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[ SP - F04 ] The Attempts <<Feeding the Enemy>>

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Snow fell off of Illiure's hood as she walked with long strides through the stone brick roads of Snowfrost, her cyan gaze scanned the area hoping to find the NPC she was searching for. Her eyes darted from side to side as she walked around the area. She held her arms together to block the constant roar of wind and cold that came with it. Her cloak all over the place and her hood at times slid down to her neck where she had to pull it back up again. Aincrad's coldest. she thought through the howls of wind. Why would anyone want to make a floor like this..? she thought even more as she continued to walk. "Please let her be here.." Illiure muttered through clenched teeth. She rubbed her hands together in hope.

All she could see was white snow and a few lanterns of the cabins and cottages nearby. She gave a heft and depressing sigh and continued walking. She looked up, her cyan gaze filled with regret and judgment. She walked and walked and walked until she saw a small figure in the distance. Oh my god, is that really her?! Illiure thought, a flicker of hope rose from her chest. Her feet dashed off as she ran to the old woman. Wind and cold teared at her skin but she ignored and it and ran even faster. Only a few feet away did the NPC see her. "Hello young one, did you know if you feed a monster, it might accompany you for its entire life span?" the gypsy said. 

Illiure nodded and let out a choking sentence. "I would like to accept this quest," right after she said it, her quest board popped up, in it was the 'Feeding the Enemy' quest.

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Illiure looked up from her heaving body at the quest board. Finally. She sighed in relief. She dismissed the notice and looked at the NPC, the gypsy woman was giving her a toothy grin,."Er... Thank you,'" Illiure said graciously. That's not creepy at all.. Illiure thought, but shrugged it off. Who cares, I got the quest anyways. The gypsy nodded her head and held her arms together, and with that, she walked away. Her figure soon grew blurry in the snow. 

Illiure looked around, her cloak barely kept her from the sheer cold but she walked quickly to the nearest town exit. She rubbed her arms together, hoping that the friction could keep her hands from freezing off. Once she made it to the towns exit she huffed a puff of air and continued to walk into the snowy terrain of pine. Familiar, here I come.. she thought excitedly as she walked through the snow covered trees. She pulled down her hood to have a blast of cool air hit her face and a sigh made out of cloud of warm air escaped her lips.

"This familiar better be worth it.." she said, her tone matching to those of the temperature. It better be.

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Illiure found it hard to walk now, especially since the snow was at least half a foot deep. She struggled to take steps that were only a foot away from her body. But she did have to enjoy the scenery, the snow covered landscape was quite fascinating to see and trees covered with the white powder stretched as far as you can see. Fake.. was the one word that popped into her head. It is indeed fake.. she let out an aspirated sigh, a sigh that would echo in every direction. Where are all of the animals? Illiure started wondering, at this point, some sort of mob should've popped up..

Her thoughts were interrupted as her foot hitting a rock beneath the snow. "Dumb rock," she muttered. Her bare hands clutching the hems of her cloak out of the cold. Her blank cyan gaze narrowed at the trees around her, What am I standing here for? She snapped at herself and went back to trudging through the feathery soft but thick snow, her boots crunching onto the ground with each step she takes.

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Illiure's body shook with tiredness as she trudged on the snow, maybe I should rest for a bit.. she thought, her breath was ragged and her limbs were numb with exhaustion. She kicked off some snow on a trees roots and sat down, her knees in front of her while her arms rested on them. Her cyan gaze raised up to the sky, it was best by dark now. She sighed. I'm stuck here, in the dark, and I'm cold.. thank god I haven't seen any monsters lately, she sighed in relief. But it would hurt to have just a few minutes of rest.. Right? She huffed tiredly and rested her head on her arms.

"Just a few minutes wouldn't hurt right?" She said herself, her voice off because of the tiredness. just a few minutes.. She repeated before falling into a deep and peaceful slumber right then and there. Her body going a little limp as she slept.

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Illiure looked up from her arms and blinked drowsily. "H-how long have I been asleep?" she muttered drowsily as she blinked with relief. More than I should have, thats all I know.. she looked up at the sky, it was still as cloudy as ever, but she could tell there was sun behind it. She squinted at the bright light emitting from the clouds and stood up from the tree root, heaving as she pushed herself with her hands. Snow slid off her cloak as she rose from the ground, its warmer the yesterday.. she thought as she held out her hand to test the temperature. Definitely warmer, maybe I'll actually make some progress today.. She thought, a spark of faith erupted from her chest. Maybe even find a familiar. 

Enough thinking. Onward.. she pulled her hands back to her sides, and started trudging through the snow. Maybe I can get a familiar with a bonus skill.. she thought excitedly. As her boots crunched against the snow upon impact. She held her hands together. I'm going to find one sooner or later.. 

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Illiure blinked casually as she trudged in the snow until a small rustling echoed from a nearby snow covered bush. A monster? Have I finally found one?! she thought as she dropped into a low crouch and shuffled closer to the bush. She pulled out her dagger and quietly took off her head, letting her reveal her hair and opening her range of view. Cmon little familiar.. she thought as her boots worked their way closer to the rustling bush. "I've got you now..." she muttered quietly as she edged closer.

And with that, a shadowy figure sprang out from the bush and swiftly dashed away before Illiure could react. "E-eh..?" she replied breathlessly. "Are you kidding me?!" she hollered, making several other creatures scuffle away. She dropped down to her knees with a dead expression. Gone, just like that.. she made a bitter face and lifted herself up again. She marched away, pure anger radiating from her figure.

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Illiure took heavy and long strides as she marched down the powdered snow path, her eyes focused on the ground so that she doesn't trip on anything. I'm never going to find one.. she thought miserably. How can anyone find anything in this environment.. She looked up with a grim gaze to find another set of footprints next to hers. Her eyes went wide as she craned her neck to look over her shoulder, there it was, the very same tree she slept on the night before. Her eyes were still wide when she looked around, multiple sets of footprints were littered around her. Have I been going in circles for the past three hours?! she thought with a furious tone. 

How could this be happening to me..? She thought with a heart broken sigh. Why does this game hate me.. Her limbs were numb and motionless as she thought negatively. Why me..?

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Illiure stood there for a couple more minutes, just staring into deep and unfilled space. By the time she regained her ability to move again, her mind was already buzzing with anxiety. No. I am going to finish this quest even if I like or not! She gave a satisfied huff of determination and set out again. Maybe if I can keep my head up and go in a different direction. I'll find something. She thought, trying her best to be positive.

"You'll find one, you'll find one, you'll find one.." she muttered to herself, this was her way to cope with her anxiety, telling herself repeatedly that whatever it is, is going to happen. am going to find, I swear my life on it.. She could hear her thoughts like it was a whole new voice. Her thin boots trudged silently as she continued deeper into the forest, her arms were stunned cold but she kept on moving. I'm going to finish this quest.

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Illiure hiked aimlessly for a solid half hour before she noticed that she was already taking a different path. This path seemed to be filled with more nature, tall trees glazed with snow rose above her. Breathtaking.. she thought to herself. I would've loved this place if it were back at home.. Her gaze drifted to a plant with silvery frozen raindrops on it. Home.. Was it really ever. her eyes turned sad at the thought of her being in the outside world again.

It never felt like a home.. she sighed sadly and went back to striding ahead. Soon enough small bits of cold and ice fell from the sky, it was a steady pace, not to much, not to fast. Snow.. it wasn't like the blizzard into snow, like yesterday, it was genuinely snowing. "It's beautiful.." She breathed, slowly taking a hand out letting a few land on it, but quickly dispersing. We never had snow at h- where I lived.. she thought as a tinge of emotion swept through her.

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The brunette player withdrew her arm and kept on adventuring further into the wild forest. If the winds and snow died down a bi, I would love it here.. she thought graciously. She sighed, knowing that buying a house would have to require her a lot of money, not even having a profession yet, she knew that'd be close to impossible. When I'm strong and have a lot of Col, maybe.. she tried to remain positive.

Her body worked like a robot while she thought, doing a routine she was used to by now, just walking. She avoided large rocks and trees, trying to keep in a steer clear path. It'd be neat to open up a shop here once I get a profession too.. she thought, adding a little joyous skip into her walk. "I can do it.." she whispered quietly to herself. She knew she could do it. I know I can do it.

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Once Illiure shook herself out of her thoughts she full consciously made her way to wherever the woods took her. Wherever ever the trees go, I go.. she thought as her hood ruffled in a cold,but passing wind. She then suddenly  thought. Come to think of it, I haven't seen any people while on this quest. NPC nor players, odd. I guess the only place they would go was the closest town since this floor is filled with bitter wind.. she thought logically.

I just hope I can find something to tame.. It'd be nice to have something around to comfort me, creature or person.. she sighed. By the time noon rolled around, Illiures feet were already numb and cold with exhaustion but she could still feel no pain. Benefits maybe..? She thought as she kept walking. Maybe I should stop somewhere to rest.. it won't do me any good if I'm tired and find beast to tame..

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Illiure yelped as her feet gave way under her and slipped into the air. Her hood slipping off as she fell on her back with a grunt. Wha. What the? she gave a confusing lock at the ground, She touched it her bare hand and found it stone cold, she knocked on it and it sounded as clear as wood. One thought popped into her head though. It's ice.

I'm sitting on Frostbite Lake! She thought, she's heard of this lake before, it should be all frozen. She looked up and saw that she was indeed right, the lake sat on an expansion of land and it was all a light shade of blue, resembling ice.  Its so pretty, it's magnificent! she just wanted to take a picture of the lake and keep it forever. There might be some kind of monsters here.. she thought hopefully. 

She attempted to stand up but on result in other fall landing on her bum with an unsatisfied 'oof'. She gave a suppressed growl and slowly started kneeling, slowly taking baby steps to stand up. How am I going to walk in this? she thought miserably.

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Just then she heard a high pitched squeak. Illiure darted her head around to find the surce of the squeals. A ruffling sound came from a nearby bush, it was rustling, small yips coming from it. Iliure silently pulled out her dagger and carefully stepped closer to the feather colored bush. Only about half a meter away, a white black figure sprang from the bush, immediately seeing the long tail and feathered wings, she knew what it was. A Feathered Bunny.

The bunny let out a loud squeal when it saw Illiure. It's eyes went wide as did hers, It's scared of me.. The rabbit streaked in an opposite direction, away from the lake. Illiure let out a muffled grunt and dashed after it. Thank god it didn't go out into the lake. She thought in relief as the rabbit blindly ran away from her. Please let me have this.. Please!

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Illiure speedily ran after the rabbit, their speed being equal. Please please please.. she begged in her mind as she flashed behind the bunny. Please let me have this so I can finally be at peace with myself! she dared not to cry but tears sprang from her eyes as she ran just as blindly as the rabbit. They dashed for what seemed for hours on end, running right, left, here and there.

After minutes of running, they creature and her began to feel exhausted, running at a much slower pace. Illiures eyes shine with determination and anxiety. The bunny however, was doing whatever it takes to get away from her, eventually it looked as though it was going to give up, but it opened its folded wings, and attempted to fly up through the woods.

Illiure hear a high pitched squeak and looked up so to see the rabbit in a web of branches, stuck.

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The rabbit screeched and yelped in fear as Illiure brought it down with a firm get gentle grasp. "Shh.. It's okay.." she whispered to it as she held it in a cradle like way. What am I suppo- Oh! Right! she pulled out a few carrots she had bought a few days before, holding on she edged it closer to the rabbit. The rabbit looked at her with wide eyes and then after realizing its safe, chucking the carrot in its front paws and greedily gulping it down.

Yep, you're definitely mine. She surprised a small smile at the bunny. A few more minutes of the rabbit chugging down carrots, a small notification appeared in front if her.

You have successfully tamed a 

" Feathered Bunny " !

This made Illiure scream with delight and happiness. "Yes!" This left the bunny cradled in her arms flinching. "Er, sorry.. Uh.." Shoot, I have to think of a name.. "Ah, I know. I'll call you Kueto!" she said raising a finger. The winged rabbit tipped its head at its new name but then snuggled closer to Illiures chest. Finally.. she thought. Finally..


ID : 95913

Rolled : 14, Success!


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Illiure gave a small smile as she rubbed Kueto's soft head. I'm so happy.. she thought with relief and joy. I won't have to be alone anymore.. She gave a reassuring smile to the rabbit and gently set him down on the snowy forest floor. Well, she ate all of my carrots already.. she heaved a heavy puff. I hope she doesn't eat that much, she'll cost me a lot..  She put her hands on her hips and look done at the small figure. "What am I going to be doing with you.." she muttered, like a mother to a child.

Kueto yipped gleefully and unfolded her wings, they were pure white but lined with pitch black on the edge. She gave a happy sniff and soared up to meet Illiure on her shoulders. She's bound to have a favorite spot somewhere, guess it's my shoulder.. Illiure muttered a sigh and went back to smiling happily at Kueto. "Let's get you someplace warmer, yeah?" a short squeak replied back to her, she took that as a yes and headed back to the main floor town.

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Realizing that it was still snowing, Illiure pulled her hood up, careful not to disturb her newly tamed familiar. She gave a relieving small smile at Kueto who was dozing on her shoulder, wings tucked in and her ears folded back. I guess I have a new traveling buddy then.. she thought happily. With the distraction of constantly faxing at her familiar, Illiure ended up losing her sense in time, because by the time she looked up from Kueto's sleeping figure, it was already dark.

Illiure gave an irritated growl that seemed to wake Kueto. "Ah, sorry Kueto," she sounded her best to be the cheery and determined girl who had confronted the creature a few hours ago, sadly not even herself can say that she was that same person. Kueto on the other hand didn't seem to care and just rubbed her cheek against the side of Illiure's hood. Someone who doesn't care If I'm different or not.. That's a first.. she smiled, bringing up her finger to stroke the rabbits forehead. 

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Kueto gave a shrill chirp and brought out her wings, taking a small dive from Illiures shoulder and hovering only a few inches away from her. "You can do tricks like that huh?" Illiure asked scratching her chin with a smirk. Lets see what you can do.. "Can you.. Do a loop?" Illiure asked, making a circular motion with her hand. Kueto, seeming to understand looped around in circles for a few seconds before stopping in front of her with a high pitched squeal of excitement. She gets what I'm trying to say, smart. Illiure held a proud gaze to herself before waving her hand for her familiar to follow her, and hopefully back to town.

"You understand you're a smart bunny, yes?" Illiure asked, hoping that the creature could understand her. Kueto nodded her head and waved her tail happily before chirping again and landing on Illiure's shoulder. She's light.. Not heavy at all.. Illiure bit down on a chuckle. She started walking away from the forest, Kueto on her shoulder and eyes that seemed to scream excitement.

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Illiure sighed as she reached the entrance of Snowfrost. She inhaled, the freezing bitter air and exhaled a warm cloud, "Here we go.." she muttered to Kueto and caustics all entered the small town. She passed by multiple players and NPC's roaming the area and headed straight for the small market of the town. She wondered around before she spotted exactly what she wanted. 

The brunette puffed as she held the bag of carrots in one hand. I can't believe that merchant made me pay that much for a bag of carrots. She wanted to grumble. Her shadow was fasted to her right as she stood in the doorway of the Hearth and Harrow, a local tavern. She pushed in the doors of the tavern and stepped inside cautiously, Kueto also sitting with alarm on her shoulder. She muttered a thank to god that the tavern was almost empty as she sat in a small booth next to the window.

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Kueto hopped down from her shoulder onto the small wooden table with a happy shrill. Her ears were up high and her tail was swaying excitedly. Illiure couldn't help but form a small smile on her face as she pulled out a few carrots from the bag. She held it high above Keuto's head and the feathered bunny whined with impatience. "Rule number four, no whining," Illiure whispered to the rabbit. This seemed to shut the rabbit up even though she could still hear small whimpers coming from behind Kueto throat. She gave a small shake of her head and sighed, giving up to the creatures adorableness.

Illiure patted Keurto on the head as she greedily snatched the carrot and gobbling it up quickly. Once she was finished, she looked up at. Illiure with a hopeful look. The player sighed at her familiar, giving her one last carrot before saying. "No more," and placing the bad in her inventory. Lets be good friends Kueto. She thought as she gazed lovingly at the familiar. Kueto, as if reader her thoughts looked at her with beaming eyes and gave a shrill squeak. 

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