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Single Status Update

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  1. For those low level players that may have missed it, there is another Monthly Boss Event that is up and ready for sign-ups.

    Sign-up will continue for, approximately another 48 hours.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Hakai


      I wont condone your joining, but we had some level ones in the last one and no one died. I would recommend that you get a safeguard from an alchemist if you decide to join though.

    3. Asterios


      @Kekoa, there will be tanks so you SHOULD be fine. I promise nothing though.

      @Xion, I fear cacti as much as you fear being bit with the southern end of a north-bound porcupine.

      @Husky, no, those sad little minotaurs are but mere shadows of my great glory.

      And everyone, there is one TRULY FABULOUS reward that everyone will receive from this event. It's so good that I will be, personally, keeping track of who gets it and when they use it to prevent you from abusing it.

    4. Husky


      Right... I forgot...

      youre that Minotaur from Narnia!

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