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Posts posted by Zerva

  1. A smile had stuck itself to Zerva's face and he nodded in approval, saying all too happily "Sounds like a great plan to me!" he chuckles happily and adds "I guess that would make you my first visited crafter. Hopefully I can brainstorm up a suitably stealthy design." He hums in thought as his mind puzzles over every anime and game he had seen with assassins, glancing up to see Keith's name taking a spot next to his own. "Ah, I am a bit weak, so I don't know how much help I would be... Do you have any suggestions on what material might work best?" He looks to the far more experienced player expectantly!

  2. ((OOC I don't bother tracking anyone else's HP since this is one of those "You decide if you get hit, be reasonable" RPs :P Boar HP be all that matters.))

    He grinned back at Grim, saying with a shrug "Power leveling! Gotta get them kills!" He gasps and side steps one of the charging boars, thankfully this was the first floor after all so threats were not a huge obstacle and could be fairly easily avoided. With his plain starter dagger in hand he readied himself to try and finish off the first boar that had been made a target.

    He hissed in dissatisfaction as he was forced to move too far out of the way by another boar just as he was going to swing, causing the blade to miss it's mark by a mile. He made a tactical retreat backwards to remain outside of the hoard since he was by far the squishiest person there.

    Boar1 1/3

    Boar2 1/3

    Boar3 3/3

    Boar4 3/3

    Zerva 4/5

  3. It had been some time since he had last seen Ruri, giving him a lot of mixed feelings. On one hand, he was nervous, suddenly showing up again and greeting her made his virtual bones rattle. For the moment he kept a bit of a distance and followed after her. Anyone who looked at him would think him a stalker, and they wouldn't be that far off at this point given his bad habits. He stared at her uniquely orange icon, certainly the minority all things considered, looking at it curiously in both wonder of it's origin and if that meant he was in danger. The danger giving him a bit of an adrenaline rush, regardless of i fit was real.

  4. Zerva smiled at the offer for help, happily saying since he had found someone who could appreciate the art of the reploid related games. "Some help would be appreciated, actually. As you perhaps could have figured out, kinda weak." He goes through his menus and opens up a party invite directed to Keith. He was under the assumption friendly fire would be off while in a party, regardless of the truth behind it. This way if Keith left the party mid-combat he would have some warning.

    Once the invite was sent he says to Keith "Well, I suppose my first goal would be to get into some more... respectable attire." He looks at his cloth jacket and shrugs. "So... maybe some monsters that would drop leather...?" He pats his sheathed dagger and said "Think stealth-type gamer, here." He shrugs and adds "No healers in this mmo."

  5. Almost instantly Zerva's expression changes, his nerves showing as he takes the color's meaning to heart. He was aware this wasn't like other MMO, even permadeath MMOs had people with secret stashes hidden around, but this was a true death!

    After a moment of staring he takes a breath and nods "Oh, I see... Well, as long as you aren't just saying that..." He didn't know Keith, so he sided on the side of caution and took safety in the fact they were both in town. "Sorry if that was rude. I was curious is all." A gear turns in the back of his mind when he remembers a videogame about robots who hunted 'Mavericks.' and he chuckled to himself softly. "Well, I am Zerva. It's nice to meet you." It was hard to ignore the clear level gap. It was probably very obvious he had only just started going outside again.

  6. Zerva blinked, realizing he had been seen. He forgot to use his hide skill! He tries to remain calm as he extends his hand, firmly grasping "Keith's" hand and shaking it. "Hey! Uh, sorry for staring but-" his eyes shoot upward and then back down "I was kinda wondering... why is your name different? I haven't seen anyone else with that. Is that, like, a premium item or something?" He tilts his head "You don't look like you are under a status effect..."

  7. Zerva had been walking through the town of beginnings, just enjoying the virtual air and getting his handle on reality for the day. He felt if he didn't try to relax he would break, and that most certainly would not be good. His eyes darted to each player he passed, averting them if they looked back. He was the very name of curiosity and his listening skill was getting a major workout whenever he saw two people together.

    After an hour of this, something new and unique caught his attention and he felt himself drawn to the source. There was a player before him who he had not met, who had a marker over their head that was the color orange. He did not know what it symbolized. He inched closer, trying to make sense of it with each step towards him.

  8. Ooh! You are right, sorry. I guess I let my love of ice magic override my higher thought processes. I considered it more like a weapon buff in a way, really. Well, for my own character the sole unique skill kinda covers stealth and effects, so I can't say much more on that one, or anything that would apply to my character as he is...

    Secondary suggestion: Berserker

    Requirement: Two handed weapons required

    Skill examples:

    Enrage - Grants the user a damage boost relative to their hitpoints for x turns(skill rank?). The lower their health, the stronger the attack.

    Second Wind - The Berserker regenerates a quarter of their total health once a day, allowing them to keep fighting while on the edge. Can only be used at or under 25% health.

    Thaaaaaat's all I got. I saw a thing saying that throwing weapons are a nope, and the difference between ninja and assassin are slight.... soooo I am out of ideas for the moment for my own self-improvement!

  9. He smiled as the others decided to stick around it seemed. He nods to them in understanding and then starts off towards the boar, making sure they were following before he said "Well, since you guys seem hesitant, just the one group and that will be enough to last me!" He starts marking the group of boars in his mind, trying to keep tabs on them as best as he could as the fight began.

    Once again, Zerva's terrible luck proved his undoing as the first boar charged towards him, moving out of the path of his dagger and thankfully past him without doing him further damage!

    Boar1 3/3

    Boar2 3/3

    Boar3 3/3

    Boar4 3/3

    Zerva 4/5

  10. If you will forgive the newbie butting his head in, I think an interesting unique skill would be something inline with the control aspect. A cryomancy of sorts, like for example your weapon becomes chilled (ice optional) and if you hit someone it numbs them, making them slow down or with the unique sword arts maybe partially freezing them temporarily? Like their hands to make it hard to swing or their legs to prevent running or such.

    I don't think the skills necessarily have obvious visual ques to their owners, but I could imagine a player with the skill maybe breathing out frosty mist and feeling cold to the touch if they are readying the skill or just for flavor to make themselves seem cooler. Heck, the frosty mist could also just be applied as it's own effect like howl, going back to the freezing and numbing part.

    Insert pun about brain-freezing as a skill here.

    Edit: Optionally I could see someone covering themselves with ice as a psuedo armor or something as another unique skill, maybe soaking in some damage before shattering.

  11. Just got here, got my first thread going (Kinda filled up xD) And I was wondering if anybody else wanted to take a newbie under their wing! Like in a more private manner.

    If you will forgive the Persona reference, I am hoping to make some social links so that I can kinda "get into" the site a bit easier. It's very easy to go "Ehhhh. They will be fine without me" when looking at an open RP!

  12. He watches as Seldentar left, sighing softly but shrugging. This being their first meeting, this was going to leave a lasting impression of how he thought of Seld. He takes several steps back towards the group and undoes his hiding for the moment. "Well. One less I suppose..." He crosses his arms and watches the other players to see if the followed their apparent friend's lead.

  13. Zerva raised a brow at the sudden influx of people, hardly expecting such a crowd to form so quickly. He quickly shrugs it off though with a slight wince when his kill was nabbed from him in his mind. He looks at all the higher leveled players, examining their gear as best as he was able, hopefully getting an idea of how he should get his own gear made. With a forced smile he decided to say "Well, if you guys want to tag along... Let's wrack up some exp." He chuckles and gestures towards a group of boars just as large as their present group. "Objections?" He starts moving towards the boars, his hiding skill being reinitialized as he makes his move, waiting for a response to attack.

  14. Zerva tried his best to convince himself that they had not seen his mess up, and that his reputation was untarnished still, despite how obvious it was that this was not the case. He takes a second to look the two over. Neither of them seemed to be PKers, despite their high level. A part of him would have questioned why they prowled the bottom floor but he wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth. "I won't turn away help." He says plainly before readying his dagger for a counterattack on the boar. Despite Seld's warning, he was not about to consider a single boar a major threat!

    Zerva saw his dagger run across the boar's virtual body, leaving a red scar of sorts in it's path before he stepped back from the wounded boar. Thankfully the things were not by any stretch of the word durable so he had a fair bit of confidence that a single one, even alone, was safe enough for him as long as he took breaks... but now that there were others, it seemed such a thing would not be necessary.

    Boar - 2/3

    Zerva - 4/5

  15. Seeing no interruptions in sight he sneaks along through the fields with the help of his hiding skill, attempting to avoid as many other players as possible. His eyes were faced down, following the tracks that appeared with the help of his tracking skill. This would certainly prove useful in finding specific monsters. As the minutes went on he soon found himself staring towards his opponent. It was just a boar. What did you expect? It is not as if he was in any state to be hunting dragons!

    He grins happily as he raises his blade to strike at the boar, but trips and fumbles his dagger as he falls flat, his hide skill losing it's effect and leaving him open to the boar! He tries to hop up as fast as he could, gritting his teeth and blushing in embarrassment from such a terrible display as his first attempt at combat since the game stopped being a friendly game! As the boar aggroed him he hissed when he felt tusk on skin, shaving off a hitpoint all too unwelcomely!

    Boar - 3/3

    Zerva - 4/5

  16. Zerva took his first steps outside of the town's borders since the game became a permanent part of his life. It was nerve wracking, the idea that he could die or be killed at any moment left him with more than a little uneasiness. Unfortunately though, he needed Col. He had up until then minimized his spending on survival, but it had run out. Now he needed to fight some foes to regain what he lost. Who knows, he may even have the flame of adventure rekindled.

    He drew his dagger from the small sheath on his lower back, looking the starter weapon over more carefully than he had in the past. This was to be his partner until he got a stronger dagger, he needed to convince himself it was good enough. He took a long breath and focused, trying to force his hide skill into effect as he walked. He wanted to be the one to start the fight, not the other way around!

  17. Just chiming in to help say "I exist" I suppose. I will be your resident newbie for he foreseeable future! Hopefully I can find someone who is able to tolerate my brain-child Zerva! For now though, thanks for reading and I hope we get along!

  18. Profile
    » Username: Zerva
    » Real name: Michael Angelo
    » Age: 21
    » Gender: Male
    » Height: 5' 9"

    » About: Born on the 13th day of September he was never really under the impression he was going to be very luck in life. That's not to say he had terrible luck, but he could hardly call it good either. Unmarried parents, one being an abusive father who did not share his blood and the other being a mother who was unable to support herself without a man in her life. He did not live with them long, naturally the day that someone would call child services arrived so that he was rushed away from his old home and into the home of kinder family members. A few years later he was given a sister and considered life good by helping her become more upright than he was. Through the years his luck seemed to improve each day, starting with his grades and then a great job. They were opening new branches in Japan so he happily signed on! He had been studying the language and in general adored their art and games so it was not a tough decision for him to make. Once there he adopted the life of a hikikomori as far as social interactions went, only focusing on his work and his "art" which was just gaming and watching anime. When it came time for SAO's release, he was one of the guys who had brought a tent and supplies to last him the wait. Once he made it to his house he eagerly prepared the game and sat back in his bed, wearing his Nervegear and playing games on his phone until the time came for him to enter the virtual world!

    It seemed his bad luck had finally showed itself. He was trapped, scared, and ironically enough bored. He could not log out, he was too scared to leave the borders of town, and because of this he had nothing to occupy himself with. This continued along for some time, slowly whittling down his beginner's col until at long last he reached the number he dreaded, zero. With that he had to make a choice, suffer through hunger or start fighting. That was the closest thing to a noble goal he had as he crossed the borders for the first time since release. Survival, feeding himself, and perhaps a pleasant distraction here or there. If he developed a greater goal or desire, it would be at a later time.

    » Virtues:
    Dedicated. Once he sets his sights on something, whether it be the death of an enemy, a reward, or even an ally he has put himself with, he will not easily give up without need. He is not the bravest individual, but he doesn't mind a small gamble for a large reward.

    Cautious. He is not the hot-blooded type who will rush into danger without a thought towards the risks. He is calm and calculating when it comes to such things. You will not often see him in the same place as two enemies when he is alone.

    Generous. Zerva is not greedy enough that he would hold a health potion that could be used to save a friend simply because it is his last one. He would gladly grant it to his wounded friend and focus on fleeing if the danger grew great enough.

    » Flaws:
    Quiet. He tries to be brief and cold to those he first meets, not wanting to open up prematurely only to have his heart cut out because of it later on. That said, if he does truly trust you, he will be far more into the idea of conversation as well as sharing his thoughts outside of survival.

    Curious. He has a terrible habit of sneaking around, listening to words not meant for him, and sometimes even straight up stalking people who he decides are interesting and worth watching. When caught it becomes a simple thought process for him to flee and try again later if possible.

    Cowardly. If he feels he is too weak, has worked as hard as he is able, or in general is struck with fear... He will not hesitate to quit the field and flee. He will not needlessly put his life at risk or stick around so it may be put at risk. It's not the most admirable trait, but it is one that he has.

    » Artisan

    Skills (Total Skillpoints: 7)



    Weapon skills :
    » One-handed Dagger Rank 1

    Inventory - Col 2040
    » Basic Dagger
    » Cloth Jacket
    » Night's Edge
    » 2 Healing Potions(5hp)
    » 1 Antidote Potion

    Crafting Materials
    » Shadeweave Scraps(x2)
    » Silver Ingot(x1)
    » Spider SIlk(x3)

    » [PP-F1] Zerva's Flaw Complete. +800col
    » [PP-F2] Cave of Wonders Complete +1000col (2 Shadeweave Scraps, 1 Silver Ingot)
    » [sP-F1] Assassination Training Complete. +420col
    » [sP-F5] Earning a Living Complete. +400col (3 Rubies, 1 Sapphire, 1 Emerald)
    » [sP-F6] Grinding, Everyone's "Favorite" Thing. Complete. +470col (3 Spider Silk)
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

    Relationships (optional)

    Story Thus Far (optional)

    »-1500 col, +2 Healing Potions & 1 Antidote Potion(13/06/14)
    »+500 col from Grim for materials lost.
    »-200 col as a tip for Seldentar

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