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Akira Yogami

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Posts posted by Akira Yogami

  1. Akira sits atop a hill his sword stuck in the dirt on his right side shaking in the wind. Sometimes Akira comes up here and looks out across the landscape admiring how beautiful this world can be, even though he purely hated the fact he would probably die here.. Despite his depressing thoughts he knew he had to fight for is life and cherish the time he's alive including right now would be in his memories forever. However he knew he wouldn't be to beat this world alone, he needed a companion/partner to help him, but him knowing how he isn't that great at making friends he has pushed the thought to the back his head. After his long day of training and thought he lays his head back against the tree sighing to himself.

  2. He turns around If you want we can search here, I don't mind and no I don't have any way of tracking. I've never really gone this deep. So if you feel uncomfortable going farther we can stop. Akira notices her uneasiness deciding he shouldn't go deeper. Doing so could end up with dead anyhow, he thinks to himself.

  3. He looks around cautiously still, raising his sword slowly It sounded like twigs were snapping.. And a faint snorting he shrugs his shoulders losing tension a bit It could've been nothing, but it's always good be cautious. Akira looks back at her then forward again Lets go he waves his sword.

  4. Akira typically wouldn't help out just a random stranger, but this person just felt different like she wasn't like all the other players who only care for themselves. This made him happy inside a feeling he rarely ever got now and a feeling he can't remember he's had last. After thinking a bit I was just gonna level a bit, or maybe do some collecting, what about you? he responds.

  5. He slowly reaches his hand out shaking hers and smiles fixing his sword. After looking her over making sure she isn't a PKer his mood brightens I'm Akira he says with a smile the tension in his shoulders relaxing a little bit now knowing he could potentially have someone on his side.

  6. Akira walks through the forest silently only the clink of his sword can be heard while he scans the area for any monsters to possibly fight and kill for xp. He half-heartedly expects someone to accompany him but doubts the thought being he is this deep in the woods. Wish someone was here he mumbles to himself.

  7. Akira walks down the steps making a stop at the water fountain taking a drink to refresh himself on the hot day and looks up noticing the person. He silently debates whether or not to approach, but could use a reliable friend on his side for some assistance. After a moment of debating he walks over saying Hot day, huh?

  8. Akira sits upon the hill staring out at the city below him after a long day of training and hardwork. He sighs thinking of his family and shifts his position on the ground leaning against the tree behind him while the blows against his skin bringing him back memories of the real world. The scent of nature wavers in his nostrils as he closes his eyes taking it all in smiling. Akira thinks and realizes this the first time he's smiled since the game began. The realization calms him a bit letting the tension in his muscles.

  9. <> the Swift


    » Username: Akira Yogami

    » Real name: Akira Yogami

    » Age: 18

    » Gender: Male

    » Height: 5'11

    » About: He was in a poor family who gave him away to a foster home when he was 4. Akira grew up his entire life in a foster home until one day a family adopted him at 11. They were a middle-class family nothing special, but they loved him like they gave birth to him and gave him anything he wanted. Therefore when the NerveGear came out he pounced on it and got into the game as soon as he could. Although he was completely unaware of what would happen once he said "Link Start".

    » Virtues:

    Friendly. Sometimes he is too friendly. Being that way is a blessing and a curse. Therefore him being so friendly he will do literally anything for his friends even if it meant dying for then which is one of the downsides of being so friendly. He is this way because growing up he had no friends and got picked on constantly resulting in whoever befriended him to be smothered which quite annoying.

    Committing. He very committing to any situation that has sprung into him, he will do whatever it takes to get the job or task at hand done and finished not matter his easy or hard.

    Unity. Akira will work with anyone no matter how strong or weak, he will try his best to help out in any way possible.

    » Flaws:

    Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html

    Blunt. He can be blunt at times due to his honest opinions. Akira feels it's wrong to lie to someone and thinks they should be told the honest truth

    Impatient. He is quiet impatient because he wants to get the job done and over with which he thinks should be assessed as quickly as possibly and not to take your time and strategize. This could potentially result in him attacking or doing something sooner than he is supposed giving himself a hefty consequence.

    Overzealous. He is extremely enthusiastic and eager to get things finished or jump right on then when can. This could eventually result in him bugging someone so much he gets hurt physically or emotionally, he wouldn't normally act this way around someone he doesn't know though.




    » Familiar Communication


    » Tracking


    » Parry

    Weapon skills :

    » One Handed Straight Sword



    » Blitz - One Handed - If player rolls 9-10 opponent is stunned for one turn


    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

    Relationships (optional)


    Story Thus Far (optional)


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