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Alex Kazu

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Posts posted by Alex Kazu

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    » Alex Kazumua/Alex Kazu:

    » Braden, Kazumua:

    » nineteen:

    » Male:

    » 5*10:

    » About: Alex had heard about it, thought about it, and had enough money for it, he just didn't know about it though, but he soon bought it and installed the game, using the head gear he logged into the game making his avatar and choosing his class, all of that, he soon woke up in the town,where he nabbed his first bit of good armor because of some dropped gold from a slightly richer person, he was able to buy a weapon that did at least four more damage, and armor that protected at least four more damage, so he was able to protect himself against attacks, so he leveled up and became strong enough to defeat Foes in the game, he got a job as a black smiths apprentice, the black smith soon died and he gave the job to Alex who works everyday in the Blacksmiths workplace. (Alex and Grents black smith)

    » Virtues:

    Alex is able to fight things and win most of the time so he is a fighter, which is good, he knows that you need good attack and good defense so he always fights lower level foes to win and gain more attack points, Alex also has very good black smith skill, which allows him to make weapons that gain him more attack or defense. .

    Alex is very fast, he can out run many who are above his level because the old black smith had him run everywhere, he soon was able to craft items that made him faster, which gave him another Virtue which was running away, if needed in battle he can run faster then normal foes, mini-bosses and bosses can catch him and attack him which is why he always waits until he has all the weapons he needs to beat them..

    Alex is able to spot things from many miles away because of the black smith made him use binoculars after using them for so long, his eyes adapted to the ways of SAO and let him see many materials/weapons in a field or in battle, he can find them and sell them as he never uses many of the weapons he gets. .

    » Flaws:

    Alex is very...Cocky and loves to taunt his foes, this causes Alex to lose a lot of health and almost die if fighting a mini boss or boss, this also goes for the normal foes, he may think he killed them but in the end they have just a little bit of health and will come back to bite him, he always knows they get back up so he has tried to mask this flaw but it has not worked for a while. .

    .Alex has a smart alack attitude as he comes off blunt not thinking of the consequences, which has caused him to again, come to the point of near death/critical contention. Alex also comes off as a smart Alack when something stupid is said, like we cant fight a level twenty boss we are only level seven, No durr Sherlock..

    .Alex loves to play games with his foes and tries to keep the battle going for as long as possible. which again makes this a fatal flaw as the reason he does this is to get in do some damage and get out making sure his foe doesn't know that, but it soon catches on and sometimes will get him to fail at many things.

    Profession:Alex is a professional black smith in the main town, though he tends to keep it under the weapons boundary as he doesn't want people to power play and kill level one foes with a level thirty nine sword, so he tends to make low level weapons which has made him lose some skill as he forgot how to make higher level weapons



    »Alex is a great cook, he is able to cook many C/B rank dishes with the right things, however as he is a very low level he does not have the best skill so his meals often end up over cooked or still kinda cold, though over many years in sword art online he has mastered cooking and can make better C/B rank food.


    »He has a damage boost that only works once pure twelve hours, he only uses this in a time of need as it increases it by five fold and lowers his health the more he uses it, he has been able to limit it to three of four minutes, if longer then that it will put him in the red/orange health stage and leaves him defenseless.


    »Alex is very fast so he can run in get a few jabs and get back out without a scratch, he has mastered the skill through out Sword art online, he started at fifteen and spent four years here so he mastered many things but keeps them hidden and whenever he almost forgets about them he looks in his journal which has secret moves and other things in it.

    Weapon skills :

    »Alex has many weapon skills his best are the Sword and bow, as he can use one for close range and long range, which has made him a master in sword, though the Bow he cant level up as his skill is only rookie, though that doesn't mean he cant still shoot, he has good accuracy though to his very timid body muscle it is slightly heavy, that is another flaw he is working on covering up.



    »Onyx chain sword: the sword is made of pure onyx and silver, he uses the silver side for hurting humans if they attack him, the Onyx side is for attacking animals as it is stronger then the steel, so it hurts the foes more then anything, the sword also has a chain as a kinda whip as it can fly around and smack something in the face.

    Longbow/crossbow: over the years he has worked on the bow perfecting it to where it can transform into a deadly longbow and a more then deadly silent crossbow, the long bow takes longer to draw back but does way more then the crossbow does, it is also less silent, which causes it to alert near by foes, the cross bow is for medium/close range combat stealth missions as it does not do as much damage as the longbow, it can transform with ease with the click of a button on the side.

    Hammer and small anvil: He has a portable Anvil which he uses to fix his weapons and teammates weapons on the way to battle or if they need a repair because their weapons is almost broke, he can only fix up to level twenty weapons, even then it takes a lot of his energy not letting him take down many things after that.


    » [solo/private/open]

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    Relationships (optional)


    Story Thus Far (optional)

    »Alex has just logged on after a good couple of years many things have gone on in sword art online, he knows of the new players and everything else and his armory is still working hard, heck even he started working there once more but people asked him how he got the job and Alex said he had it for years, but now it seems he has been down graded to level one.

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