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Sairies' Journal

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Username: Sairies
Real name: Tsumiya, Kina
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Height: 5'2

About: History/personality

19 years ago family and friends gathered around to witness the start of a new generation. Kina would be the first child of any of her grandparent's children, however she wasn't quiet what they would have hoped that she would be, as the girl came out with snow white hair and bright red eyes. Conditions caused by albinism, that made the early years for Kina very difficult. This being that the girl couldn't stay outside for long periods of time, so she had troubles making friends and while some escape for her could be found in video games the strained her eyes too much if she was on for too long.

Even still, the girl made the most of what she could with video games and when that wasn't an option she'd find herself immersed in books or other forms of stories. She found herself relating to rogue type characters the most, not because they were shadowy or edgy or anything of the sort but because she related to their cloaks and hoods even if Kina didn't wear them for the same reason so could at least pretend they did.

Beyond her growing obsession with fantasy, Kina had always been a daddy's girl. She followed her dad just about anywhere she could, and loved it the most when he would sit down and play games with her. The two had an almost inseperable bond. That was until her dad fell in love with another girl. She wasn't told at first, when but a fight broke out while she was playing games upstairs, she couldn't simply ignore it. So the girl went downstairs to investigate and found her mother crying and saying how she'd betrayed him. It was then that Kina's soul was crush as her dad left her and her mom alone to go live off on the other side of japan with another girl.

After that event, and as medicine advanced to allow her to stare at a screen longer, Kina fully immersed herself in the gaming world. She was playing everything she could while avoiding everything and anything from the outside world. It wasn't too long after that, that SAO came around. Kina try as she may couldn't get into the beta but her mom, maybe as some sort of piece offering or to try and get closer to Kina in some way managed to pick up a copy of the game for her.

The game for all of 3 hours was everything she ever wanted. Kina played around with a dagger in something that felt real, and she got to go outside and run around without fear the sun or her health. that was until the opening announcement was made and everything she had thought about freedom and being safe out and about was stripped from her. Kina was in shock and reverted back to her reclusive self even within the game world. Until recently she was one of those that never the town of beginnings, that was until recently she was given a dagger by one of her friends that she had made in the town who decided to finally venture out. When she was given that dagger, she remembered how freeingn the game world had felt and decided to finally try and live life in the game of death.


Quick-Thinking: In chaotic situations Sairies can adapt and think on her feet with realitive ease. This helps with reacting to most oncoming stimuli and decide what's most important to be focusing on at that moment. Sairies mostly developped this trait from her extended and continued play of video games of all genres. This allowed her to get a feel for combat situations and help assess what needs to be prioritized.

Fast-Learner: Sairies has always been relatively good at picking up new things. It's something that's definitely helped in her video game endeavours by allowing her to learn new systems and mechanics with realtive ease. It's also helped her in her day to day life, not that that matters much anymore.

Caring: Deep beneath all of the hard exterior Sairies actually cares a whole lot about the people she considers friends. She shows this in subtle ways by doing thing they and more importantly she herself won't directly notice. She hides it from herself mostly because she's scared of feeling attached again.

Nervous: A part of what shook her up so heavily when the openning announcement was made. Sairies has a disposition to be overly worried about most things, even if she doesn't show it. This disposition can lead to her to be hesistant to take new steps or venture into dangerous territory without fully knowing what's going on or having someone reassure her. However, once she gets into the thick of things most of her doubts go away and she lets her natural reactions guide her instead of overthinking, It's just taking those first steps that cause problems.

Callous: While not actually uncaring, Sairies has a disposition to be cold and unwelcoming to people. This is mostly because she has abandonment issues and steems from the fact that she hasn't got over her father for leaving her when she thought they were so close. This results in Sairies naturally pushing people away or just being cold to them in an attempt for her not to get attached to anyone.

Fierce: When Sairies feels things she it becomes very hard to convince herself that the way she's feeling isn't actually the case. The girl lets her emotions guide her and what she feels she feel strongly. So if someone angers her, even if she comes to find out that it's by accident, she'll still feel anger for a time after, and before she reaches the conclusion that it was a mistake, Anger is wholely consuming for the person who she feels wronged her.


» None Currently «


Current Skill Points: 5

Assigned Skill Points: 5

Unassigned Skill Points: 0



» None Currently «



» None Currently «



» None Currently «

Weapon skills:


» 1h Dagger - Rank 1 - 5 SP « 


Effect: +1(Tier) to base damage

» Sword Skills « 

Rank 1

  • [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.
  • [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target.




Col: 2500

10 T1 Materials

» Weapons « 


» Violet Shard | Rare 1h Dagger | 1x ACC 1x DMG | A small simple dagger which blade looks like it was made out of a violet crystal «


» Armor « 


» Dark Purple Leathers | Vanity Armor «

» Trinkets « 


» None Currently «

» Consumables « 


» 3 Starter Healing Potions | Heals 50 HP «

» Unidentified Items « 


» None Currently «

» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

Edited by Sairies
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