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[SP-F1]«The First Few Lessons are Free»A Game Will Always Be A Game [Completed]

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"So, this is my new life...Evan whispered to himself as he looked at the sky. "This kinda sucks, the tutorial didn't even make me Level 2, some great VRMMORPG this is.He continued as he twirled his hair. 

"But a game is a game, and I'll be at the top in no time. Let's see... MMOs have EXPs, and to get them, I need-" His thoughts was cut short when someone tripped over him. Evan was lying in the middle of the road after all. "M-m-my- my Healing Potions!" Evan watched as someone in a blue dress was on her knees, pulling her hair as she watched her potions break. The girl then turned to Evan and started to complain. She was young, maybe someone around his age? She was short. She had white skin but not pale, black hair but not jet black, her hair was tied to a pony tail revealing most of her face. She's cute, probably my type.



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Then he noticed that the girl was not done talking yet.

"-so how do you plan to pay for them huh?! I remember now! You're that same guy from yesterday! People were trying to make you get out of the way! Then what was that that you said?"

Evan remembered it clearly. "It's such a drag to get up, don't you guys have brains? Go around me or something. Man it's such a drag to talk to you people too, I'd better stop." He repeated to the stranger.

"That's right!" She said as she pulled Evan's robe to bring his face closer to her's. “I'll show you what a drag is! I'm going to drag you to our shop and make a potion out of you!She exclaimed trying to make a scary face. 

That only makes you way cuter, and this close too. I can feel my heart beating out of my chest! Speaking of chests...

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Evan's eyes worked their way down. But before he could see them he quickly turned away and ran. "No, thanks! Wait no that's wrong, I meant thank you! Noooooo! Wrong again! Sorry!" He screamed as he ran away leaving her behind. 


He finally stopped gasping for breath until he calmed down. "Quests. I need quests. Quests, quest board where are you..." He mumbled loud enough for someone by his side to hear, repeatedly as he walked looking for a quest board.

"And just like every other MMO, players only think of themselves. Good thing I'm used to the community because I myself was one of them.He chuckled.

He continued looking for a quest board when in a distance, he saw a Yellow exclamation mark icon. "I've been trying my best to look for a quest board, and here this feature shows itself right now in a distance. What a drag."

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Evan reached the NPC in no time, but to him, it lasted an eternity. He lived in a house somewhere in the Town of Beginnings. "H-hi? I guess? Uuuhhh... Are you here to give quests?Evan was always nervous when talking to strangers. But these guys are just NPCs what's the worst that could happen? He thought.

"I am Zackariah, I'm here to help the new players of SAO to understand the game. First I will teach you about the making of potions. Go fetch five tier one materials and bring them to me." The old man said as he shows an example of a healing potion.

"Okay simple, I'll be right back before you know it sir." Evan stated as he started to head for the field. Wait, what field? What tier one materials?

Evan walked back up to Zackariah and said,

Hey Mister Zackariah, it’s such a drag talking to you again and again, but what do I gather and where?He asked lousily.

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That was so careless of you boy, I was not done talking yetZackariah replied

S-sorry sir please don’t do anything weird to me, or hurt me or worse…

Evan said holding his dagger, ready to unsheathe it, thinking this old man would be the tutorial boss in disguise.

The tier one items I speak about are herbs. As to where to find them, well there is a forest near the Town of Beginnings, look for them there.

Evan let loose and scratched his head. So, just five right?

Yes, only five, come back to me with five of those herbs and we’ll start making the potion.

Evan thanked Zackariah and headed for the forest.

What a drag, he could’ve just shown me a video or something, that way I don’t need to tire myself and make a mess. Jeez… There's like a million plants in this place. I'd better find the right herbs or I’ll abandon this quest right away.


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Well here goes nothingEvan said as he knelt down and started to gather. 

He started to look for some herbs in one part of the forest remembering what they look like from Science class.

ID: 93725 Result: 4 -Failed


"What the heck?! My first time doing this stuff, and I don't get anything?Evan complained.

He was not used to this kind of work. At home he’d never done any kind of chore. Failing this should be normal for somebody like him. In the other PC MMOs he played, gathering was simply a point, click, and wait.

It should always be that easy, and doing this is tiring. He thought.

What a drag, I have like 10 tier 1 materials in inventory and could pretty much already make a potion with those.Then he smiled.

Well a game is not game without its challenges. It may be a drag, but you’ll never know when you will need those healing potions.






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was just a place holder a minute ago...
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Evan started to look around for a good chance for herbs to grow. Making his conclusion through his first try, he might have just been unlucky. He walked to a corner, opposite from where he did his first try.

"If that side made me have bad luck, then looking for herbs in this part of the forest should give me a blessing."

He started to kneel down and look for herbs. He searched deeper and deeper, remembering his first try, and how he failed at it.

ID: 93778 Result: 18 -Success

"I got one?" Evan said as he stared at the texts that popped up on his HUD.

<<The First Few Lessons are Free>>: Gathering Herbs 1/5

"Well this was not that bad of a drag after all!" He said as he cherished his moment for his first successful gather.

"Bad luck" He said as he pointed at the area of his first gather. "And player haven. Simple logic, I didn’t believe it would work, but it works. No arguments needed. Guess I'll stick around here a little longer.


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Evan started to look at the area that seems to have a good chance for herbs to grow. Judging by what he had just experienced earlier, he might have just hit the jack pot. An herb pot of gold.

He then knelt down, and got his hands and eyes ready for successfully gathering more herbs. 

ID: 93779 Result: 10 -Failed

Evan was expecting for another success text like “<<The First Few Lessons are Free>>: Gathering Herbs 2/5to pop up, but none appeared.

"You cannot be kidding. Come on area you're supposed to be my pot of herbs why are you not producing what you are supposed to give." Evan said standing up and then putting his hands on his hips.

One more try. He thought. It's either bad luck is chasing me or I might have just been careless.

"Alright, one last chance to prove that this area right here is full of herbs. If not, I might consider doing... That."


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Evan knelt down. But instead of gathering right away, he prayed. 

Oh god of gathering, assuming you exist or else I'm not gonna get over me looking stupid, please make this job less of a drag, that is all.

"Alright! Hands up and hopes up! Ready, Set! Gather!"

Evan started to gather and he did it with great optimism this time. Challenges that are fun, peaceful, and difficult in a way makes his gamer mindset come to play. He kept his eyes peeled for more herbs and looked for them as fast as he could.

I can't waste my time at a place like this, I need to be stronger in order to reach the top! 

ID: 93806 Result: 4 -Failed

 "Looks like it's no use." Evan sighed.

"Probably it's because the entrance of the forest is out of herbs. Well, looks like I've gotta proceed to Plan B. A forest this dense does look dangerous. But if I remember correctly, the more dangerous an area is the more loot I get."


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"Alright, maybe if I go gather in a place where herbs normally grow, there would maybe at least a good chance to find more of them there.Evan said while running,heading towards a deeper part of the forest northwest the Town of Beginnings. But before this, he went to take a break in the town.

He eventually did stop and thought for a while of skipping the quest and finding a better way to get stronger at the game. He passed by a Tailor’s shop and bought a pair of boots then continued his journey towards the forest.

Several minutes later, Evan went back to the forest. He then noticed that he was alone.

"Well that's lucky, looks like I can have all the herbs in this place all for myself then? Sadly there will also be no one who could save me in case a high level monster come after me. What a drag, looks like I will have to be in high alert now.

Evan then started to look around for some herbs.

ID: 93816 Result: 1 -Failed




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"Another bad luck side again maybe?Evan said as he stood up looking down, with a big frown on his face.

Just like before he started to walk 5 meters towards the opposite side of where he first gathered.

"This should do the trick. It worked before then it should work again this time.

Unsure if what he is saying is true anymore; and whether it helps him find a silver lining in this situation, Evan let out a huge sigh and knelt down again. He looked and looked as hard as he can for herbs in the area he was in. From the look in his face he had clearly lost his optimism.

 "This becoming more and more of a drag. But I’m going to try one more time."

ID: 93817 Result: 16 –Success

<<The First Few Lessons are Free>> Gathering Herbs 2/5

"Oh look I found one yay." Evan said lousily.

He was clearly losing interest on what he was doing.


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Evan was looking tired and uninterested. The game that got him hyped once made him feel bad. 

"It's probably because I'm just stressed and tired. I mean, this is the stage that we once called "The struggle of beginners." He said, remembering the days when he would play video games with this brother.

"Okay, one more failed gather and I'll call it a day. Doing too much of this only hoping to succeed but fail so badly is only gonna be much of a drag. Alright, next attempt to get a success, here we go."

Evan searched and searched for herbs. He did it with the most effort he could muster, he was going to get a rest after getting nothing from this anyway.

ID: 93853 Result: 10 -Failed

Evan then stood up with the slightest look of happiness in his face.

"This is too much! Too much of a drag! How the hell do people complete this with a drop rate like that?!"

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"I guess that's enough. I'm going to call it a day.Evan sighed as he breathed in deeply to calm himself.

He started to stand up when he heard something, a snort.

"Alright, something that's worth doing today.He looked for the source of the noise then he came across a boar.

But this was no ordinary boar, it had herbs growing out of its back, the same kind of herbs that he could find around the forest but with a different color which is red rather than green. Then, one of the herbs on its back fell off. As it touched the ground, its color changed to green.

"Alright, here I go!Evan was ready to pounce when a message interrupted him.

It was from someone named Novafire.

"Okay boar you wait, I'm going to get you tomorrow. As for this guy, I'm going to get myself somewhere safe before I read it."

Before he left, Evan waited for the herboard to head somewhere which did not take long, and tried to gather the kind of herb that fell from it.

ID: 94041 Result: LD =13 -Success

When he finally picked it up. A quest bubble popped up.

<<The First Few Lessons are Free>>: Gathering Herbs 3/5

"There you go, a sign that all my luck is saved for tomorrow."



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(The next day)

"Alright you little herboar, you'd better show yourself because I've got a lot of stuff to show you!

Evan was back in the forest once again. This time, he came preapared as he has just received his new robe from "The Hanger."

He started to climb trees to look for it even easier, but the herboar was nowhere to be found. So, he went back to the ground to conserve more energy and because it wasn't a drag just to walk slowly and relax.

He continued walking until he stopped for he saw hoof prints on the ground.


Evan started to run, following the tracks. At the middle of the track, he found an herb, identical to the one he had failed to gather yesterday. He tried to pick it up. But it turned brown and withered away.

ID: 94042 Result: LD =7 -Fail.

"Looks like I just have to get them off of you myself."

Evan stood back up and resumed his walking following the path.



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Evan followed the prints the best he can. He kind of had a feeling that this would not be complete by the end of the day because of the rotten luck he has.

"Skill. Skill always counts. It is the only thing that counts. I would rather be testing myself against boss monsters than waste my time, trying to gamble my way for Herbs."

He took a rest for a minute and had a snack under a tree. It was the same old stale bread he had been eating for days. It was the cheapest around. Of course being the cheapest, it did not mean that it was the best.

"What a drag, this sucks. I'd better get myself a cook one of these days. Never thought that taste would such have a large effect within the Nerve Gear.

Just as he stood up, Evan found another herb and took it. It did not wither this time.

ID:  94127 Result: LD =19 -Success.


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<<The First Few Lessons are Free>>: Gathering Herbs 3/5

"I knew I would be lucky today!"

Evan said looking at awe in at the herb he just picked up.

"Alright, now for the herboar, where could you have gone my dear little thing?"

Evan continued on the tracks of the boar. He even started to jog happily as he looked for his last two quest requirements.

"Oh wait, there's still the part where we craft a healing potion. I hope it is not as hard as this one because that would be a drag.

Evan then finally reached the end of the path. It ended at a bush, a dead end.

He went to the bush, and through it then he found the herboar itself.

He reached for its hide in an attempt to get some herbs.

ID: 94132 Result: LD =20 -Success

<<The First Few Lessons are Free>>: Gathering Herbs 4/5

"And now we are down to the last one. Perfect."


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"Okay, the last one."

Evan reached for another herb on the boar's hide. He tried his best but the nearest herb was farther from the first one. He stretched his arms and then his whole body.

ID: 94295 Result: LD =16 -Success

<<The First Few Lessons are Free>>: Gathering Herbs 5/5 Completed!

"Got it! Hell yeah! Finally finishe-"

Evan was interrupted by the boar running away then it turned towards him. This made Evan trip and roll towards a clearing out of the bush. It started to stomp its foot.

"From the looks of it, you want a fight huh?" He said as the herboar glared at him.

"Well maybe I have got some time before I make potions. Come here you little s**t."

Evan equipped his dagger. A golden dagger with a sun at its hilt. He ran at the boar, and said,

"A low level like you better make me entertained, if not, all of this would be a drag!"



  • HP: 20
  • EN: 2
  • DMG: 2
  • MIT: 0
  • ACC: 0 
  • EVA: 1
  • Bleed: 2
  • Keen: 1
  • Savvy: 1

Equipped: Ell's Robe (+1 Evasion, +1 Savvy), Golden Sun Dagger (+2 Bleed, +1 Keen)

Battle Ready: 3 HP Potions, Silver Moon Dagger (+2 Damage), Thunder Stormers (+2 Paralyze). 


  • HP: 10
  • DMG: 3


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ID: 94513 Results: BD =3 -Fail, MD =1 -Fail

Evan started the fight with a slash at the herboar's face. He never felt so alive in any other game than this. The fight was right at his face. Just when he thought that the attack would connect, he herboar dodged to the left and tried to attack Evan with its tusk, but he simply put his left hand on the herboar's head and pushed downwards. This redirected its attack as Evan went over it.

"Nice try, come entertain me more you First Floor training creep."

Evan noticed below his health bar, a small little square with a person who dodged counter-attacking. 

Must be the Savvy skill, if I remember correctly, it boosts the chance for my next attack to connect. Thank you Hei. Evan thought.

"From the looks of it you will be having a hard time hitting me, you puny hog. Are you sure you do not want to run with your tail between your legs?" Evan said hoping it would understand.



  • Attacks with [Basic Attack]
  • EN: 2-1=1
  • BD Roll =3 -Misses


  • Attacks with [Basic Attack]
  • MD Roll =1 -Automatic Miss


H3LL0: HP: 20, EN: 1, Savvy (Plus one to BD Roll on next attack)

Herboar: HP: 10


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ID: 94517 Results: BD =8 -Success, MD =1 -Fail

The boar made no sign of retreating.

"Alright, let me teach you a lesson, here is something I learned when I first started the game." 

Evan's dagger started to glow golden, then he used it to attack the herboar by slashing it.

Evan slashed the boar's left side then maneuvered over it and slashed his right at a blazing speed.

He felt so light when he did it. He recognized that he made some acrobatic moves that he could never have done in real life.

"This game is awesome!"

The boar began to face him, glaring, Evan noticed another small square under the herboar's health bar with something that looks like a drop of blood inside it before it fell down and broke into glass shards, and went away with the wind.

"Cool." Evan said as he exhaled. 

ID: 94527 Results: LD =3, CD =3

Acquired: 30 Col

"30 Col huh... I guess that is alright, I mean I did kill it without taking any damage."

Evan started to walk out of the forest.



  • EN Regen: 1+1=2 HP Regen: 20+0=20
  • Attacks with [[x2] Round Accel (2 Energy)]
  • EN: 2-2=0
  • BD Roll =8 -Hit
  • Herboar HP: 10-4=6
  • Herboar gets debuff: <Bleed +2>


  • Herboar HP: 6-12=0 from <Bleed +2>
  • Dies
  • Drops <30 Col> 


H3LL0: HP: 20, EN: 0, Keen (Plus one to BD Roll on next attack)

Herboar: HP: 0


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"Yo old man! I'm back!" Evan called as he entered Zackariah's house.

"Have you ever heard of knocking?”

Evan dropped the 5 herbs and said,

”Okay sir, I don’t know how to start so I will be ready on your call.”

Zackariah raised a brow and said

"Add the herbs on the cauldron with the liquid I prepared, make sure it stays that hot."

Ell dropped the materials on the cauldron with a silver liquid. As soon as the five herbs were submerged, the liquid turned green.

"Alright, now keep on stirring, soon you'll notice the change in its color.

ID: 94537 Result: CD =5 -Success.

The liquid's color changed from green, to red.

"There we go! That's enough!" Zackariah said as he bottled up some of the liquid and gave it to Evan.

<<The First Few Lessons are Free>>: Crafting a Potion 1/1 Completed!

"Well that was easy." Evan said as he received the potion. "Not as a drag as the gathering part."


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