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Posts posted by Seldentar

  1. Seldentar feels Shanok pull him away as the golem comes crashing down in front of them both. Looking over, he gives a friendly nod.

    "Thanks for that. Lets finish this shall we?"

    He charges forward with his sword, slashing at the monster. Sadly however, his attack misses.

  2. Seldentar places the essense of steel onto the rapier, and selects the activate button. It flashes once, then sits there. Well, that was a little more then he had gotten at least.

    "Hmm, I am still doing something wrong. Lets see...."

    Seldentar picks up his hammer, and begins to pound the essense of steel into the sword. 1, 2, 3, with each hit, the essense is slowly absorbed into the rapier. He continues to pound it in, and on the tenth swing of his hammer, the essense of steel begins to glow, and fully merges with the rapier.

    Item:Bloody Thorn

    Quality:Rare > Perfect

    Shop:Upgraded at Selds Repair and Smithy

    Description:This Rare Rapier was upgraded with the . Infused with the power of this rare artifact, it is a lethal weapon. +3 Damage.

  3. Seldentars red sword, the sat in front of him. He stood at his workbench, looking down at it, a strange new object in his hand. His victory over this most recent boss had come with quite a rare prize, and it was time to see just how worth that fight this had been. Holding his breath, he places the new item, the onto his sword, and activates it.

    GM Edit: After much whacking and bonking of the on the sword, nothing happens. You are left wondering if their is no item beyond Perfect, or whether or not you did something wrong.

  4. The bosses health was but a sliver left, yet his continuing Area of Effect attacks were becoming problematic. Determined to end this, Seldentar holds his blade up, and focuses hard on the boss. As all else fades from view, his eyes begin to glow blue as his skill hyper focuses on the boss. Charging forward, he leaps into the air, preparing to end this. His sword skill activated, the system assist sets his path, as he dives head first at the giant yeti. Blade held out in front, it hits the beast in the face, and he rockets through the monster, leaving a gash in it from head to toe.

    Snow Beast: Rekd

  5. Seldentar looks up as she starts to move. She was right, if she didn't want to keep working with him, she could have dissolved the party at any time. Instead she had kept it going for several days. That thought made him smile, and he watched her turn around in the doorway. After she leaves, he goes back to eating his sandwich, humming happily to himself.

  6. He smiles, hopping back over the counter, the knives carefully wrapped up. He sets them down in front of Shiro, and then goes back to eating his sandwich.

    "You started working on perfect equipment, and I want you to be able to keep going with the same caliber items you learned on. So think of that as a Shop Warming present. They should help you get things running nice and fast."

    He looks up at Shiro with a warm smile.

    "Just be aware that Ill be coming by often."

  7. Seldentar takes a bite of the sandwhich, his eyes opening wide. He had been eating plain bread for months to save money, but after this there was no way he could go back. The taste was..wonderful. Exploding with flavor. Looking over at Shiro, he smiles with a big grin.

    "Shiro this is amazing! You have a permanent customer right here, that I promise."

    He thinks for a moment.

    "Your going to need equipment though, tools. Ill see what I can whip up for you."

    Seldentar moves into the back of the shop, pulling out some supplies as he goes to work. Using one of his remaining material, he quickly whips together a set of knives, and wraps them in cloth.

    Daily Craft 1 of 7

    Perfect Craft! +8 Exp

    Glacier Hammer! +1 Exp

    Item:7 Piece Crystal Cutlery Set


    Shop:Selds Repair and Smithy

    Description:These perfect Knives are designed to assist with cooking. The crystal edges never dull. +1 Craft Dice while using the Cooking Profession.

  8. Seld turns, surprised, but happy to see Shiro again. They were still partied, so he knew she was still alive and well, but seeing her, in person like that, filled him with a strange happy feeling. He walks over, taking the package.

    "Wow, thats really awesome. Congratulations, im sure you will make an awesome chef. Im surprised you opened up here though. More players located down on Floor 1, or up on Floor 8. Still, it means i have a shorter walk to come buy food."

    He opens his package, surprised by the sandwich.

    "Did you make this? it looks amazing!"

  9. Working harder and harder, Seldentar takes the next metal ingot out, continuing his work. Hammering it out after heating it up, he watches as the new sword forms. Exactly as it was requested, he smiles, placing it to the side and admiring his work while he waits for his newest customer to come pick it up.

    Daily Craft 5 of 7

    Perfect Craft! +8 Exp

    Glacier Hammer: +1 Exp

    Scorched Ambition: +1 Exp



    Shop:Selds Repair and Smithy

    Description:This pitch black sword was designed as the first in a set. +3 Damage.

  10. Seldentar continues his work, taking another crafting metal out and continuing his work. He places the metal into the forge, and then hammers it to the appropriate shape. Still, this didn't come out any better, in fact it was a little worse then the last.

    Daily Craft 4 of 7

    Uncommon Craft! +3 Exp

    Glacier Hammer! +1 Exp

    Scorched Ambition: +1 CD

  11. Seldentar blinks as she runs out the door, staring after her.in shock. He doesn't remember how long he stands there, but when he snaps out of it he notices a new commission form in his in game mail. Pulling out some crafting materials, he goes to work.

    Daily Craft 3 of 7

    Rare Craft +5 Exp

    Scorched Ambition +1 CD

    Glacier Hammer +1 Exp

  12. Seldentar stands with Shiro, holding her hand and looking her in the eyes.

    "I'm glad you like it Shiro, I didn't want to give you anything but the best that I can make..."

    He moves his other hand, putting both on hers to try to comfort her.

    "It's going to be ok..."

  13. Placing the Rapier down, he takes out another ingot of metal, and places that into the forge too. He begins to talk as he works.

    "Leveling up a crafting profession makes it easier to get better crafts, but theres always the chance for bad crafts. Even if that possibility diminishes. But lets hope we get something good."

    Removing the metal, he begins to hammer it out, crafting a new Rapier. With each shot, he forms the metal into the proper shape. He knew he couldn't guarantee anything, but he wanted so badly for this to be good. He wanted to give Shiro the very best, and put all of his heart into this new craft. As the item begins to glow, it starts to take shape.

    Daily Craft 2 of 7

    Perfect Craft! +8 Exp

    Glacier Hammer! +1 Exp




    Shop:Selds Repair and Smithy

    Description:This Rapier was forged of Atlantean Iron. Its extremely light weight, allowing the wielder to pull off multiple strings of attacks quickly. +3 Damage.

    He holds the Rapier up, letting the light shine on it for a moment, before spinning it around, offering the handle to Shiro.

    "Here you are Shiro...one perfect Rapier."

  14. Seldentar raises his sword as he sees the monster take a swipe at Ruri. As it is thrown off balance and misses, he begins to run, darting around on the frozen ground as he looks for an opening. Sliding to a halt in front of the monster, he thrusts his sword up into the monsters stomach, slashing into it leaving a large red gash.

    1 + 2 + 3 = 6 Damage

    Seldentar: 32/35

    Saix: 16/19

    Shanok: 18/21

    Ruri: 63/69

    Snow Beast: 13/75

  15. After the events at the lake, Seldentar brings Shiro with him as he returns to the second floor. Down a side alley, in a mostly abandoned part of the city, he opens the door to his small shop. Despite having been named top smith, he had started in quite a small place, and had not bothered to move his shop yet. The tiny shop had several items on display, and as they enter, he turns to look at her.

    "If you would like, feel free to look at what else I have lying around while I get to work. I don't have much out right now, materials had been running low until recently."

    He takes the first Atlantean Iron Ingot, and using his tools carefully places it into the forge. Allowing it to heat up, he changes his equipment around, setting his crafting gear up. As a scorched armband forms on his arm, and a dark blue hammer appears in his hand, he removes the red hot ingot from the forge. Placing it down on the table, he begins the process of hammering out the new item. Slowly but surely, it takes shape, until it begins to glow and form. The end result, was better then what starter weapons were, but not by much. Seldentar sighs as it completes.

    Daily craft 1 of 7

    Good Craft! +2 Exp

    Glacier Hammer! +1 Exp

  16. Seldentar takes one last look around the lake, before turning back. Smiling, he nods his head.

    "Alright Shiro, lets get going. My shop is one floor down, so we need to use the teleport pad to move quickly. Let's head back to town."

    He starts to move, waiting at her side until she joins him. Walking back to town, he thinks back on everything thats been happening.

    Obtained 3 Atlantean Iron

    Obtained 1600 col (All given to Shiro)

  17. Seldentars hand lingers on hers for a moment, before he lets go. Turning around so she doesnt see his face, he takes a deep breath.

    "It may be enough, but theres no guarantee. We could sit out here all day gathering metal for nothing, or get a great craft on the first try. Either way though, ill go with whatever you decide."

  18. Seldentar smiles, and looks over at Shiro.

    "Ive spent so much time fighting to get stronger, that I never stopped to appreciate the world I now live in. Until now. So thanks, for showing me.

    He stands up, and turns around, extending his hand to Shiro.

    "We have 3 material so far, we can work with that, or keep collecting. What would you like to do?"

  19. Seldentar lets Shiro sit back and laugh for a while. All of his time in this game so far he had spent treating it like a game. A prison, that was keeping him here against his will. Today though, felt different. He didnt feel trapped here right now, and was truely happy for the first time since he logged in.

    "Thanks? What for?

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