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Posts posted by Mythee

  1. Oh derp. Sorry.

    I can imagine how staying out instead of in town, people could do it camping style. Peeps taking turns being on watch. A good time to prank others. *bricked*

    I can see how tempting it would be to spend all non-group/questing time in towns. What are the limits on teleportation? Maybe that should be a topic for another thread?

  2. Even in cases where awesome truckloads of characters each have their own thread, I don't see a problem with it. People could link to each of their character's profiles in their signature or profile, and I have often seen it done that in a single post someone keeps a master list of all characters: name+link to thread. As long as one is well organized, it is easy to reap the wonderful benefits of the one character per thread system.

    If post spamming is a concern, it could simply be stated as a rule that you may reserve one post for use as a journal and edit that whenever something happens and you want to note it down. In fact, a post limit could be set per character thread, like: 10 posts per thread maximum. I'm sure that would be enough for people to have their character profile on one post, their acquaintances on another, art on another (if they have any), a list of links to RP's they're currently active in in another, and so on and so forth. Actually, I'm sure even 8 posts max would be enough per character thread.

  3. I don't think lowering the level would be necessary, as being AFK for any amount of time already leaves your character behind everyone elses. And just because the RPer is AFK it doesn't mean their character wouldn't, in character, be living carefully. If someone's character is cautious to the point of paranoia and they go AFK for a couple months, then they come back to find out their character has been sleep PK'ed when they would have been sleeping only in those private entry room inns, it wouldn't make any sense!

  4. Never said anything about NPC accounts. Random ingame NPCs like shopkeeps and stuff would add to the universe, but if nobody was motivated to make them, it might get tedious for that one person who cares to make the NPCs on every floor/village/etc., or people would just have extremely generic NPCs that only exist for one post... the lil' profiles for NPCs would encourage there to be a population of set ingame NPCs for people to interact with as needed. It'd be fun.

  5. (spoiler alert in this post)

    I like Namine's idea, we could put a spin on it and let people choose whether their character was kept hostage in Alfheim or if they successfully got out of SAO. One thing that would interest many of us, no doubt, is the high school RP that could take place between those that escaped SAO safe and sound. Those that have finished the series know what I'm talking 'bout! 8D

  6. Income could be determined by level (every time you gain a level, you gain a certain amount of moolah representing all of the return you may have gotten from monster drops while raising yourself to hat level?) and life skills (if you do cooking, blacksmithing, etc., you could have an according income that increases per level gained in that skill also)?

    Then it'd be pretty easy to calculate how much moolah you have for purchasing inventory. Calculate an amount from total level+total life skill levels+drops you've sold (from events/bosses etc.), and then substract every purchase you have made from that amount to get your current amount of moolahs.


    I- I vote that characters should be able to have marriage and same sex marriage if the users want those characters to! Absolutely! Not that any characters necessarily must have romantic developments, or seal those romances with a marriage. What would the requirements for a marriage be though, RP-wise, so that everyone doesn't get married off the bat?... Though it would be really funny if some characters got instantly married. Maybe two dudes with a bromance. Using the marriage system for the kicks without actually being hubbies. I can imagine that'd be hilarious. Yeah, screw requirements, this is too golden

  8. One thing I love about character journal threads like what Nevi's talking about is the level of creativity I see people putting into setting theirs up with colored text and formats and stuff! Often, what RP guilds do is provide a format for profiles and journal threads, but they don't force anyone to use it. What they often do ask for, however, are minimal requirements of information that should be included in the thread.

  9. If there had been any GMs among the players in SAO when its players were taken hostage, I am sure their powers were removed. Maybe there could be such characters among the site GMs, so there would be a way of strategically hinting plot-related game engine information to the players through the GMs in a way that makes sense. But it's probably not necessary.

    As for NPCs, maybe posting the NPC's avatar (made using what Nevi and Sarasah are preparing) next to the post?

  10. Aww yeaa, I agree! And if someone wants help with the grammar/spelling in their posts they could always sign up for a mentor just for that? xP I'd be happy to help. /was an english tutor for two years. Hard to get out of LE HABIT wait I keep using french all of a sudden lol

  11. I think we can change our votes though? xD

    Edan already has Integrability! Though he has successfully adminned it for many years and has the skill and experience, I would be thrilled to see a site whose lead admin is Namine. It would be different, and surely in an interesting manner! I once witnessed the beginning of an RP world set up by Namine with dragons and elven half-dragons and stuff. IT WAS EPIC. Alas it never had the chance to be born. Q^Q So this is our chance gaize. For a Nams RP.

    So my vote goes there >3

  12. My earlier post has a couple of ideas on how a mentor thing could be done. I don't think being GM staff should be necessary for someone to mentor someone else though. That's putting more on the shoulders of staff where the normal member could help out. Or, as you suggested, a whole member group called 'mentors'. It's a pretty good thing to have going around, people helping each other, forging bonds, making each other feel welcome... heck, I'd sign up for it, if such a post was made. OuO




    Edit: My mom just told me that she sees a log of frogs


    She meant fog

    ahahahaaa ilh

    Edit: "You see? It's very froggy outside."

    AAAAA <333333 /sorry random xD

  14. I know a little bit of HTML and CSS myself, made most of this site recently-> http://drkharma.com/ so if it's just positioning text relative to images, I can handle it. If it's making an image that updates itself according to dynamic text content (like a shoutbox http://shout.gaiatools.com/?id=31 ) I'd have to study up on it, maybe ask a friend for assistance- but it'd be better if someone else who knows what they're doing could tackle that xD;;

    If anyone wants me to I could design a sort of "cert" for its presentation (like this kind of thing http://mythee.biringa.com/cert2.png But I'm thinking graphics style more like http://mythee.biringa.com/images/skywaystereoresize.png )

    And I also have Dreamweaver Namine- I wouldn't recommend its visual interface, doing anything in it adds junk CSS and random parameters to your code that mess everything up @^@

  15. However, i do like having all slots open and as you progress, have to decided to advance in what you have or learn something new.

    I'm with Crim on this one, sounds like fun!

    Maybe the dual-wielding skill could be a thirteenth unlockable skill that you obtain as a rare drop from quests, or something?

    Speaking of which, how will drops be awarded? Maybe there could be a forum dice system, and everytime a boss or monster dies you can roll a dice to determine the rarity of the drop you get from a list of drops possible for a monster of that level/type/difficulty?

  16. Nice start to a ruleset thar!

    If anyone's posts aren't up to standard, people could advise them on how to improve in an RP critique thread or something. Or maybe- this would be nice- how about a member adopts them for training? They'd essentially function as that new member's editor, reviewing their posts in private to come up to standards before they are posted. It would be a fun and encouraging experience for everyone and may even encourage more people to join because they wouldn't have to worry about counting their words and sentences all the time. I'll admit, it does seem tedious- and sometimes people's posts are long but... uh... you ever read a badly written fanfic? Yeah. xD

    2: No stating something your current character doesn't know. This goes for information gained from a past character/events.

    ^Meanwhile, my slice of filet is mainly with this one. It doesn't really suit everyone's narrative style. As long as a character doesn't know anything they shouldn't, isn't it fine? I know that I may sometimes end up writing things like:

    "The item that guy was carrying was definitely mine!" He stated indignantly, perfectly confident that his rare Stick of Ultimate Poking had been stolen. It would be obvious to anyone having been there to witness [name another player character], however, that he'd simply picked up an average stick from the ground. Unfortunately for [same player character], everyone had only arrived in time to see Derpistopheles announce his suspicions. It was a ridiculous coincidence of sorts. It was unbeknownst to Derpisto that everyone had been secretly plotting to steal the stick for themselves."

    Writing stuff your own character doesn't know in that post doesn't really do much else than give cues about the situation, perhaps point out some ironies, and show that you've read what other people have posted.

  17. I like the idea of getting short stories to gobble up whenever someone returns from a long absence, but wouldn't quite phrase it as a punishment. Maybe it could be worded in a sugarcoated manner to be unscary. Must... get... short stories... ohohoho. 8'D

    As for people having to AFK in a zone of safety for whatever RP they have latest in the timeline, I guess it's a kind of middle-ground compromise where the artist has to at least not leave their paint out to dry so that it's fresh and useable when they return, or something.

    (About the timeline thing- sometimes people start an RP that takes place after they've already left a danger zone, but they are still RPing in the past in the danger zone at the same time, yanno? In which case, the storyline accepts the danger as already canonly passed and evaded.)

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