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{PP-F2} Businessman <<The Venemous Warg>>

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There were a couple of things about the Second Floor that made Pinball happy. 
The first being, that it was his favorite type weather. Rainy, and when it wasn't raining it was probably cloudy? Yes, please. The second thing that came to mind was The High Fields of Crossing. Unguarded Safe Zone? Hell yeah. Covered in fluffy grass and bright, colorful flowers? Hell yeah. Plus, because it was a Safe Zone, Pinball could safely take a nap. He was used to plopping down and sleeping wherever he fell, but that, like... wasn't safe. At all. He wouldn't be mauled by a monster in a Safe Zone, and there wouldn't be some stray PK Hunter slitting his throat while he slept. Being captured and taken in was always a fear, but nowadays, when wasn't it? He didn't know if Mars would have preferred for him to sleep at his shop. He couldn't help but feel like he bothered him, so Pinball only ever really crashed there when he needed to lay low, and even then he did it reluctantly. It was easier to find somewhere to hide and sleep in the wilderness. Plus, Pinball always enjoyed the quiet. 

It was raining. Pinball laid in the grass with his arms behind his head, letting the water hit his face and soak his clothes. It was cold, but Pinball - as much as he hated to admit it - found the chill comfortable. He knew damn well why that was, but he wasn't about to let it ruin morning. He had a tent set up, which usually was considered rude if you put one up in some kind of settlement, but was probably alright to do here. But he didn't want to retreat inside just yet. Most floors didn't rain enough for his tastes. He hadn't slept just yet - he had pulled an all nighter, walking from floor to floor, trying to find something to do. It was weird, but sometimes nice, not having anything to do. His sword at his side and Zomekko's jar tucked away inside the cover of the tent, Pinball felt himself slowly dozing off, but was too lazy to get up and move inside. 


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Stepping upon the floor he lets his green cloak whip in the wind that is around the area the pulls his hat down to cover his eyes to avoid having the rain hit his face easily the man having an axe attached to his back via a strap holding it in place fashioned tightly to his back. A small pin attached to the green cloak of his shop's symbol a dagger seemingly moving through the opening of a cloak entirely he lets his eyes scan through the area and decides to make his way towards the quest person that is on the floor that he is being forced to deal with before his levels expire. 'Not that really is an issue if i can just get the twins to join me on this it would be a bit easier to get me going, but seems like they're busy constructing their shops. I don't have time.' He thinks to himself as he makes his way towards the designated tavern where the local merchant was meant to be a man that is being hounded by some wolves and....not so much wolves really since it was meant to supposedly have some kind of poison sacks. Should be easy enough to do this. Their is always hands willing to help out the more fortunate for the right price, or some goody two shoes to do so for free. Who knows might get a new business partner or if i get lucky some more hired muscle beyond the twins. He says calmly towards himself as he steps into the establishment that was the tavern and he can only grin seeing some crystals that were a mix of orange and greens and yellows. The shadier side of Aincrad.

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As he felt himself slowly lose consciousness, Pinball found himself thinking about things. Just random stuff that wouldn't normally cross his mind otherwise. What were his guild members doing now? Pinball thought about Stryder and Eatos and Dustin and Froppy. What were their day-to-day lives like? Were they doing alright? 
Pinball knew he had done... bad things. To all of them. But as the rain hit his face, lulling him to sleep, he couldn't help but hope they were happy. They - they deserved it. More than he did. His voice, sleepy, soft, and mournful, rang out, barely audible above the pouring rain. 

"I'm... beyond redemption.

A loud crack of lightning and thunder woke him up. Pinball sat up, relying on his arms for support. Sleepy, bright blue eyes scanned the area around him. He didn't see anyone still, so he pushed himself to his feet, his wet hair and clothes sticking to his face. He bent over and picked up his sword, and then stumbled over to lie down in his tent. 

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With a smile upon his face and a step into the tavern to escape the rainy day Dagger makes his way towards the merchant NPC within the tavern being the most obvious victim if one would want to target him for any type of con or attack to try and force him to give up valuable possessions to any of the people within this room. The young merchant wearing light armor and having no big name to himself meaning he is just a weakling to any person that would want to pick him off for dead. 'However, things can be arranged post death if need be to guarantee their death.' He thinks calmly not afraid of the death that could await him from any killers since in the end any murderers will eventually meet their own gruesome fate by the hands of justice of the governments of the real world outside of this game. As he stands before the merchant the calm man that was once a psychologist now business man within this world look towards the NPC. Greetings sir i heard you're in need of some help getting your goods to this town. Maybe i can be of some assistance the name is Dagger. Of the Cloak and Dagger to be specific consider my services ready to help you. he says in a polite tone of voice taking off his hat and putting it against his chest with a small bow and he grins slightly using this as a nice opportunity to practice his politeness to customers. 'Service with a smile afterall.'

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Pinball entered the small tent, almost having to crawl into it - it wasn't big by any means, a two-person tent at best, but it had enough room for him to stand if he hunched over. He glanced at the jar resting next to his pillow, and at the swirling mass of fog residing in its glassy confines. Pinball almost smiled. He didn't have many people, but he had a cat, and that was a comfort, if only a small one. Sure, she was digital, nothing more than a chunk of code, but she made him happy, and he knew he couldn't bear to lose her. 
Pinball set his sword to the side of his bed roll, and started to undress, unequipping everything. His armor, his cloak, his boots, his shirt. He changed his pants to a dry and equally as black pair, and then slipped himself under the covers of his sleeping bag. He didn't have much by way of a pillow, so he used a bundle of folded up clothes, but it sure as hell beat sleeping in the grass. Maybe he should try to set up camp before - you know - passed out in random places because he decided he'd be fine if he lost a couple of days of sleep. He almost immediately fell asleep, the sound of the rain pattering lightly against the tent's tarp coaxing him to rest. 

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As the NPC would give out the details Dagger would just nod his head with a simple smile as he would listen through the details not giving much care for the NPCs plight since in the end it was data and thus it can be replaced what matter is gaining the points that are necessary to secure his place within this digital landscape to become a useful finder of goods. 'The more unidentifieds i have the more customers i can try to attract with them.' He thinks calmly to himself as he would accept the quest as the prompt would come up about it before nodding his head and putting his hat back upon his head and lowering it slightly shadowing his face and protecting his eyes from the rain that would be outside. Raising his right hand he grips his axe ready to draw it at a moment's notice as he would exit the tavern keeping his gaze upon the tavern patrons as he sees them looking at him as he keeps his guard up till he exits the facility. A soft sigh escapes his lips as he can only expect that he might get some unsavory attention during his stay upon this floor which means he will need some bigger hired help than what the twins can provide him. Time to see if i can get myself some luck and find some stronger help. He says to himself as he starts to make his way towards the nearest town exit passing by one of the many fliers about some kind of criminal activity by some person calling themselves a police force. Having memorized each name, each face, each description for one simple goal. Too sell to both sides of this war.

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And with that, Pinball was asleep. As his vision went black and his thoughts began to recede, Pinball was met with brief flashes of memories; old and new, good and bad. 

It was a pleasant morning, and Pinball had gone out to visit the coffee shop the grey-haired girl had recommended to him and Lucy. Lucy was out with her new boyfriend, and Pinball had nothing to do. He felt happy that he ran into her there. Her name was Mishiro. 
Lucy was dead. His only friend. The girl he thought he loved. And here he was, crying silently, slumped against a wall and holding a crystal that told him she had felt the same. 
Froppy. Pinball remembered the first time they met. She was crying. Pinball gave her a flower, and he was happy that she felt better. He smiled. He felt warm inside. 
The Boar's Tusks. He remembers Paglikha, dazed and woozy, as if he had just struck him. He remembered Embers' tight grip on his shirt. He remembered begging her to do something - anything - so he could lay the girl out. 

He never thought he'd feel that way about another guy. Meeting Dustin was unfamiliar and wonderful. But he was obsessed with power. With getting stronger. Pinball feels disgusted. 
The wind howled in his ears, the cold eating at his skin. He stared down at the dead man in the snow, his spear punching a hole through his throat. He remembered the exact moment Sugutsuya gave up. The exact, defeated expression before he expired. 

And Pinball jolted awake, his heart pounding in his chest and tears running down his face. 

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Making his way through the settlement dagger keeps his hat tipped still to cover his eyes as he keeps his eyes upon the road and a had upon his axe his attire could be confused for that of a executioner possibly within the wrong eyes. That being from the simple fact he is a man in clothes that obscure most of the finer details of his body having a hat to try and obscure his face and lastly a axe that could be used for the purpose of executions back in the real world by people. As he makes his way out of the main settlement he keeps his head upon a swivel to keep an eye on the area behind him to make sure that he is avoiding the whole being ambushed thing as eventually he slowly stumbles upon an area that looks like the start of some kind of camp site from the fact he can see what looks like a twin tent like the ones he can sell from his shop. Must be one of shield's customers or they bought it from a NPC merchant. He says calmly towards himself knowing that nobody has bought that from him at the very least as he starts to make his way towards the location where the tent is located at having a simple goal in mind.

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The tent was light green and plain, and it wasn't one of the special tents you could buy from a merchant - Pinball didn't have the patience to deal with putting together some elaborate disguise just to buy from one of the Player Merchants. But right now, Pinball had other things on his mind anyway. He sat up, touching his cheek. 
Wet, and not from the rain. Pinball rubbed his hands across his face and through his hair. 
"I dreamed again," he mumbled to himself. He tried not to think about it, and stood (as much as he could in the confined space.) He retrieved his sword, and hooked Zomekko to his belt. He equipped his leather armor, the already thin and now worn and battered leather probably offering no protection at this point, and then slipped on his boots. Pinball was in the process of throwing a long black coat over his shoulders, walking outside of his tent when he noticed, a little too late, the man approaching his tent. 
"Hrrn," he grumbled, his hand reflexively reaching for his sword. He turned right back around and went inside his tent. 

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He looks at the man and quickly looks for the details of the man in question seeing that he has a orange crystal to begin with from what he could tell when he had exited the tent along with that he has a sword at his side that would be able to lash out and try to kill him with at a moment's notice. Along with that is a sort of glass jar that has something inside of it as Dagger just grins at that as he can piece the rest together from the leather armor that the man is wearing after all that is one of Aincrad's two and only two most wanted people as done by the APD. 'I can use this.' Is the first thought that passes through his mind as he makes his way over towards the tent that the man tries to enter back into again as he would take a knee upon the muddy ground willing to ruin his pants if need be for what he wants to do. Opening the tent up if it is possible or if it isn't he would say the same thing no matter what be it face to face or fact to tent. Good evening Pinball the name is Dagger of the Cloak and Dagger. Professional merchant, Fighter last i need your services to help me out during a quest i would ask some of my other associates but they are seemingly busy. He says in a polite tone of voice the entire time with the only threatening stance that one could make from Dagger is just the casual axe against his back, but his hands are more so closer towards the ground than anywhere near his weapon.

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The man opened up the flap of his tent and spoke, leaving Pinball nowhere to run. His hand came to rest on the leather grip of his sword, and his eyes narrowed. 
How the hell did he know his name? The answer came immediately after. The posters. 
He looked the man up and down as he introduced himself. He didn't look terribly strong - but neither did Pinball without his creepy spear. Looks were deceiving, and this Dagger guy spoke with a confidence that hinted at something more sinister lying beneath. At least, that was Pinball's interpretation. 
Pinball grit his teeth, but Dagger made no move to attack or grapple him - which was good, because Pinball wouldn't have had any way to try and dodge. 
"What do you want?" His voice came out more terse and gravely than he had intended it to, but that was just as well. He had a feeling he might need to appear standoffish around this one.

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He chuckles a bit in a friendly manner before waving his right hand in a dismissive manner as he looks towards the player in question. My, my, you must be stressed than if you didn't hear my request the first time. The name is Dagger, and i've said i need some help with a quest my usual guards are busy and that leaves me without some help doing quests so i can provide the best merchant items to ANY players in need of some help. He says in a calm tone of voice towards the spear user emphasizing the word any to him in a rather calm manner as he would extend his hand towards the spear user with a calm look in his hazel colored eyes. Feel like helping someone out killer? I can tell you aren't as dangerous as something like laughing Coffin. if you were you would've murdered me on the spot, so you're near your weapon waiting for me to make the first move that won't ever come. The man known as Dagger says as he looks you in the eyes. If you feel like helping someone out feel free to shake my hand.

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He must have been too caught up in his own thoughts to hear the shady looking man the first time. "Ah, my bad," he replied stiffly. He twitched when he called Pinball killer - it was a harmless manner of speech, but he couldn't help but feel a bit antagonized by it. He didn't take Dagger's hand just yet. He let his eyes roll over him, taking in his appearance. Hat, formal attire - he looked like a bussinessman, straight out of the old movies. That or a mafioso. The axe on his back looked a bit threatening, but what didn't when you were Wanted? 
Pinball took a moment, formulating a response to the guy's question. The way he struck out his hand reminded him of old folklore; don't make a deal with the devil. He couldn't help but feel if he accepted his request, he'd be dragged into something else - whatever that may be was unclear to Pinball. He had to weigh the pros and cons. 
"What do I get out of this?

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He would just look towards the person seeing him hesitant which shows that the man in front of him is at least smart enough to know not to trust someone that could be trying to act kind since there is a bounty on his head. He would let his hand remain extended towards the man awaiting for him to shake it so he can do his best to make a business deal with this man in front of him. He than hears the small phrase that is both one of the easiest to use and the smallest line one must be careful to walk between to make sure that a business deal goes forth by the end since both parties must feel it is worth their time and in a equal wager. Easy mister former frontline fighter what we both get out of this is simple really if you would like to think about it. I get a bodyguard to help me on these quests going forward so i can be a good enough scout and merchant so i can sell to people. Along with that if we get anything noteworthy to write home about like some kind of unidentified and if we do become a long lasting business partner deal mister Pinball how about this. Any Uniques that happen to be for that spear you did use, or for that sword you are using now they get handed to you first. A unique straight to you if we do become long lasting business partner, and what better way to test such a proposition than working together. If that doesn't suit you though how about this instead you work with me as a bodyguard lets say and i can make sure that you still get business at all to be able to buy things. I can sell you items from merchants, i can even buy off things and sell things and make sure they get to you. I can imagine it's hard to be able to buy things for your survival with that cursor of yours. He says in a rather serious tone as he looks at Pinball with slightly narrow eyes and speaking in a low tone of voice near the end as if trying to minimize the possible words spreading beyond this clearing. I will risk my reputation slightly, and you get better chances at living.You have nothing to lose from this EXP and more survivability i am the only one losing here except for the small bodyguard part but that is trivial compared to what you get.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, he wasn't expecting that kind of response. Certainly kind of lengthy, but it made sense when he thought about it - or at least, he hoped so, because this whole business demeanor made him feel pressured to think quickly and on his toes. The way he made it sound, it was too good to be true. 
Pinball winced. But that kind of engagement could easily be exploited in the future. He couldn't let himself become reliant on this merchant. He could be blackmailed, or cheated out of his money, or worse, at the snap of the guy's fingers. Pinball's freedom was on the line. But, if he wanted to survive, he would need a merchant to go to...
"I'll think about it," he finally replied. "I'll just help you for now. Gonna get back to you..." He started busying himself with taking down his tent and retrieving his camping supplies. "With all that... other stuff."

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That is completely fine with me mon ami can't be making big life choices on the fly of course. After all i would be careful if i was in your shoes as well anybody could now be against you because of the little miss self-righteous tank of the frontlines.The cloaked and hat wearing man says with just a nod of his head and makes his way into the direction that is vaguely towards the questing area a distance away as he would lean against a tree and simply wait having a grin across his face that is obscured through the darkness of the clouds and the rain that is coming down. He would simply observe the man letting his gaze quickly flicker to the various gear to size him up for what is going to be ahead, and what he can use him for in the future in terms of quests. 'At the very least is stronger than the twins. Not using a spear so weaker than two handed users. Probably could carry me to floor thirteen depending on the quest.' He thinks to himself with a grin upon his face being rather hopeful that the deal could possibly be accepted. Maybe not this day, maybe not next week, or a month from now. He is a patient man though, and from the wanted posters all the pressure is on this criminal to make the smartest deals at a very fast rate to try and guarantee survival.

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Me mom ali- no, nevermind. Not even gonna try. 
It took him a while, but over the course of the next few minutes, Pinball managed to pack up his stuff and gather the random materials scattered around the Safe Zone. He placed them all back in his inventory. At this point, he had more camping supplies than weapons or armor, and more consumables than all of them still. He was running low on basic food though - but it's not like he ate much anyway. As if on cue, he felt a sharp twang of hunger in his stomach, but he ignored it, his eye twitching. It was uncomfortable, sure, but it wouldn't kill him. 
Pinball deserved worse. 
He made his way over to the businessman, hand on his sword as he walked. This guy knew a lot about him, and he still wasn't sure what he wanted to do. He hadn't been able to think clearly while he worked. He nodded. "Alright, I'm ready," he mumbled. 

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  • 3 months later...

Perfect than my future friend i can't wait to see what the future holds for the two of us. He says in a polite tone of voice with a slight bow towards him for some politeness and than turns around and starts to make his way towards the direction of where the supplies are supposedly located at. The man known as Dagger just walking with a purpose in a singular direction without looking back towards the player killer not even once. Not having equipped his axe for the time being since it really wouldn't be used at all since it is only for show and fear tactics if somebody did try to make a move against him. 'The wonders of not fighting anything, and just having people do that for you. Leaves oneself open for a rather nice relaxing time so i can just focus on more important things.' With that in mind he lets his eyes scan around the area for the location of some materials possibly for himself to use glancing about he finds one and picks it up adding it to his inventory without any hesitation. So than. Why did you make yourself out here? Easy to scare away people who would know better than to mess with people stronger than them? He asks towards the orange crystal player.

#114732 LD:11+3+1=15 1 T1 mat found


(inviting you into the thread since Pinball seems MIA from the site and i'd rather have a partner then not especially since this thread is close to done)

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  • 1 month later...

Alec blinks and looks around suddenly as if waking from a dream or sleep walking again. Darn his habit of letting his mind wander and his feet carry him while thinking. One if these days that may very well drop him into deep trouble he thought to himself as he quickly spotted Dagger and as began to open his mouth he suddenly spotted an orange cursored Player! He had heard of Player Killers before but never seen one. Instantly Alec moved himself to between Dagger and the Player Killer hovering his hand near his axe as he fell into step behind Dagger never turning or taking his attention from the Player with the orange cursor above his head. The Player Killer seemed lost in thought or daydreaming himself but Alec took no chances as he continued to follow Dagger as he walked backward prepared for any trick from the Player Killer. " Sorry I must have zoned out there." Aleve offered deeply ashamed. "I swear I'll never let it happen again." Aleve promised as he tapped his heart with his right hand.

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He chuckles at the words from hsi bodyguard and shakes his head as he pats the man on his back as he glances towards the player killer known as Pinball and then back towards Alec and just nods towards the man. Don't worry about it Alec he is a possible new acquaintance that may be fighting alongside us in the future at some point. He says calmly towards the large man as he makes his way forward as the duo of Dagger and Alec arrive at the location where their is a pack of wargs with a lead venemous one standing here at the ready to bite and attack the duo as Dagger just gestures towards the pack with a smile upon his face. Well this is where you specialize so i will be making my way in search of a chest. He says in a calm and polite tone of voice towards him as Dagger's gaze quickly sweeps through the area in the search of a chest. After letting his gaze search throughout the area he comes up empty even after a safe search from a distance towards the merchan'ts goods in the wreckage of the cart.

#117713 LD:3+4=7


Wolf 1: 40/40 25DMG
wolf 2: 40/40 25DMG
Wolf 3: 40/40 25DMG

Venomous warg: 150/150  DMG:35 (50 on crit) EVA: 1

Venomous Bite: Natural MD of 9-10 poisons the target, dealing 10 unmitigatable damage at the start of their turn for 3 turns.

Feral Strike: Every time a <<Wolf>> is slain, <<Venom Snapper>>’s next attack becomes AoE. This ability can stack (if 2 wolves die at the same time, <<Venom Snapper>>’s next 2 attacks become AoE). “Venomous Bite” can still trigger on AoE attacks.

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