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[PP-F7] A Question of Heroism

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'Ah, so she knows him.' Callie inwardly mused as she listened to Hestia vouch for the man they'd left behind. The corners of her lips pulled down into a thoughtful expression as they continued walking at a leisurely pace. Golden eyes lifted up to meet the virtual blue sky that hung above them, and lingered on the trailing clouds that touched the mountain peaks far off in the distance. "Well... All things considered, I suppose I'm doing just fine." She answered truthfully with a small smile. "I've been working on getting my level up, here and there." She shrugged, omitting the details of just how slow that progress had been, or how much her interest in it had waned as of late. Another sideways glance to the familiar on her shoulder, and she continued. "Danesh here has been just as lax as always. I swear he acts more like a sloth than a dragon." Callie joked with a small chuckle.

The two women continued to walk and talk with little to interrupt them from enjoying the serene mountain landscape of the seventh floor. They would chat with light conversation, sharing an experience or two of their very different lives in Aincrad, until the setting sun would eventually coax them back to the safety of the city.

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  • Calypso: +1 SP, +133 col
  • Crozeph: +1 SP, +133 col
  • Hestia: +1 SP, +133 col
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