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Real Name:Drake Williams McGricken








Real-Life:Drake lives in America and  goes to West Point. Recently he heard about the newest gaming tech, the nerve gear, little did he know, Kayaba was going to trap all of the players of Sao into the game. Outside of the game his freinds found him and reported it to the supervisor, when she arrived they were informed that he cannot have the nerve gear removed or else he would die. He was transported to a nearby hospital to be put on life support until he could escape the game.

Before he was trapped in the game he was thought of as a highly respected tactician at West Point. During PT he always finished first. He's never had many freinds but the ones he has are always coming to him for help on tests. Whenever he is alone he is either studying or building new things from old parts. He only recently got into gaming because before, his outlook on gaming was that it was only a distraction. He is not very happy with his decision to try out gaming.

Personality: Drake is a semi social person. He is not the kind of person that will approach another person and start a conversation. Usually, the way he makes freinds is by them coming to him and introducing themselves. Drake will not trust the people he meets at first but as he gets to know them he will have more and more trust in them


Protective-Drake is a protective person and will put his freinds life before his own. He will not allow anyone to harm any of his allies. If there is someone in danger he will fight off the enemy. Drake, being protective, cannot cope with failure to defend, and will not stop fighting until his allies are out of danger

Speedy-Drake is a very quick person, whether it's acting or thinking. He can come up with a solution within a few seconds of hearing it. Drake can put things together and take them apart within the blink of an eye. If Drake can't get something done quickly he will have give up on doing it.

Highly intelligent-Drake is a very smart person with an IQ of 130. He can look at a puzzle and figure out the answer quickly. He is a respected tactician, outside of Sao,at West Point. If Drake does not have a challenge, he does not give it his all.


Short Fuse-Drake does not have a very high tolerance for bullcrap. If you try and harm his freinds he will find a way to make you pay. He is a professional at holding grudges. Drake does not accept fighting within his freind circle and is more than willing to knock the two people out to prevent the fight.

Impatient- Drake does not have good patience. He will usualy run ahead of the group with the excuse of "I'm gonna scout ahead". He will get aggravated when people don't respond quick enough or don't stay caught up with him. He will generally keep people 2 or 3 feet behind him to make sure he is keeping a quick pace

Stubborn- Drake does not want for people to argue with his logic. Even when people don't understand what he means he gets angry and usually storms off to re-evaluate himself. When an he fights, he will not leave until the enemy is dead. If he is defeated in a duel, no matter how badly he is hurt, he will keep fighting.


basic armor

Beginners dagger


Nail Biter: (One-Handed Dagger)(Rare)(Tier 1)(+2 Damage) Description: (The blackened blade cuts through the densest armor. Often causes the opposition to


Beginners pack-10 Bread and 15 water




Total SP9

Used SP-5

Unused SP-4

Weapon Skills:One handed dagger-1



[OP-F1] NEED TO LEVEL UP! (Complete) (reward: 1sp and 100col)

[OP-F1] THE HUNT BEGINS!! Right after I get some armor (in progress)

[OP-F1] To rise you must fall (in progress)


[OP-F1] A Girl and A Spear (complete) (gain- +1 sp, 57 col)

[OP-F1] The New and The Old (complete) (gain-+1 sp, +200 col)

[F1-OP] Miss Identified (complete) (gain-+1 sp +40Col)

Story Thus Far



Edited by Drake_McGricken
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