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Posts posted by Sinth

  1. '' I'm not going to die here.. Not that easily, not in this way. I have promises to keep. '' he says while looking right in to demons eyes.Even though he didnt give up, he knew that it was not a good situation to be in. He was paralyzed and his sword, again, was away from him.

    The demon let go of his chin, standing up and raising his sword in the air. '' Honestly.. I pity you.. Wait.. No, actually i don't. Just die, you deserve nothing. You are weak. '' he says and swings his sword from above towards Sinthria, with his eyes closed Sinthria waits for the hit. But only thing he could hear was a thin sound of swords smashing to each other. He opens his eyed immediately, seeing that the demon is shocked and someone was blocking his attack. He turned around to see who it was, like the opposite of the demon this figure was shining brightly. He couldn't see its face, but it was holding Sinthria's sword.As it blocked the demons attack, the demon got pushed away. Sinthria had no clue of what was happening but he knew that he owed his life to the shining figure.

  2. " Its from a quest? You shouldn't have.. I don't know how to thank you properly.." he says looking at her hands and then to his necklace. He thinked about getting something like this to her,from a quest or from a shop. Either way, he had to. And in the same moment he remembers the quest he had to take, he had to take it on his own " Oh i have to go..There is a quest that i accepted, and i want to finish it smas soon as i can.."

  3. He looks at the necklace while Ruri puts it around his neck, a small smile appears on his face as he looks at the red dragon necklace. " When did you get this..? Thank you.." he says while looking at her and pulls her into a hug.After letting go of the hug, he still holds her hands. Looking at her eyes. Thinking about how kind she was to give him a present like this.

  4. Sinthria kept watching her , locking his eyes to her eyes while underwater. As their breath were about to run out, they both got back from the underwater. Taking a breath, letting Ruri catch her breath for a while. He holds her hands, pulling her to himself as she manages to catch her breath. He pulls her into a kiss, hugging her while giving her a gentle but pattionate kiss.

  5. He sighed as be droppes down to one hp. He was kinda angry athimself for not taking it serously. Even though it was for fun no one would like losing. He prepared his sword once more as he tried to attack for the last time, he was pretty sure that he would lose if he had missed this chance. After placing the critical hit on him, he stopped running and turned back to him with a smile. He didnt mind the victory sign, walked towards Sakuri slowly. Reaching out his hand towards him for a friendly shake. " This was fun.. We should do this again sometime. I was really lucky today."

  6. Sinthria kept laughing while Ruri kept splashing water on him. As soon as she stopped, he turned to her. '' Hold your breath. '' he said as he he dived inside the water. After staying there for a second, he catched her from her feet and slowly pulled her under the water, closer to himself. Looking at her as they both stay stil under the water. Both their eyes locked on eachother. He smiles without opening his mouth, stil holding his breath.

  7. Closes his eyes while Ruri splashes water on his face, smiles while splashing some back. Pulls her closer as he holds his hands again, he smiles as she giggles. Swimming back and deeper as he pulls her to himself , making her swim towards her. It feels a little cold for him in the water, but being with Ruri makes it up for him. '' So.. What now?'' he asks to her while swimming

  8. He smiled back at him. '' Since its our first duel, its actually going pretty well. ''

    After ducking under his attack, he keeps walking towards her. And then starts to run, holding his blade towards him. With a quick movement, he changed the attacks direction and damaged Sakuri from his sides for 1 point. Once again, with the joy of having the lead. He takes a defensive position.

    Sakuri: 2/5 HP

    Sin: 4/5 HP

  9. Sinthria was ready to attack once more, raisinng his sword higher and holding it tighter. He was about to attack but he feels an unbearble pain on his shoulder, from the wound he just took. He drops on his knees, dropping his sword on the ground. Not able to move his wounded arm, holding the wound with his other arm. The wound supposed to be gone for now, it should have been temporary. He notices that dark mist coming out of his wound and wrapping whole of his arm. He screams in pain.

    The demon starts to laugh, loud more then ever. And walks towards Sinthria. Kicks his sword away from him, crouches near him and holds his chin, making Sinthria to look right in to demons red eyes. '' As i said.. You are not strong enough to take me down. You were never strong enough and never will be. You will just die.. Alone in here. ''

  10. He slowly hold her hand with a smile, feeling better now because he is with Ruri. He kisses her hand and looks to her eyes. '' I'm glad that we are together.. Don't have any opposite thoughts. We are better when we are together. '' he says while carressing her hand. And moves his head to side slightly, looking at the lake. '' So, if its safe to swim.. I think we can give it a try huh? ''

  11. '' You are not strong enough to take me down, even with your blade. You are just a rookie. '' the demon says while looking at her,trying to hit Sinthria while talking. His red eyes following Sinth's every movement. '' You are just wasthing both our times, just die. Just die! '' He yells while swinging his sword from up. Trying to hit Sinthria on his head.

    Sinthria raises his sword in time and hold his blade stright, blocking the attack coming from above. He keeps holding it like this for a second, trying to attack while holding it close. But The demon acts faster then Sinth, hitting him from his arm. Sinth jumps back and positions himself in front of the demon. Frowning while looking at his wound. '' This means nothing, you are not good enough to beat me. '' he says and raises his sword once again.

  12. Sinth, now calmed down. Takes the hankerchief from her and wipes his tears off. Taking a deep breath and looking at her. He knew that he shouldn't talk to her about Vile, but he didnt want to lie to her either. He tried to smile to say that he is okay now. '' I.. I saw that we both get attacked.. And i couldnt protect you. Don't worry, it just felt like real.. I'm okay now. ''

  13. He hugs Ruri back tightly, not letting go easily. He tries to calm down by taking slow and deep breaths. Feeling that his eyes gets wet, he burries his head over her shoulder. He reailezes that he never felt like this before, thinking that how he was not able to defend Ruri.. Just watching her as she fights Vile alone, it was a thing he would never allow to happen. And yet, it was a terrible thing to watch for him.

  14. After taking the hit from his arm, Sinthria keeps calm and tries to walk around him. Watching his movemesnt and trying to find another opening on him. He swings his sword from left side, but not trying to hit he turns himself as he charges towards him and tries to attack from his right side. But Sakuri was too smart to get fooled by such attack, he blocks it easily without having any problem.

    Sakuri: 3/5 HP

    Sin: 4/5 HP

  15. While he was sleeping, Sinthria dreamt about Ruri and himself. Still ingame, walking around the hills happily... Until the darkness surrounds them, inside the darkness a shadowy figure walks towards Ruri. Sinthria was unable to move, something was blocking from moving. He locks his eyes on the figure to get a better view, and reaileses that its Vile. The creature tried to attack them the other day. Sinthria tries to break free from his chains and run towards Ruri but he can't. '' Ruri! Run away Ruri! Please! Don't fight! '' he yells towards Ruri, trying to do something even he is not able to move. But Ruri keeps moving towards Vile, she tries to kill it. But Vile was too strong for her to take on her own, the last thing Sinth sees was Vile raising his blade towards Ruri. He wakes up with a yell '' Ruri! '' his eyes wide opened and he is breathless. Looking around to find Ruri to see that if she was okay.

  16. The clone stops for a second, stops walking and talking. Then once again, a creepy smiles appears on its face. '' Well.. You are right but.. I will eventually die if you finish your quest, so i will take the only chance i have. Now, stop talking. Its time for you to die. Don't worry.. If my plan works, i will look after Ruri for you.. '' he shouts in a maniac tone and charges towards Sinthria with his blade in front of him.

    While he was talking, Sinthria was already near his blade. As the demon begins to charge towards him, he immediately takes his blade to block the demons attack. Both their blade pushes eachothers and stays in the middle, since they are in the same level when it comes to strenght. '' Stop dreaming.. The only way you can leave this place is when i kill you. '' he says while blocking its attacks. The demon tries to make him angrier by talking about Ruri, but it only makes Sinth to calm down. As he remembers Ruri, he gets stronger. Because of his promise he made to Ruri, about surviving. As he blocks the final attack of the demon, he pushes it with his hand. Making a space between them to make a stronger attack. But as he attacks, the demon blocks him just like he did. Right after that, the demon tries to counter attack but Sinth blocks it too.

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