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Posts posted by dirgun

  1. dirgun looked at her saying "i know i was joking don't take anything serious when im laughing im not here to offend you i don't think your stupid just new we will fix that really qwick you know let go and teach you how not to be a noob." dirgun was still smoking and smiling hoping she wasn't offended.

  2. dirgun almost chokes on his cigar laughing saying "well you are a noob arn't you wow you need to use the warp gate to go out to the grasslands and im glad i found you man you would be dead if i hadn't man how about i stick with you for awhile so you don't accidentally stab yourself." dirgun was still laughing pulling of the cigar because she knew so little.

  3. dirguns face turns red saying "yeah thats the plan dude but please don't tell ruri i don't think we are that far in the relationship we've only been on two dates but grim she has the voice of an angel man and besides you have to start thinking about that stuff now remember once your married your inventory is shared so that connects you even more meaning if this dosn't work grim you two would still be connected so you need to commit now grim or you'll regret it dude." dirgun looks down as if speaking from experience.

  4. dirgun starts laughing at grim softly saying "mighty grim reaper that is willing to fight anything and your nervous look dude you love her and she loves you think about it if you two truly love each other then there won't be a problem dude you two will buy a house and adopt a kid once the front liners break through the tenth floor." dirgun winks at grim with a you need to calm down rich boy face.

  5. dirgun drank his sixth saying "yeah once you guys are married you'll all be one big family of crazy i mean a grim reaper a sadist and two people that will beat the [censored] for fun thats your family the crazy times four then theres me who has to deal with you all thats just great and oh yeah im grims best man." dirgun was definatly slurring his word now he was almost drunk.

  6. dirgun goes over to the wounded player saying "now you learn the lesson of messing with my girlfriend and all past mistakes are forgivin friend but remember this ever touch ruri and i'll do worse then duel you to half heath." dirgun sticks his hand out to shake the players hand.

  7. dirgun activated hiding again running past the guy slicing at the back of the guys neck trying to dicapitait him again.he slashes deep into the back of the guys neck saying "its up your lucky i don't even have stormfury with me thats a sword by the way adding to my damage and durability." dirgun stands over the guy looking down on him knowing that he couldn't have won.

  8. as the player stabs dirgun he screams slashing the guys throat trying to dicapitate the guy that had just stabbed his arm.dirgun was still suck to the ground so he couldn't reach the guy but he pulled the sword out of his arm jumping up and running to the side.

  9. dirgun barely dodged the blade leaving no room for error but now he was in range dirgun jumps forward like a snake stabbing at the guys knee. dirgun misses saying "wow forgot the rule just because i wanted to hurt this guy i won't forget agaian.

  10. dirgun was still hanging by his sword saying "how can you miss a giant spider you pansy im hanging from a sword sticking out of its eye." saying this he got an idea he knew it was risky but he would try it.dirgun stuck the sword in farther seeming to do no damage dirgun jumped off his sword stuck in the spiders head dirgun says "damn my swords stuck now so i'll have to get it back."

  11. dirgun was in the tree with the cloaks hiding ability activated as soon as the spider was under him he jumped down going for a stab at the things head. the blade makes a sqishing sound as it went down into one of the things eye he stays holding onto the blade stuck in the things eye

    dirgun 17/17

    spider 6/10

  12. dirgun jumped up he was even more pissed he activates his hiding ability of his cloack getting up sneaking up behind jace he stabs at the small of his back.coming out of hiding he visciously stabs jace in the back dealing two damage saying "thats what you get for making me mad man i am deadly you know that right."

  13. dirgun tried not to laugh as his girlfriend fell he walks up pulling her up saying "it was a nicee try babe but you can do better i know it you'll eventually get it but im still not over that singing voice thats so sexy i mean seriously everyone of my friends id gonna be jelous of your perfect voice."

  14. dirgun sees the pure speed of the player and thought if this guy was hunting this woman she was deadly he ran after keith trying to keep up but he just couldn't keep up with the player he knew that was what it was like to be a front liner he wanted that so bad he knew if he became a front liner he could protect ruri from anything.

  15. dirgun ran at the spider slashing at one of its legs saying "are you stupid noob or do you got a death wish you just pissed grim off that is not a good idea." the spider scienced dirguns attack jumping away from him dirgun says "dammit this thing is fast grim."

    digun 17/17

    spider 8/10

  16. dirgun then saw the player name was <> then says"hold up wait im sorry thought you were one of the front liners that was to good for everyone else names dirgun just couldn't see who you were all i noticed was the level." dirgun puts his hand out as an apology to the player knowing this guy was a member of the azure brigade and that was a group he didn't want to piss off.

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