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Posts posted by Katharine

  1. "Alright, if you say so. We're going to go to the forest, which is quite far. I'm looking for a black sparrow or hawk, and it shouldn't be too hard to find it around those areas." I said, as the two listened carefully. "Alright, we better start going now or else it'll be getting late. Anyone needs to stock up on things first?" I asked.

  2. My hood was up and I had been grinding all day here in the sun, before taking a break. I sat down quietly, eating my food. I had been listening carefully to a small conversation by some players, and wanting some more experience, I sneaked into the conversation and asked, "Is it alright it I join you guys for a dungeon?"

  3. "Ah, thats what staying the house with a air-conditioner and using the internet 24/7 does to you. I've been following this game since it came out, and have been reading tons of blogs, articles, gaming advice on the game. I've also been up to date on its news, along with hunting for more secretive information." I replied, smirking. I always liked conversations like this where I could talk confidently on things I was good at.

    (Also, I made a small mistake on playing with the hood, my character currently does not have a hood on as right now she doesn't look like her real life form.)

  4. "Hmm? There is a journal given out by merchants for free you know? Its completed with information by beta-testers, along with tips and tricks. Anyways, how about trying out and practicing your sword skills on one of these mobs?" I asked, as I aggroed one of the boars. "Now's your chance, do it!" I exclaimed.

    Although I'm anti-social person, on the internet, or games, its a completely different thing altogether, as I'm much more confident online then in real life.

  5. (I don't see two posts though...)

    "Thank you very much!" I exclaimed, bowing deeply as a thanks. I accepted the friend request and noticed that the players levels were slightly lower than mine, but they seemed skilled enough.

    I noticed Marcradon, or so he was called, shaking. Mahko too noticed this and straight away asked him about it, "Hey what's up what are you scared of?" He asked. I continued on with, "Yeah, what's wrong?" I asked.

  6. I sweatdropped a bit at the girl who had snapped out of her daze, and then turned to Dellis. "Hey Dellis, its been awhile." I said. I turned my attention back to the yawning girl, and figured out why she looked so tired but was in the open field. "I'm guessing your trying to kill as many monsters there are in a 10 meter radius so you can sleep?" I asked.

  7. After Dellies had finished the armor on the second try, I stared at it wide-eyed and smiling. I let go of the armor and bowed my head down. "Thank you very much, it looks really well done." I replied, this time in a tone of excitement and happiness. I paid the blacksmith some money, making the chestplate appear into my inventory.

    Enhancement/Power: Feel the Flow - Once per fight, when the wearer of the armor uses its enhancement, he evades automatically the first attack that targets him. Additionally, as long as he wears this armor, he moves a bit faster than normal, and is more agile, resulting in better acrobatics skills.

    I equipped it on, before giving another thanks and leaving the store.

  8. I muttered under my breath, "Show off.", before returning to the amazed male player. "Anyways, sword skills look cool, but are very hard to use. You gotta get the timing and stance right to pull it off correctly, so don't get too confident. Also your health seems a bit low so you might wanna use a health potion." I explained, before demonstrating how to use it.

    I chose my target, did a stance and immediately rushed forward, before hitting the boar with a blue lighted blade. "That one's called Slant, so yeah, on what I said, in other words; just do it till you get the hang of it." I explained.

  9. "You know, if it makes you feel uncomfortable, you could just say so, I'll be more than happy to go with you." I muttered, pulling down my hood and revealing my face, before putting my hair up into a ponytail. These people made me feel comfortable enough to put down my dear hood, which is a quite a surprise.

  10. I was caught by surprise as a random player came up to me, making me yelp in surprise and nearly drop the hood that I was wearing. Hurriedly putting it back on, I replied, "U-Uh yes?"

    The player I had randomly invited appeared to me as he asked me, "Hi, what's the quest you invited me for?" I muttered in reply, making show it was loud enough for both of them to hear, "W-Well, its this quest given by this old gypsy that can allow you to make partners with a mob...S-So yeah.."

    "W-Would it be too much too ask if you could help me out...i-in this quest?" I asked nervously.

  11. (Hope you don't mind me joining...)




    This can't be happening.

    "HOW THE HELL DID I GET LOST?!" I screamed in frustration, scaring off some mobs.

    I facepalmed myself as searched for any players, hoping they weren't lost too and could help her get out of this place. Being the idiot I was, I thought I could go into a forest and not get lost, and NOT bring any teleport crystals with me.

    I noticed a female player walking drowsily as she unsheathed her sword, not knowing that a mob was right behind her, ready to pounce. "Watch out!" I shouted, sprinting to the monster and whipping away from her as I unsheathed my sword and attacked the mob.

    "Slant!" I shouted, blade enveloped in a blue light, charged at the mob, hitting it right in the spot,

    dealing 2 dmg.

    DandelionWings: 13 health points.

    Wolf: 7 health points.

    DandelionWings rolls the dice; battle dice 9, crafting dice 10, and loot dice 15

  12. I looked on as I saw a few players killing the boar, one being a idiot and not knowing about sword skills. When he thanked the girl that killed the mob, he asked whether there was any tricks in killing the mob. For some odd reason, my brain decided it would be nice to answer him. As the girl was about to reply, I cut her off by saying, "There's a thing called sword skills, without it, you'll probably get yourself killed very quickly." I muttered, playing with my now blonde hair.

  13. "I would recommand splitting up, but the thought of one dying is unnerving." I replied, my voice now clearer and not stopped by stuttering.

    I turned to haine, who was being unusually quite, different from her cheery self, "So, do you have any suggestions Haine?" I asked, my silver eyes piercing at her.

  14. A few weeks after a certain quest, I heard another rumor floating around of a quest that allows you to tame beasts. Curiosity getting the better of me, I got information and went out and found the quest giver.

    After accepting the quest, I went in search of a few players to help me in this quest.

  15. (Ah, okie.)

    I noticed my store bought copper plate was getting a bit dull, so I decided to get some new armor. I remembered that I had once down a quest with a blacksmith, and he was in floor 1. After a bit of searching, I finally found the shop, it was a small stall with a mat and some blacksmithing materials.

    "U-Um...excuse me, but would it be okay for you to make me a light metal chestplate and light metal shinguards?" I muttered, holding out a form that was placed in front of the stall, signed.

    Customer Name : DandelionWings

    Item Type :Armor

    Item Description :Black, light metal.

    Powers/Enhancements :Yes.

  16. "Oh god no, please don't tell me I'm lost...." I muttered to myself, as I walked nervously, playing with the rim of my hood. I caught sight of a group of players and pondered if I should ask them. With no other choice, I went up to the group and asked, "D-Do you know the n-next town from here? I'm a bit lost so..."I said nervously, fiddling with my fingers.

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