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Posts posted by Draterion

  1. Draterion looked at the player .It did not seem like he had any gear whatsoever. The player was obviously a noob, and he was probably just looking to make a friend... But Draterion had served his purpouse in this world. He decided he should just hand all the items over to the player, being he did not need them anymore. Draterion transferred every item in his inventory and shop to the player, and then simply walked off, the never be seen by a real player ever again.

  2. Drat looked around and just stood there, doing nothing, being a complete fool like he always was. Draterion had no way out of this whatsoever, so what was he too do? "Just...........I want to repay my debt to this world. I want to appoligize to it for how much of a censored I've been. But I wanted you to know before I did that. The person who thought I was more stupid than any of the other folks in the world of Aincrad. And I really have been oblivious to this the whole time. There is no way out of Aincrad. Were just gonna rot our bodies out with that stupid pathetic Nervegear on."


    "At first, this stupid game was a wonder for me. I enjoyed every bit of it. But now, this game has become like the devil, who started as an angel. So enjoy your........en-enjoy y-your li-life here, Mar-Mari" Draterion's eyes started to water, like the kid he always was. Draterion always dreamed he would live a long and glorious life of programming and such, but apparently that was not happening.

  3. Draterion opened his eyes to see a face he had actually expected to see when he came out here. It was kind of weird and awkward though, the way Mari had knocked on his head. Then Draterion noticed another player appear. Draterion's little scene(which he wanted to be just between Kiru, Mari, Crozeph, and him) had become the biggest part of the most widely popular movie across the world. Okay maybe not that, but it had gotten bigger than he had expected. Draterion sheathed his sword after the player that had arrived here second pointed it down away from the other player that was agitating him. Draterion looked at Mari, and had noticed she had waled in as soon as he had been calling the player insolent, which would make Mari not want to talk to Draterion more.


    What was I thinking? Right as Mari came in. Of course it had to be. But Draterion wanted to change his first impression he had had with Mari. "Hey Mari! Glad to see you came....... Just wanted to talk to you about some things.... And apologize to everyone, but I wanted to say sorry to you first Mari. I know and have heard if what you have been through, and wanted to see.... If you know..... We could maybe be..... be...... what's that word?..... friends." Draterion looked to see all the other players and tried to smile and be friendly for once. "And you sir," Draterion pointed at Rusty, "I want to say sorry for what I just did. Mari arriving helped me see that. I should not  have flipped out on you, so sorry."

  4. Draterion actually laughed. "Your so insolent if you haven't realized, age doesn't change anything in this game besides wisdom! So maybe you should be a little more scared of  me! Instead of treating me like everyone else does, a young  freaking bastard! And what, with all the work it took me to get to level thirty I'm still being treated like that, even though if I wanted to I could kill you off right now. And if you want to challenge me t o do so, I will. Because I wouldn't mind being an orange player. I could simply just take that redemption quest." Draterion pointed his sword at him. "So stop treating me like a little young bastard, alright? That's kind of partially the reason I plan on leaving this world............." Draterion calmed down and sat by the tree, turning to the other player. "Ummmm...... Sure." Draterion closed his eyes as he lied back on the tree, trying to relax.

  5. So guys. I wanted some idea on something to make/create/draw for the site. I have been lonely and depressed lately and I figured proving my graphics ability to everyone would make me happier. So I am willing to try to make something. Anyone got any ideas on what that might be?

  6. Draterion looked at the first player to approach him and seemed to think of him as a 'boy'. Draterion laughed a bit in his head. That was the very reason he was here, because he was sick of people's lack of respect. Draterion looked at the player. "How could you be sure I wasn't planning on killing you? I'm level thirty and killing you would be just as easy as killing a boar, at least most players have that kind of thing. Lucky for you though, I'm only here to kill one player and one player only. I am here to place this blade into my chest. I don't think I deserve to live anymore, and I can't live with the feeling of lacking something inside anymore. So that is why I am here and why I have my sword out." Draterion noticed the tears upon his cheeks were still there and he attempted to wipe them away. He shouldn't have told this other player. "See, aren't you glad I'm not here to kill you?" Draterion took his heavy sword, pointed it at his chest, and ----- dropped it. Then he sat down by the tree. "I.....I...... I can't live like this." Draterion noticed another player walk up.

  7. Draterion walked out of the Town of Beginnings with a frown on his face as he usually did now-a-days. But what did he know, a non-respected little twerp.  Maybe it was time he died. Draterion walked towards a tree far away from the city and slowly notched off his armor and picked up his sword, aiming it at his heart. He stood there a few seconds trying to do it, but he couldn't die. He didn't exactly want to die, he just needed to. No one cared about him in this world, and if it was that was what that would bring Drat to, then thats what he would do. But he just couldn't. Draterion threw himself down by the tree as he turned to look down into the sun.


    The sun was bright. Maybe even too bright. But Draterion tried to sit there without getting too upset. Draterion had a lot of questions; about the real world and this world. Draterion was tired of knowing this world was missing something, and he could not live without it, nr could Draterion bring it upon these worlds. it was just something Draterion and the worlds were lacking...... Draterion picked up his dragon armor and put it back on, then sat again. Draterion remembered the time when he was budies with Kiru, Crozeph, and that guild as well as he remembered Skylar and Sundance. 


    But most of all Draterion remembered the Crimson Inquisition. what happened to that guild was not right, even if Argumail should have or should not have died, the guild was something of importance. But now........ A while back a women named Akuma told Draterion she was gonna die one day, probably soon. Draterion almost started crying, but he kept it in. That was after Argumail was dead.........But now, Draterion did not know what had happened with the guild. Maybe he could restore it with Akuma's help. But was Akuma still alive? Draterion feared the worst on that.


    And what about the times-ah, lets not worry about those. Now Draterion was trapped on thinking about the Crimson Inquisition, and that brought him to think about Mari, which brought back the time he had tried to talk to her about Argumail's death, but Draterion must have been too arrogant at the time because the time did not exactly go well. Draterion also knew that he wanted to see her again. Last time he had seen her was to watch her finish off and kill old white-haired Echo, who had bad intentions at the time. But did Echo deserve death?


    Draterion sat through all of this as he actually began to cry, realizing he wanted to visit Mari. So he decided he would PM over Kiru, and Crozeph. maybe they would come, maybe they wouldn't. But Draterion needed to get out of killing himself. A thirteen year old did not need these thoughts. Draterion slid his sword into it's big sheath as he sent out the PM.

  8. Draterion started walking in the direction of the cave without a feeling in his heart telling him to turn around. Draterion wanted to prove he deserved to be respected by others, and wanted to get into boss battles. Draterion also actually wanted to have feelings with someone in this game, but no. Draterion was stuck as a young lost solo-player. Draterion found a tree and kicked it, watching the snow fall off the tree ontop of him. Draterion quickly got it off and sliced the tree's truck right in two, as the tree dissolved into millions of crystal shards. "Agghh!"  Draterion looked around and then saw the cave. Draterion walked until he was near he entrance. "Here I go."

  9. Draterion looked up the snowy mountains, which he had gotten so used to and loved. Draterion had spent so much alone recently, staring into space. But now i was time for a storm to come out of him. A storm....... of cold-blooded heat. Draterion held his two hand sword, but did not know what to do with dragon's Bane. He wore his dragon armor, but did he deserve all of this armor? There was only one way to find out. Draterion planned on fighting a ice monster that was told to live in a cavern on floor four. and for if he were to survive, Draterion needed to go out and actually make some friends for once. Draterion hadn't really talked to anyone since the breakup of his last guild.

  10. Posted 20 March 2015 - 08:57 AM

    Erroneous, on 20 Mar 2015 - 08:01 AM, said:snapback.png

    When I banned Shark. True


    Mari, on 20 Mar 2015 - 08:18 AM, said:snapback.png

    When Everyone realized I was actually Erroneous, and thus a secret admin, woooeeewooo   True


    Aubrey, on 20 Mar 2015 - 07:25 AM, said:snapback.png

    omfg I am going to die. False


    Am I correct?

  11.  May I ask why this should be considered a "one-time" quest? I do not believe it should be one-time. It should just be hard or long, either way, but long would be better for the newer players and teens with not much health.

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