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Posts posted by Dauntless

  1. She comes to a stop and turns to face him, taking in a big whiff of the forest air, gazing at the trees subtle movements, and their listening to the rustling of their leaves in the breeze. "Where's all the monsters at?" she says, almost in challenging way. Gripping her sword from her back and sliding it out.

  2. She let's out a small squeal, "Is that it!?",

    She jumps up and down with excitement, her long hair moving in a red flurry, "Well what're you waiting for!?"

    Dauntless playfully nudges him on the arm and runs in forests direction, full of excitement

  3. Dauntless follow next to him, she nods cheerily, "Yep, sure is~...It's, wonderful..I'm starting think I like it better than the real world!" she laughs, to then looking around the town, taking in everything she could. Her eyes shift to the upper left and she notices that 'Miaki' was there, "I guess that's us partying then~" she quietly says to herself,

  4. Her eyes widened at the sudden text in front of her, giving it a concerned look, "Do I just...touch it...?" she asks, hovering a small hand above it. She felt it was quite obvious and that it was a stupid question to ask, she taps the 'O' to accept the request, "Did I do it right?", she asks, another stupid question

  5. She watched his arm every time it sway with sharp eyes. "It's so real" she thought, it amazed her.

    In reaction to his question, she began twirling a strand of hair between her fingers habitually, also biting her bottom lip, "Hm...Exploration!" she exclaims, a burst of enthusiasm. "I wanna get to grips with moving around..and this place is just so..Real~ I love it! Would like to do some exploring, and that way we can hopefully bump into a few monsters and cover the combat? Two birds with one stone~"

  6. Dauntless look at herself up and down, she hadn't even looked at herself yet, placing a pale hand on the handle of her weapon. She lets out a small giggle, "It's that obvious, is it?". Looking up at him, she gives a dainty smile "I would really appreciate some help~ Folks around here...Don't seem very happy, no one seemed to to listen, let alone help", she frowns

  7. She flinches slightly, turning to face him. A smile lights up her face, "Oh my, finally.." she sighs, her voice drifting off. She gently nods in reply to his bow, she was going to bow too, but chose not to.

    "I'm Charl-eh-uh.." she stutters, forgetting this was a game. Her name in here wasn't Charlotte, or Charl, she seemed to have got lost in the sheer reality of the game. "My name is Dauntless~" she chimes to him, offering a handshake. Her hand was small and fragile.

  8. It doesn't really have a way of 'working' honestly, people just do as they please. It's really imagination based and people tend to just come up with ideas for RP's, adventures to go on, Fan Character's to create. There can be battles between people, and of course as expected there's a lot of OP people who don't let anyone else win but other times with the maybe more mature users will come to a point where on of them will give in and accept defeat. And as you've probably gathered there's no dice system like on here, hence my little bit of confusion as I've never seen it before xD I've heard of it though.

    But on the Sonic site, a lot of the stuff happen in a Chat Box located at the top of the Home Page. People tend to just log in to the CBox and either chat, or they can choose to go into a seperate tab on the CBox to maybe have a small, casual RP between characters, although this kind of takes away the fun of Forum RP's...

    Anyway xD That's good to hear, I've never really done animation before, it's always interested me

  9. Hello there~ I'ma fairly new member to this forum and I was curious as to how large an art community is on this forum? I noticed there isn't really a particular forum on her to specifically post art and drawings so I thought I'd ask..When I'm saying art community I'm generally talking about people who draw xD

    So if you do, it would nice to just leave a reply to this saying what you do, whether it be just traditional or digital, even show an example or two if you can :3

    I do tend to draw when I get the time, I switch between doing sketches on paper to plugging in the graphics tablet and drawing some FC ideas. I originally came from a Sonic the Hedgehog RPing Forum, and the art community there was very large, with lots of very talented artist, a few of them even teaching me a lot of what I know today xD

    Just leave a little response, I'm quite interested to see who here is fellow artist~

  10. A new player spawns in with a blue silhouette, fading to show her avatar. Her username read 'Dauntless'. A short young girl with long scarlet hair that ever so slightly, elegantly flowed with the gentle breeze flowing through The Town of Beginnings. Her eyes were sharp and blue and she was equipped with beginners equipment, the cloth jacket and a Basic Longsword.

    Dauntless walks around the town with gentle steps, her face showed great confusion. People everywhere, to her left, right and center, it was rather crowded. Then again, it was the very first town and the most popular area, or so she had read..somewhere.

    She tries to ask other users if they could possibly help, but she wasn't having much luck, the most she could get out was a "Hello, could yo-" or a "Hey there, I'm new an-". People just seemed to busy at the moment,

  11. Hey, Dauntless here! You see, I've just logged into SAO for the first time and I'd like someone who knows what there doing to help me get to grips with playing(RPing)? Fighting monsters, fighting people even? Maybe even doing quests...I've read all the tutorials but was finding it a little difficult to understand...I feel I'd gain a better understanding from actually getting out there and doing it! You know what I mean? I promise I'll try my hardest, I always do! And I never back down from a challenge ;p

  12. [Will Insert Images of Character here once said drawings and designs are done]


    » Username: Dauntless

    » Real name: Charlotte Victoria Bonnie

    » Age: 17

    » Gender: Female

    » Height: 5" 3'

    » About: Charlotte a.k.a Dauntless has always been an avid gamer from since she could use her thumbs. When hearing about the ground breaking technology that was the Nerve Gear system, she just had to get her hands on it. Although, she and her family were in a rough time and neither her or her parents could help fund towards one for her. To try and help support her family through the rough times and to possibly get herself a Nerve Gear, Charlotte got a job that she would work every day after school, and every weekend. Over the months, more and more money was coming into the household and Charl was eventually able to get herself the revolutionary-tech helmet. It came bundled with the game everyone was ranting and raving about, Sword Art Online. A magical fantasy land filled with wonder, a revolutionary addition to the MMORPG genre, and the beginning of the VRMMORPG's.

    Charlotte has always been the type of girl to speak her mind, and to do things in the spur of the moment, as there is no time to be sitting around and over thinking things. Her height (stated above) gets her mistaken for being younger than she really is, despite her having defining features that make her look more mature, a slim hourglass figure. Her hair is waist length and is a rich scarlet colour, that clashes with her piercing blue eyes that seem to gleam in the light. Her avatar that she created is like an exact replica of her IRL appearance, short, red headed, mature and the piercing blue eyes.

    She is a flirtatious, confident and outgoing young girl, but does enjoy sheltering herself in the depths of her bedroom, glued to the screen -or helmet- and getting submerged into the alter-ego she could live in the virtual worlds of gaming, the worlds she could be Dauntless. Her name was taken from a book she had once read, where the characters labeled "Dauntless" meant to be free, never to be afraid and to always be brave, to be prepared at all costs. That is how she plays her games.

    » Virtues:

    The Brave.

    She is not one to back down from any challenge, despite the level or difficulty. A challenge is a challenge, not something to be declined. She feels backing down from a challenge show cowardice, and feels that in gaming it is not the levels you need to do well, it is but the skill and passion you have that will drive you forward and make you victorious.

    Gamer Girl.

    Being an attractive and quite simply, a cute young woman, and for being a girl. In a video game. She becomes quite sought after, by Male players particularly. Making it quite easy for her to form parties, and always have people watching her back. This also helps in convincing people to do things for her, or retrieve items for her. Although, she isn't the type to make people do things for her. Yes. [Totally Would]

    Height Advantage.

    Being small doesn't always mean you're at a disadvantage. This make Charl fast and agile, and her stamina is also impressive for someone who doesn't do much exercise. She is that person that is unknowingly naturally healthy and fit, you know who I'm talking about. Her small-height makes her able to see blind spots in enemies, and evade/counter any incoming attacks. Her attacks are sharp, quick and deadly.

    » Flaws:

    Mood Swing.

    Dauntless is one to take things to heart, even if things are said jokingly. If the wrong things are said she can enter mass states of lacking motivation and somewhat of a depression. Things that can trigger this are; Comments on her appearance, people looking at her in certain ways, the way she is spoken to, stress and more.

    Leading The Charge.

    When in game, Dauntless prefers to take the leading role, playing the 'Main Character', 'The Hero'. When leadership and authority is out of her hands though, she refuses to do anything. The idea of taking orders from other people is just ridiculous to her. This makes her not much of a 'Team Player', but more of a 'Lead from the Front' kind of character. This has it's 'Virtues' and it's flaws, but in this state she tends to not care for others, but can also lead them well.

    Fear of Fearing

    She hates the idea of anyone thinking she is a coward, or afraid in any shape or form. This means she will accept any challenge, no matter how much higher the other player(s) are. Charl has a tendency to even go out and look for fights herself, PURPOSEFULLY fighting foes she know she will struggle against.









    Weapon skills :




    » Basic Long Sword


    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle

    Relationships (optional)


    Story Thus Far (optional)


  13. I was going to ask about that. Do I just fill out my journal as much as I can at the moment? Since I haven't joined any RP's

    Just because I noticed it was asking for stuff like weapons, and I wasn't sure what I WOULD write for that, would I juts make up something? Was hoping to make it so my character had just entered the world..Or something a long those lines

  14. Hello, my name is Dauntless ^^

    I was looking for an SAO RP Site and a friend (On another site) told me to check this one out since it was super legit. I'm 16 years old, from Scotland and I do art. Hopefully this site inspires me to make some art of characters, my own and other peoples.

    I might be a bit slow at picking up the way this forum works, but I've heard once you get to grips with it this site is super fun~

    I've been RPing a fairly long time, and I hope I can fit in well and get to know everyone~

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