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Posts posted by Finnick

  1. Finnick was thinking of random words in his head, and Fin came up with his own awesome quote that he would share to the world in the future. Finnick said it aloud. "The only difference between sanity and insanity is an I and an N". Finnick loved it. He just had to be sure not to forget it before he was famous. Finnick looked around at his surroundings. He sat in a mountain village waiting for Azazel to evaluate him for this guild called Absolute Pin. And the ranks..... They were like chess pieces! It was soooo cool! And it included Azazel, which Finnick still needed to craft her rapier. So Fin waited for the arrival of Azazel.



    (OOC:Sorry, in a hurry)

  2. Yes! After Ender landed a good hit onto the bear, Ender smashed into the bear with his shield, disallowing him a turn to attack and stunning him momentarily. Ender stared at the bear, looking for a weak point. the bear seemed to have darker hair than a normal bear did, but what did that change? or differ if you prefer? Huge teeth. Fangs. Bears normally do not have fangs. Deep red eyes. Not true about bears either. Ah, what the hec. Ender charged the bear, not worried about any weak points.



    BD:10(Hyper Critical) 7 DMG

    MD: Paralyzed







  3. I would like to set up some awesome rolepalys, but if I set them up alone they will never be finished. And Finnick's a freaking loser and loner. So I don't give a crap about your level, I just need a friend, group of friends, or even a guild that wants me. And you may get deals to my forge.


    So, anyone up for a few epic role-plays?I also want to fight something really strong in the future. Not like now, like in a month. or two months. 


    So,anyone need a friend?

  4. And through it all, Ender kept strong through the fight never breaking...... Ender imagined a story about Ender and the bear, an old fairy tale from SAO. But then Ender was just dozing off. Now he woke back up to the real world and stared at the bear, one eye open one eye closed. Perfect alignment............I can't miss. No possible way. "It's time you go back to the hell you came from, you stupid little bear!" And with that, Ender threw himself once again at the bear, slashing as he flew through the air at the bear, trying to land a huge hit ontoo the bear's back.



    BD:8(Hit) 5 DMG







  5. Finnick, a.k.a. Ender, walked out from the back to see Azazel quickly scribe-ing an order. Fin came closer, then spoke. "What's the rush? I'll go ahead and assume your Azazel? Don't leave in any hurry, why don't you stay and look around?" And with that Finnick slyly took Azazel's order right out of her hand, with his smile(which was usually natural and crooked) real and straight, also meaningful. "Feel free to do as you ummm.......ummmm...." what is that word? "wish, or like for that matter. Sorry!" Fin ran into the back to continue work on the now officially ordered Azurewrath.




    Result:Epic Fail, 1 EXP




    Result:Good, 2 EXP

  6. But Ender seemed to underestimate the bear. it seemed to know the acrobatics skill, as so that it leaped over Ender when he had charged and quickly landed a forceful scratch onto Ender's arm, but was protected by his Tier 3 Armor. Fin smiled. "A meer cut. veteran soldiers in real war have faced much worse, you stupid bear. Now it be time you die, stupid son of  gun!" Ender began to think of a tune he played on his guitar in real life, then got into battle, leaping onto the bear, practically throwing himself.



    BD:3(Miss) 0 DMG

    MD:8-1=7(Hit) 4-4=1 DMG







  7. As Ender charged, he put up Aegis to fend off the bear's charge, with his block skill. with a successful block, the bear charged into the shield, flying back a few inches. Then Ender was a blur as he closed in on the bear, but the boar quickly evaded Ender's strike. "Darn." Ender readjusted his shield as he focused on the bear. It seemed to be waiting for Ender to start the charge this time. But Ender smirked. "Oh, sir, that is truly a big mistake to wait for me." Then Ender closed in in close combat.



    BD:3(Miss) 0 DMG

    MD:7-1=6(Hit) [4-4=1] 1 DMG







  8. Ender packed away the big wolf bone and continued walking, as the mountains size became bigger and bigger. Ender was expecting some big guardian to be standing in his way of entering the mountains, but Ender had been incorrect so far. But later, Ender was to be found correct. Ender continued walking as the ginormous bear ran over to meet Ender in battle. It roared a big battle cry and charged, as Ender pulled out his Iron War Ax and Aegis, doing the same as the bear. "CHARGE!"



    BD:1(Critical Failure) 0 DMG

    MD:6-1=5(Miss) 0 DMG







  9. Ender walked out into the empty wilderness outside of the village. Finnick smiled as he left the village and headed into the mountains. In the distance, the main mountain range of the floor sat big and wide, for anyone to explore and get lost in. But Ender just laughed as he looked at it. "Here I come Holy Grail!" Ender had loved stories of Arthurian Legend and Greek Mythology, And had came to use terms from those stories in everything in life. Ender  turned to see a dead wolf. Ender went forward to loot for bones. And Ender found a pretty big good bone and put it away with a crooked smile as always.





  10. Finnick, a.k.a. Ender, sat in a village on floor seven. He was trying to decide what path to take when entering one of the floor's many mountain ranges. Ender walked forward, standing up of the bench he was sitting on. Ender was planning on searching for a rare item. Ender had not informed himself by contacting the information brokers, but he was sure Ender could find a rare item by  himself without the help of any information brokers. Ender smiled as he waltzed out of the town, with his crooked smile still there, like it always there, lying endlessly on his face. 

  11. Ender continued walking past the wolf, clearly please. Ender's deep black hair was spiked up for some reason.... And Ender had no idea. Ender's hair was completely crazy. Ender continued walking, until he saw a cave. Ender ran up to the cave, and figured out to save the location on his map. Then ender layed down to rest, after he had decided Ender would head into the cave tomorrow, in Beating the Benchmark Roleplay #3! And Ender fell asleep midday, in the middle in the open, smiling.



  12. As Ender continued to walk, a little wolf made a movement. It was a regular wolf it seemed, one a player one player would be easily capable of killing. So Ender screamed at it. "Hey wolf, look over here!" As Ender got it's attention it turned towards him and charged. As the wolf closed in, Ender threw his foot forward to meet the wolf's jaw, throwing it backwards. "Hah!" But the wolf was not done yet. It charged at Ender, and Ender grabbed him, strangled the wolf, and choked the wolf. "There's no better relief of stress than that."

  13. Ender continued walking through the forest until he came across another rabbits body. Ender figured he could do it one last time, and then maybe he could find a cave and go mining. Ender leaned down by the rabbit, which had a dead and gross carcass, and began to loot for bone. As Ender thought he had a good pile of bones, they all disintegrated into thousands of beautiful crystal shards. Ender smiled as he walked through them and go straight the way opposite he had come in to the forest.



    Loot Dice:5


  14. Then Ender looked at the tree monster as it seemed to communicate through his head. Please keep this gem safe...... Finnick, keep the gem safe........Then the tree bowed, stood up, turned around and left. Just like that. So Ender began to walk out of the forest, in no way in particular. Ender smiled as he looked at he gleaming gem. It was a beautiful gem, no matter if it had enhancements or not. Ender did not care. Ender continued happy with it as he waltzed through the forest, cheering with glee.

  15. Ender continued to walk, following the trail that the dead rabbits made until Ender followed um to the end. Ender looked at the Soul of the Forest, a beautiful emerald shaded diamond. Ender grabbed it quickly as a tree began to move. Ender wondered how that was possible then he was pulled back to reality. It's SAO, everything's possible. The tree monster grabbed the gem out of Ender's hands, looked at it and held it up to Ender, pulled it back, and then handed it to him. Ender smiled. He didn't have to fight no mini-boss.

  16. Ender grabbed his ax as he mined a little gold ore, which made Ender happy, knowing that he was able to strike gold. Ender packed it away in his inventory and got back to work with mining, still thinking he didn't have enough materials to craft Azazel's rapier yet. Ender smiled as his ax banged against the stone. Even though Ender was very noise sensitive, this noise was strangely not cringing Ender. Ender continued to hit the stone for a bit longer until Ender though he had sighted the gleam of a metal.



    Loot Dice:16


  17. Quote

    Name: Shield of Achilles

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: Rank 3

    ID: 16008

    Roll: 10

    Item Type: Shield

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: +1 Damage Mitigation

    Description:A small and durable shield to allow quick movement but still great at taking damage for it's owner.

  18. Ender took to the forge. He had went out mining the other day and found three iron ores, which would hopefully help Ender craft Azazel her rapier that she needed. Ender grabbed out the three iron ores and then fired up the forge, waiting  a few minutes for everything to get hot enough. Then one by one, Ender took the iron ores, trying to mend them into the shape of the accurate rapier Azazel wanted, and pounded into them, fired them, pounded, fired, pounded, fired. And after about twenty minutes, he took a look at what he had crafted.



    Crafting Dice:10

    Result:Uncommon, 3 EXP(RANK UP!)



    Crafting Dice:7

    Result:Good, 2 EXP



    Crafting Dice:8

    Result:Good, 2 EXP

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