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Posts posted by Iskandar

  1. Iskandar took the apple from Ruri, a gift from the gypsy quest giver encountered earlier. He moved through the crowd of horses, only one target on his mind. He needed to figure out how to coax the steed into eating the apple. The horse was unlike any other, so it should have the pride to match, or so one could believe. That is what Iskandar would appeal to. He had no idea if the horse would be able to understand him, but he would give his best shot to convince the horse to trust him. Today, Iskandar would claim for himself the grandest steed of all.

    Iskandar stopped in front of the muscular beast, it just barely taller than Iskandar himself. It glared and snuffed at him, already on edge just from the King's presence. "Woah there, my friend. I mean you no harm. I have come merely to speak words to you and make an offer, that is if you can understand me." The horse backed away a bit, seeming to choose fleeing over confrontation with the glorious king. "You have no reason to fear, dear friend. Many have probably tried to tame you before, but none have succeeded. Your heart burns with the fire of pride and glory just as brightly as mine."

    Iskandar held out the apple towards the horse. "I wish not to tame you and make you a servant of mine. I wish for you to ride alongside me as equals in conquest. You and I both are glorious beings that stand above the rest. We would show the people who cower in fear what it means to hold glory and victory in one's hands. We shall ignite the fire of aspiration in the hearts of all. Our foes will flee as we ride into battle, leading the way to endless armies. You shall be a mare whose name shall go down in the annals of history. You, my friend, shall be Bucephalus! Join me, and I promise that all shall look upon you in awe. Take the apple as a sign of peace, and become my loyal steed that shall traverse the ends of this world with me!"

    The horse just stood there, eyeing the apple and Iskandar suspiciously. Iskandar couldn't tell if his words got through to the horse, but since it didn't flee yet there was hope. It sniffed the apple for a moment, still untrustworthy for the moment of the large, outrageous king. With Iskandar standing there patiently waiting for the horse to react, it would eventually begin to eat the apple right out of his hand. "There we go, my friend. I promise that from this day, you shall become the most glorious steed that is worthy of a king."

  2. Iskandar followed Ruri over the hill after killing the bull, sheathing his sword and dusting himself off. "That bull was a fiesty one. I can't wait to see just what kind of other beasts we'll run into today." It was then that Iskandar noticed an entire field of horses that were just minding their own business. So many to choose from and so little time. All kinds of different colors, sizes, and breeds; Iskandar didn't know where to start. "So many steeds that can be used for our army! Imagine if we could get one loyal soldier for every horse that was here! IT WOULD BE GLORIOUS!"

    Iskandar then noticed a large, muscular black horse down in the crowd below. It was simply an amazing creature that stood above the rest. "Target sighted; the black horse in the crowd shall be used for the King of Conqueror's Mighty Steed." He pointed one of his rather large fingers down towards the muscular horse that both he and Ruri had noticed. "There are many horses down there too. Imagine the glorious experience they would give if we hunted them!" Iskander ran down the hill and into the crowd of horses, focused solely on the black mare that he planned to claim for his own. "ONWARD RURI, MY LOYAL RETAINER!"

  3. Iskandar watched as Ruri went in for another strike, doing much better than before. She managed to get a strike on the bull, its health bar going down to merely a sliver. "Now that is more like it." The Bull was angry that the two of them were beating it so easily. It gave out a furious cry before kicking around to try and hit them. "You shall not do anything like that. All it does is make it more challenging to get in close. BUT THAT SHALL NOT STOP US." Iskandar then went in close to try and finish the battle so they could move on.

    Iskandar managed to avoid getting hit by the bull bringing his sword in for a strike. "YOUR TIME IS DONE BULL! ISKANDAR SHALL BE VICTORIOUS THIS DAY! YOU SHALL BE REMEMBERED FOR GIVING A CHALLENGE FOR THE KING OF CONQUERORS!" Iskandar stabbed the bull with his sword before pushing forward to get a clean slice in. The bull screamed in pain as Iskandar finished his strike. "Rest in peace my friend. Your death shall be remembered in history." With that, the bull exploded into data bits, leaving Iskandar and Ruri victorious. Iskandar pointed his sword straight up into the air, giving a victorious yell. "FOOOOOOORRRRRRRRR GLLLLLLLLOOOOOORRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!"

    Dice roll

    [1-5] Miss

    [6-8] Hit -1

    [9] Critical -2

    [10] Critical -3

    Ruri - 57/57

    Iskandar - 4/5

    Mighty Bull - 0/11

  4. Iskandar watched as Ruri went in for the next attack. If she landed a strong, clean strike like he had just before, this battle would be over before it ever even began. Iskandar watched hopefully for this bull to meet his end, but he had gotten his hopes up too early. Ruri completely missed the bull, striking the hill they were on instead. She was supposed to be one of the stronger, more elite players compared to him, yet here she was striking like a new player. "No no, that's not how you win a battle. Let me show you how King's strike their foes." This was probably why she was following him in the first place.

    Iskandar charged forth, with his usual battle yell, ready to stab it in the head and end this battle. However, the confrontation did not turn out as he had hoped. Instead of Iskandar getting a strike on the bull, he wound up taking the hit of the bull's charge. It sent Iskandar flying back behind Ruri, akin to having a cannonball fly past right next to a person. He landed with a thud, the bull feeling proud of itself for what it did. "That bull got a strike on me. It is stronger and more skilled than I thought. It must be given a worthy response for its actions!" Iskandar got back up, sword in hand, ready to try again.

    Dice roll

    [1-5] Miss

    [6-8] Hit -1

    [9] Critical -2

    [10] Critical -3

    Ruri - 57/57

    Iskandar - 4/5

    Mighty Bull - 5/11

  5. The battle had commenced, and Ruri had taken the first move. It was probably for the best since a head-to-head collision with such a monster would surely lead to a swift end for the newbie king. She was stronger, so she could handle the attacks of the beast without the fear of dying from them. This also gave Iskandar the opening he needed to go in for a clean strike. With two warriors facing down these beasts, there was no chance of anything claiming victory over them this day. "Splendid! The first strike is most often the deciding factor in a battle." With the might bull focused on Ruri at the moment, Iskandar went in to strike from its side.

    With a loud roar of a battle yell, Iskandar charged forth, his sword raised high up in the air. "FEEL THE POWER OF THE MIGHTY ISKANDAR, KING OF CONQUERORS! TODAY SHALL BE YOUR LAST!" And with that, Iskandar brought down a powerful swing at the beast, getting a strong, clean hit right down its side. Iskandar managed to cleave off 3 points of health from the beast, a wonderful critical hit that brought down its health to below half. However, Iskandar's recklessness had gotten him rather close to the beast, open for an attack that could put him in danger early on in the quest. "IT IS WEAK, RURI! NOW IS THE TIME TO STRIKE!"

    Dice roll

    [1-5] Miss

    [6-8] Hit -1

    [9] Critical -2

    [10] Critical -3

    Ruri - 57/57

    Iskandar - 5/5

    Mighty Bull - 5/11

  6. Iskandar followed Ruri over the hill, quietly listening to her say that the steed they were looking for would probably be some distance away. "Well, if it was easy, then the steed would not be worthy of King Iskandar. Every adventure should challenge our very being in order to make us stronger for the next one." Ruri stopped at the hill, looking around for a steed. When Iskandar joined her, he saw nothing except one large creature that put a smile on his face. "Now there is a monster worthy of the King of Conquerors. Others can start off with pigs and pups, but I start with mighty bulls! We shall show this foolish fiend what happens to those that cross our path to conquest!"

    Iskandar drew his sword and pointed it at the large bull. "Ruri, this bull shall be our first victory in this world! We shall make sure that all bulls fear us from the overwhelming death this one shall feel. It shall provide us with meat for a feast tonight, satiating the pallets of those that would follow us unto glory! Now let us go forth and vanquish this bull!" And with that, Iskandar charged forth at the bull, giving a loud battle yell with his sword pointed forward. The bull quickly took notice and charged at Iskandar, having quite the menacing look in its eyes.

  7. Ruri had finally arrived outside the town, ready to join Iskandar on the exhilarating quest to find him a steed. Since she seemed to be the more tactical one between them, Iskandar would be referring to her in this quest. It also helped that she was quite a bit stronger than him right now. "FINALLY! We have a beast to catch! This quest makes no sense. We must go after monsters, but we must feed them instead of killing them? A King should be out there vanquishing the fiends that plague these lands." He ventured forth, scanning the area for potential beasts for the quest. "We need a brilliant steed that matches the glory of the King of Conquerors. A majestic black steed that strikes intimidation into our foes."

    Iskandar drew his sword, which was the default newbie weapon for the time being. "Is there a specific type of food that we should be using? The quest did not give specifics, but I assume a glorious apple for a fantastic horse." As they ventured forward into the field, there were some monsters minding their own business. "Does it have to be a specific monster, or can we choose what we desire upon turning in the quest? We could just deal with the beasts here if it is the latter."

  8. It had not been long since the once respect teacher Fumio Tokizama had logged into SAO and gotten himself trapped in the death trap that thousands were experiencing. Some decided to lock themselves away in despair while others decided to step up and fight for the freedom of all the players. Among them was Fumio who had taken on the persona of a once great king. In the world of Aincrad, Fumio was now the great Iskandar. Playing the part of the great King of Conquerors, Iskandar would go about Floor 1, trying to rally players to follow him in order to create an army that could blaze through the world and claim the vast glory and treasures of SAO. However, his loud and very...distinct presence made many flee from thinking he was plain crazy. However, during his recruitments, Iskandar was able to find one player that was interested enough to follow him for the time being. Finally, a retainer with the guts and smarts to be able to help conquer this vast land. And their first order of business? To get the mighty king a steed worthy of his greatness. A task suggested by his very own retainer.

    Iskandar had already formed a party with his retainer, Ruri, but had gone ahead to where the quest npc was located. The npc was a very mysterious gypsy, clad in a silk robe and had her face mostly concealed. She spoke of a random food that could be fed to a monster. In doing so, Iskandar would gain the ability to command a beast and use it as he saw fit. However, there was one rule that Iskandar had a problem with. He could not kill the monster that he planned to feed. Feeding random monsters didn't seem like all that great of an adventure. He would much rather be out decimating enemy forces and claiming Aincrad's treasures for his own. But a steed of his own to ride into battle on would be a tremendous asset. "I, Iskandar, the GLORIOUS KING OF CONQUERORS, accept this challenge to tame a beast by feeding it food! I shall claim my steed and ride through the world of Aincrad on it, burning the will to fight into the hearts of all men that choose to follow me!"

    Upon accepting the quest, Iskandar made his way to the outskirts of town. He was not heading out into the field to start the adventure until his retainer had arrived. Ruri seemed to have a good head on her shoulders, so waiting for her to arrive could very well keep him from getting killed early on. "COME, LOYAL SOLDIER RURI! THE CONQUEST AWAITS AND THERE ARE MONSTERS THAT NEED FACING! WE MUST START OUR PATH TO GLORY!" Iskandar was definitely not a patient man, and him having to wait for Ruri only made that more evident. "Would have been better to grab her and drag her along instead of waiting for her to arrive."

  9. «Iskandar» The Conqueror



    » Username: Iskandar

    » Real name: Fumio Tokizama

    » Age: 34

    » Gender: Male

    » Height: 6'10"


    » About: As a young boy, Fumio was an extremely friendly and sociable person that made friends easily. He was always energetic and active, being more of a leader of childhood adventures with all his friends. He was also particularly fascinated with history. He would delve into history books whenever possible to learn about the history of different parts of the world. In school, he always kept his grades high. However, he excelled in history classes most of all. One problem that he did have though was that Fumio did tend to get in fights as a young boy, which caused some problems at home. He was a tall child, standing taller than most his age. The fighting would die down though as he grew older.


    In college, he studied to become a history teacher, wishing to spread his fascination with the younger generations. Years would pass, and eventually Fumio would become a world history teacher at a high school. There were a couple things that Fumio did that were a bit different from normal classes. For one, he connected with his students, establishing a strong repoire with his students. Secondly, instead of just simply teaching his lessons, he would have his students act out scenes from history in order to teach them. To him, anyone could read and memorize information long enough for tests. Fumio wanted his students to understand and experience what he was teaching. He would put his students in the middle of the events of history in order to let them experience everything. These factors made Fumio a favorite teacher among his students. However, it did impact his social life. Having to constantly plan and work in order to provide adequate lessons for his students took its toll.


    One Friday, his students were heading out for a bite to eat in town. Fumio was packing up to head home for the weekend. It was then that one of his students had come back into the classroom and invited him to join them at a restaurant. It was unusual to be asked that, especially from a student to a teacher. However, he agreed to join them. At the restaurant, he had a couple drinks, and made sure his students didn't with him around. He was able to lighten up a bit then, speaking about random topics. Before he left, his students convinced him to join them in an upcoming game called Sword Art Online. Fumio stepping into the world of SAO would start a truly dangerous adventure he could never have expected.


    » Virtues:

    Fearless. Iskandar never wavers in the face of danger. Whether it be some simple monsters or a fearsome boss, Iskandar will never let fear get the better of him. He will always charge forward to lead others to glorious victory.


    Assertive. Iskandar always speaks his mind and lets others know what he desires to do. He does tend to push his ideals and ideas a bit too hard on other people at times, though.


    Social. Iskandar has always been a very social person, trying to get to know those that around him. From trying to make friends to "voluntold recruiting", Iskandar always tries to be social and friendly to everyone.


    » Flaws:

    Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html

    Blunt. Iskandar tends to not always think before he speaks. He's never been one to sugarcoat his words, which tends to hurt others when he's speaking about them...to them.


    Impatient. Iskandar has never been a patient person. He'll come up with an idea, then immediately grab the people around him and drag them off to adventures. He's more likely to charge after a boss than wait for a group to come up with a plan.


    Obnoxious. Iskandar does tend to push his ideas and thoughts onto other people a lot, then not listen fully to what they have to say in the matter. It tends to frustrate people, though whenever they try to do something about it, it just makes things worse.









    » Extended Weight Limit [Rank] [0/5]

    » Search & Detect [Rank] [0/5]



    » Light Armor [Rank] [0/5]

    » Shield Equipmentt [Rank] [0/5]


    Weapon skills :

    » One-Handed Straight Swords [Rank] [2/5]




    » 1 single handed straight sword

    » Starter Gear

    » 10x Bread

    » 15x Water






    » None



    Story Thus Far




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