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Posts posted by Yusuke

  1. The boar went back without skills, but seemingly enraged at the battle. Yusuke stepped ahead and got his sword ready for the fight. As the Boar approached he let his body be hit so he could try to stab it upwards. The pain filled up his mind while he saw his life bar go down a little. But that was his chance, that was his best chance to finish the Boar and he wouldn't let it escape.

    The boar screamed as he last Life Point was taken away from him and Yusuke laughed as it disappeared. That was his first victory, and the taste was awesome. But that were only the first one. He was ready for more.




  2. The Boar used <> againg and came in an abnormal velocity towards Yusuke. His back was still hurt from the fall, but he had to win that thing. He coldly looked at the boar's tragetory and tusk position again and calculated the most probable point of attack. When the boar came closer, Yusuke was able to dodge the boar's tusks and turn quickly and tried to hit the Boar's back with a <>, but the Boar went off too fastly and Yusuke wasn't able to hit him.



    Boar: 1/4

  3. The boar went angry and it's tuks glowed red as he loaded another <>. Yusuke stand behind the tree, even knowing the Boar had already spotted him. The Boar came running towards him and hit the tree so hard it broke. Yusuke didn't took any damage from that, as he could see by checking his untouched life bar, but the tree started falling down on his direction, so he took a step aside and rushed into the monster while loading a <>.

    The Boar hit Yusuke's sword with a <> and pushed him backwards. The impact made him fall down a take 1 point of damage. He slowly standed up, ready to finish that pig.




  4. Just as he pictured, the boar's tusks glowed red and Yusuke knew he was loading the <>. It came towards to Yusuke, and this time he knew it wouldn't be easy to defend it. He looked backwards to the tree where he were leaning and had an idea. He grabbed the branch that was over his head and prayed so that it wouldn't break. As the boar got near, Yusuke pulled himself up and saw the boar hit the tree and break it a little. "I'm lucky it's a big tree. " -Yusuke thought - "If it was a normal one, I'd be in trouble now".

    As the boar hit the tree, Yusuke set the position for <> and jumped over the Boar with his <> chargind and letting out blue sparkles.

    The boar screamed and a red "2" popped up of his head. The joy that Yusuke had performing his first critical strike was just undescribeable. He took a long breath and went behind a near tree, getting ready for the boar's next attack.


    Yusuke: 5/5

    Boar: 1/4

  5. The Boar noticed Yusuke and took advantage of his mistake to attack. It used <> and ran towards Yusuke, leaving behind a yellow trail of light wherever he passed. Yusuke could stand before he was reached, but not so as he could escape from the attack. He then held his sword ahead of his body and looked the boar's tragetory and position of the tusks. As the boar reached him, Yusuke was able to sucefully parry the attack and push the boar to his side, making he pass through and hit a tree. Yusuke standed in the <> Position again and attempted another attack.

    And it was a hit! The boar had all the 8 strikes and the fire damage, and Yusuke could see his life bar go down a little bit. He smiled and took some distance as the boar seemed to be loading another skill


    Yusuke: 5/5

    Boar: 3/4

  6. As he walked by the forest he eventually found a boar. The monster was the size of a pig, had blue hairs all over it's body and two tusks that went over it's hed. Yusuke prepared himself to attack, remembering everything he had learned about that monster. He held up his sword and rushed into the enemy, preparing himself to use his first skill ever. He standed in the position for the <> which had just the property that he needed. He attacked the Boar with his 8hit combo.

    And he missed it. How could he miss his first combo? He felt down as he passed away the boar, who had just seen him.


    Yusuke: 5/5

    Boar: 4/4

  7. After some hours Yusuke finally arrived at <>, the place where the boars were supposed to be. he walked by, searched and searched, but no boars showed up. "That's weird..."- He thought, drawing his <> slowly and carefully walking through the woods. He stopped by a tree and opened the <> with a slight gesture of his left hand. The purple square popped out and he started browsing about the boar's weaknesses and strongnesses while he went back walking through the trees. "The Dark Forest's Wild Boar is no weak monster." - It said - "It's fast and strong, recommended for players on level 1-5. The Boar have weakness to the fire enchanted weapons. It's strong against the stone enchanted armors. The Wild Boar has 3 skills: <>, which has a cooldown of 5 secs, <>, which has a cooldown of 8 secs and <>, which will heal him as he runs, and has a cooldown of 2 mins, this skill can be canceled by players at everytime, only by hitting the boar while he casts it."

    - Damn. - Yusuke said at the sight of no boars

  8. It was finally time to head out the main city and go exploring the world. Yusuke had been checking every tutorial and map he could since Kayaba Akihiko showed up and gave his mortal announcement. Now that he had finally memorized the First Floor map and understood how the game system worked, he was ready to play. He walked around the city, headed to the northwest part where he knew an NPC would give him a great quest called <>. It was a side quest that few knew, even though it was on the 39th page of the game quest tutorial. He passed through players, NPC's, pets and familiars until he finally arrived at the mounted NPC and talked to him. A small purple window popped right ahead, saying the quest requirements and rewards, with also an accept and decline button. Fastly he hit the accept button and headed out to the quest location. Killing 5 <> wouldn't be that hard, would it?

  9. «Yusuke»


    » Usernername: Yusuke

    » Real name: Kotetsu Yusuke

    » Age: 18

    » Gender: Male

    » Height: 1,79m

    » About:

    Before connecting to SAO, Yusuke was a normal student from the Tokyo College, studiying Chemistry. As a child he loved to play videogames, but as time passed by, the time for playing faded until it disappeared completely. After his Finals, he decided that he deserved a treat: To buy the new NerveGear Console and it's first fun game, Sword Art Online. "Link Start" were the last words he said until knowing that he was stuck there forever.

    With his stupid cationess, he spent a lot of time laying in the starting city's floor, cheking all the tutorials about the game. When he was finished, Kayaba Akihiko showed up with his announcement. And Yusuke couldn't say he was all sad. He had a life, but it wasn't so important that he couldn't give it away, besides, living on an online game were every teenager dream, and was his too.

    Yusuke is calm and patient, looking to solve any problem right-away. He doesn't likes when people trick or lie to him, which makes him very angry.

    » Virtues:

    Yusuke's calmness and cold blood grants him the ability of being able to solve problems quickly, and also not to panic on stressing situations. With that ability he is able to control his body almost perfectly in any kind of situation, boost his reflexes and think clearer, being able to find a safe way out and to take hard decisions in a very small amount of time..

    Yusuke's Intelligence and knowledge of physics grants him the ability of thinking fastly and creatively findind alternative ways to solving any situaition. In combination with his calmness and cold blood, Yusuke is able to find alternative ways to solve problems really fastly, being able to calculate and overthink enemy`s movements and attacks and pre-set an conter-attack for it quickly..

    Yusuke was in the school`s Kendo club since elementary school, which gave him good knowledge with the japanese style of fighting, so as sharp reflexes and agility. Being so used to holding a sword, Yusuke`s sword skills are already very developed, making so as he is not dependent on the system`s fighting pre-sets. As he`s unnatached to the system`s pre-set basic battle skills he`s got a higher agility on his strikes, as he doesn`t have to give the system a battle command or stand in the right stance for it, as the other players have to.*

    » Flaws:

    Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html

    Yusuke's irracional fear of thunders makes him unmoveable until it's sound is gone. At the sight of any thunder, all of his virtues become stucked. He`s unable to think, move, so as he gets unable to battle at all. There`s no way for him to avoid being paralysed by the thunder`s sound, even though he`s able to think about how much he`s scared in that moment..

    Yusuke is a arrogant guy. He doesn`t likes to be contradicted at all. As he thinks he`s smarter than every person around, he stands arrogant against his team mates and friends, making it hard for him to be around other people. He loves to give orders and for them to be strickly followed, and hates when it is not so. Even when he`s not on a leader position, he tries to give orders and to command the group..

    As he`s too coldblooded, he tends to ignore people`s feelings and to lack of moral sense. he`s fast with the blade to kill either a monster or a little puppy, and even faster to compare it`s lives. He`s a lover of fastness and efficiency and is always ready to do whatever it needs to keep them. If it`s people, monster or animal, there`s no difference for Yusuke. He`s also ignorant when it comes to emotions and feelings. He`s not a robot, but his emotions are well controled, and he doesn`t understands when other people can`t do the same.

    Profession: Blacksmith






    Weapon skills :

    »One-handed Straight Sword - Level 1



    » Basic Sword (E)

    » Dark Raven - Basic Clothing Set - (E)


    None yet.

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