He didn't see any molded flowers IRL.



Fail, of course, another molded flower.

ID Battle Craft Loot MOB Character Post Link Time
38894 3 11 10 2 Ace9(Red) Msg_hover2.png 2015-11-15 13:38:32
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Ebony looked down at the ground before answering, noticing a little golden nugget. She reached down and scooped it up, adding it to her inventory before returning to the conversation at hand. "Nope, no siblings. Manta and I call each other sisters because we have a very close bond though." She explained as they approached the forest where the mob they were searching for lurked. It would only be a few minutes until they ran across it.

 ID# 38895 results:

 Loot: 17 +1 Mat

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Red thought for a moment. That wasn't very much to respond to. He looked at the ground for more flowers. But this time, with him wishing for it to be beautiful enough, he found a pink and white one that would be perfect for teas. "Hey well, you guys seem like you could make nice sisters, you know??? She kinda seems to look after you enough.... Like that other day, when I watched you guys do that quest, yah..... Anyways, you guys would make good sisters." Red took the flower and put in his bag, wondering if he should give it to Ebony as a gift. Nah, it would seem weird, with then knowing each other for like two days. 


Success, 1 Material gain

ID Battle Craft Loot MOB Character Post Link Time
38899 3 1 20 7 Ace9(Red) Msg_hover2.png 2015-11-15 13:46:21
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Ebony ignored what Ace had just said as they entered the forest. It wasn't to be rude, she was just trying to listen for the elf. There, a breathing noise coming from behind a tree. She slowly walked around to the other side to see the goblin there, carrying sacks of something or other. It gave a shriek and attacked her with it's sharp claws. She was too fast though, and activated her strongest sword skill, <<Fad Edge>>, stabbing forwards four times and causing the creatures health to go down to zero almost immediately. It burst into pixels, and the material the blacksmith had asked for stored itself in her inventory. "Done! And I think we would make great sisters too. Although she's a little too empathetic sometimes." She said as she started to exit the forest again. 

 ID# 38901 results:

 Battle: 5 (+2) Hit


Dark Elf: 0/12 (-12)

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(OOC: Sorry for the late response, got busy)


Red watched as she quickly put an end to the monsters life. It seemed a bit too quick.... But, Red could live with it. Red would've had to have put two hits in to the beast, but then it would have died. Man but she killed it like it was nothing and just walked off. It seemed as if Ebony was distraught, and had something else on her mind. "Hey, Ebony." Red said. "What's wrong???? Your spirit doesn't seem very far off the ground. What's bugging you?" Red wondered if she would really tell what was on her chest to him, being they had only known each other for about three days. "Hey wanna go out to eat sometime?" It came out of Red's mouth. Just like that. But maybe, hanging out with Red, would give her something. Something that made her not feel that she had to be so quick in what she was doing.


(OOC: In a hurry, so some of my words got lost a bit...... Sorry!)

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Ebony turned to Ace who seemed to think that something was wrong with her. Then she realized it was because she had taken the creature out so quickly and then just walked off. She was just now realizing that there was in fact, something wrong. "Sorry. It's the situation with the supports. There arent many, but im caught up in a race to become the best. I havent had a break from the grinding in two weeks. It's not really that I want to be the best, although I do. Its just that with all of these unique skills being found, theres bound to be one for supports. I need to get it before anyone else does." She said, spilling how she felt to him. His next words made her raise her eyebrows and laugh out loud. It was just such a stunning contrast from the serious question he had asked before. She stopped laughing, not wanting him to think that she was laughing at him asking. She certainly wasn't, she was only laughing at the timing.

She smiled, realizing that she did indeed need to take some time to relax. While she was unsure if this counted as a date, she wasn't adverse to it if it was. She wouldn't mind if he just wanted to hang out as friends either. "Sure." She said to him, still smiling. She still couldn't shake that sense of urgency though, as though taking one day off could lead to her failing to meet her goals.

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Red found in surprising that he would ask her like that, and found in surprising the answer. a "sure" was the answer. Maybe they could make good friends...... But the way she laughed made it seem kind of awkward. but she laughing... It was probably about the way Red had talked about what was troubling her, then immediately changed the subject completely and entirely. And the way Ebony spoke about the uniques, well, Red felt that way to. His first time in the wild was when the uniuqes first started coming out, and Achilles, a pretty freaking awesome tank skill, had already gotten to a front-liner tank. Eh, but it was okay. There was no way Red was going to be there anytime soon anyways. As Red walked, he tried to think of something else to say, but he could not find any other things that could be a valid attempt at conversation starting. That was what he was worst at, starting conversations. He had to be the worst in the world at it. 


(OOC: Post, and hurry........ I gotta banquet I gotta be at in 25 minutes. Rush hour go go go XD)

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She was glad that he didn't seem too offended by her laughing, and looped an arm around his shoulders in a friendly way as they headed back towards the blacksmith. She let go as they got there and headed inside, handing over the material and watching in awe as the man took the material and crafted the armor in an amazingly short amount of time. She grabbed the bright pink armor with the yellow flowers on it and left the store to show it to Ace. "What do you think of your new armor? I had it made just for you." She said, grinning. She doubted that he would like it, but if he did all the better for him. Otherwise they could sell it.

Dragon Bone Cuirass (Heavy) +1 Thorns 

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Red actually thought it looked kind of..... Pretty. But the problem was, it wasn't ideal for a frontliner, and Red didn't think it was all that tough for it. But Red would hold on to it, for as long as he can, and he would not sell it. It meant a lot to him, a "gift" from Ebony, a girl he liked, alot. And he would hold on to it, as long as he could until he literally HAD to sell it. Red smiled as he began walking back out of the town. "Well, I guess I'll call you when I book us a reservation. Well, I wish you the best on getting the unique!!!!!!!" And Red parted, smiling.

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