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Posts posted by Saryn

  1. You just cant deny the tension between Erroneous and Shark, theyre made for each other. Though it would appear Shannok is jealous as Shannok wants Shark all to himself so that he can start a fur pile. Shannok goes to Shark, but the cold and heartless sea creature pushes him away "No Shanny fish and owls can never mix." but Shannok insists they can make it work. Shannok hatches a plan, in the middle of the night he breaks into Erron and Sharks home by the lake and sets off a bomb shouting "ONLY I CAN LOVE SHARK, AND IF HE WONT LOVE ME THEN NO ONE CAN LOVE HIM!"...

    Truly a tragic story.

    ((Kidding of course, shipping irl people is like stalking ewwww))

  2. The Boar ran out of the way making Barons blade barely miss its target. 'My blade missed the mob, I need to be sure that doesn't happen again...'the arrogant knight scolded himself, he widened his stance and prepared to block the Boars next attack.

    Hit! 1 Damage

    Baron: 8/11

    Boar: 4/4

  3. Baron reacted quickly moving out of the Boars path, but not quickly enough. Baron fell back receiving a critical hit 'I shouldve been more cautious!' he quickly thought to himself. Baron dashed forward swinging his blade at the Boar, he aimed at the mobs neck hoping it would do more damage.


    Baron: 9/11

    Boar: 4/4

  4. Baron spotted some rustling in a shrub nearby and slowly approached it his hand gripping the basic straight sword tightly. As he got closer and closer to the bush the rustling intensified, suddenly a Boar burst out of the shrub and charged at him, Baron barley had any time to react.

    Hit! 2 Damage

    Baron: 9/11

    Boar: 4/4

  5. Baron searched the forested area for mobs to face off against, he found himself surrounded by tall trees and shrubbery, so he was sure to be vigilant to avoid sneak attacks. Baron decided it would be for the best to have his blade unsheathed, he gripped the blade tightly and kept it by his side, while in search of his quarry.


    No mobs 1-5

    1 mob 6-15

    2 mobs 16-20

  6. Baron searched around for more prey to level himself up with 'Where could these Boar be hiding? Its getting hot aswell' Baron thought to himself. The virtual sun was shining brightly and was made the area very bright and clear, but it also made Baron quite hot. 'Perhaps its this heat? Maybe the mobs have moved to the forest to get into the shade.' Baron looked over to a forested area, and made his way to it. The arrogant knight cracked his knuckles "Right then, time for some exploring."

  7. Barons blade hit the Boar spitting it in two, it exploded into pixels and Baron collected his loot. [+2 Raw Boar Meat]. "I see... Ill have to find someone to prepare this for me, I'll be sure to only except the strongest of chefs." Baron said to himself. "I need to defeat two more Boar before I call it a day, time to get back to searching." Baron sheathed his blade and continued to search for mobs to defeat. The area he found himself in was so realistic, it was hard to believe every thing he saw was fake, generated by seemingly random sequences of numbers.

  8. The Boars strike was sloppy and easily dodged, Baron gripped his blade and made a strong strike at the monsters cranium. "This will be the end of you beast!" Baron shouted 'Your death will make me more powerful, this is just another step I must take to gain more strength.'

    Success! 1 damage!

    Baron: 8/11

    Boar: 1/4

    Combat End!


    +2 Raw Boar Meat

  9. Barons blade hit its target doing near fatal damage "You've not got a lot of time left Boar, you had better make these next moves good!" Baron taunted the Boar. He saw it run at him once more making a final attempt at Barons life 'This is over now, there's no way this beast will defeat me.' Baron thought to himself. He readied himself for the blow.


    Baron: 8/11

    Boar: 1/4

  10. Baron took the blow from the Boar letting out a grunt from the beasts critical hit. He jumped to the side of the boar and swiped his sword upward trying to slice at the Boars side. 'I didn't expect this Boar to make a critical hit, I should be more cautious from here on out.' the warrior thought to himself.

    Success! 2 damage!

    Baron: 8/11

    Boar: 1/4

  11. Barons blade hit its target making the Boar make a high pitched squeal, the beast ran away from Baron very quickly making alot of distance between them "I told you that I was stronger! Youre nothing but a beast, you could never even hope to be on the same level as me you beast!" Baron arrogantly shouted at the Boar. The Boar turned around and charged back at Baron, the warrior quickly prepared himself for its blow.

    Hit! 2 damage

    Baron: 8/11

    Boar: 3/4

  12. The Boar hit Baron dealing a small bit of damage.'Time for me to launch my own attack!' Baron let out a grunt but quickly raised his blade and swiped at the Boars back hoping to deal a good bit of damage "This will prove who is more powerful!!" Baron shouted as his sword got to its target.

    Success! 1 damage!

    Baron: 10/11

    Boar: 3/4

  13. The Boar quickly dodged Barons blow, dashing to the right. The arrogant knight quickly got back into a combat position, and awaited the Boars response 'Will it run back to its herd? Or does it believe it can defeat me all by itself?' Baron thought to himself. Baron eyed up the Boar as he waited for its counterattack, ready to possibly counter it and do some damage. The Boar charged at him, and a small devious smile appeared on Barons face.

    Hit! 1 Damage

    Baron: 10/11

    Boar: 4/4

  14. Baron had been wandering quite awhile looking for some type of mob to face off against. He finally stumbled across a small group of Boar, seeing the herd Baron quickly dropped to a crouch. He quietly observed the Boar, waiting for one to break away from the pack 'Better to start small with this grinding session, I hate to admit it but im still not used to the combat system.' Baron thought to himself. One of the Boar moved away on its own picking at some grass or something like that, Baron watched as the other Boar moved away leaving the other behind 'This is my chance! Time to strike before it notices and regroups!' Baron drew his blade, gripping it tightly in his right hand. The arrogant man ran for the Boar raising his blade high in the air, the Boar appeared to be surprised by the attack. Baron knew he had this fight in the bag.


    Baron: 11/11

    Boar: 4/4

  15. "It does not matter if this is a life or death situation, I will be the strongest." Baron said to himself as he searched the area he was in for mobs to defeat. He had a basic one handed straight sword hanging on his back, and a black coat over some simple leather armor. He made an angry scowl looking over the plains area, disappointed in the fact that he hadn't found any mobs yet. 'How am I meant to become more powerful if I have no quarry?' Baron slid down the hill he was standing atop to wander more in search of some mobs to destroy. He had already done a bit of work to get his level a bit higher, but it wasn't nearly high enough to start participating in boss fights and dungeon raids. Baron simply had to raise his level, it was the easiest way to show his power.

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