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Everything posted by Kirito

  1. Kirito followed behind, clearly seeing Asuna had no remote clue where it was. "Um... You do know it's in the opposite direction... Right?" He said, with a twinge of sarcasm in his voice as he pointed in the opposite direction. Cleaarly, any player would know that the way she was going led to << Orange Water>> Tasty, but not nearly as good as <>. He shrugged casually and waited for Asuna to pick up on what he said.
  2. Obviously, Asuna didn't know where the advertisement advertized the location, however not wanting to be embarrassed and look retarded in front of her hero, she agreed to be followed to the location where she thought the strawberry water advertisement had advertised. "Sure, atleast I'll try to get us to the location!" She grinned before walking forward toward a random direction and hoping it was the correct way. However not really knowing where she was definitely going to get her lost. She could only hope the chances of getting lost where lower then locating the correct destination.
  3. Kirito rubbed the back of his head and rolled his eyes, giving a soft sigh as he thought for a bit. "Repay me? Honestly, I don't really know how..." He then saw a discarded scrap of paper, a poster to be specific, rolling across the ground. Advertising <>. "Wanna go get some <>? I hope you know where it's at."
  4. She nodded up as she looked into Kirito's eyes. "Could I repay you?" She asked with a sweet voice that from the victory, she could repay the strong male that somehow she magically managed to meet. She was smiling hoping that she'd be able to at least cook him something. She was glad for his victory and didn't know how she could repay such a hero. "Please let there be a way I can repay him..." She spoke in her head as she continued to smile up at him.
  5. Kirito ran forward and attacked the boat all Attack On Titan style, leaping up and slashing it on the back. The <> squealed and staggered back, looking at Kirito with it's hateful red eyes. Kirito smirked as he landed the slash on the boar, ready for another attack. Kirito: 5/5 Boar: 1/2
  6. Kirito stood up and looked to his soon-to-be waifu. "No problem, stereotypical female. Now, I hope you learned from this situation so you'll make cooking your life in career." But all of a sudden, a bandit jumped from behind a curve! And launched at Asuna! "Don't worry. I'll stop him." Kirito said. He does! "Well... That was an amazing fight. It sure is a good thing I protected you." Kirito said, putting an arm around Asuna.
  7. "Wait-- CREAM!?! SUGAR?! PENGUINS?!" She spoke aloud a bit excited for what was to come, perhaps Willy wonka land full of gumdrops and sugar rainbows. Confused by the 'nom nom nom' noises she also dug into the fluff inside of the bread roll. "Nom nom nom..." She imitated Kirito thinking that was how you activated the amazing impressive skill that was <>. "Thanks Kirito!" She shone a smile and spoke before biting into another piece of bread. Not sure how she could continue to learn the ways, it not only started with the <> skill, but she could continue to get achievements! She could
  8. Kirito looked up at the girl who had just spoken, no way... It couldn't be... It was some girl he never met before! "<> Skill? Here, have this." He said, tossing a wad of bread to Asuna. "Bread is great. It's even better with cream. See? Nom nom nom nom nom." Kirito said, eating bread while offering some to Asuna.
  9. Seeing the male in a dark alleyway looking up at the night-twinkling sky she smiled and walked toward him. "Hi there player!" She spoke with a smile as she put her palm out in front of her. "My name's <>." she spoke again as she continued to smile at the black and white themed male. She wasn't sure if he was friendly or not but she was glad to meet him. Hoping that he could teach her of the way of the <> skill. "Do you know how to master the <> Skill?" She asked in a kind tone hoping that she wasn't stupid for not knowing how to eat a simple piece of bread.
  10. Kirito walked through the dark alley-ways of the Starter town. He felt as though he was the only person left in the town. He walked into the main area, sitting on the rim of the fountain. He sighed softly and looked up at the night sky. He was so lonely. So very lonely. If only there was someone to comfort him...
  11. Kirito snuck up behind one of the boars. Curses... If only he had his <> with him... Then he could farm pigs all day. Then he would get bacon. And with the bacon, he could sell it. And if he could sell it, he would get rich. And he could get rich, then he would buy everything in the game. And if he had everything in the game, then he would hold the bars. And he held the bars, then he had all the drinks he could ever want. Profit.
  12. As he entered the filed, the horizon lit up the whole world in a line of color. It was all kinds of beautiful, but what ruined the scene, was the boars. They walked around, minding their own business. So naturally, Kirito was going to slaughter them. All of them. He reached to his back and drew his sword. It was extremely low quality. With no buffs, dodgy looks, and overall nothing to help him except basic defense, it was all he had.
  13. Kirito adjusted the starter gear he had and began to walk out of the town, ready to get some training done. Kirito felt partially at fault for the death of many players. He was a beta tester, and could have helped them. But... What was done was done. And Kirito was powerless. All he could do now was get as strong as possible and try to help clear all the floors of SAO. At any cost.
  14. Kirito stood in the beginner's town. After all this time, now he decided to get going? Wow... He needed to get his act together. Kirito ran a hand through his black hair and sighed softly. He wanted to help clear the game, but after all his time in denial of the situation, he had fallen far behind everyone else. "Well... This isn't going as I would have liked it to..." He said with a twinge of dissatisfaction. "Guess I'll just have to make the most out of the situation I got myself into.."
  15. «Kirito» Profile » Username: Kirito » Real name: Kirigaya Kazuto » Age: 17 » Gender: Male » Height: 5'8" Kirito Emblem » About:Kirigaya Kazuto was adopted by his aunt and uncle a year after his birth when his biological parents died in an accident. Raised by his foster parents as a son, he originally trained with his cousin in the neighborhood kendo dojo under their grandfather's tutelage. Due to his aunt's influence as an editor for a computer systems magazine, Kazuto fell in love with computers and dropped kendo after two years. Kirito is someone who is not goo
  16. «Name» Klein The Samurai Profile » Username: Klein » Real name: Tsuboi RyÅtarŠ» Age: 22 » Gender: Male » Height: 5 foot 11 » About : Before SAO, Klein was your practical gamer. He casually gamed with his friends in real life before getting Nerve Gear. His social status in real life was rather.. not unique. He was a simple plain guy with an average job. When SAO was announced to the public, he was in the huge line waving at cameras. He wanted to be the first one in line but his job prevented him from staying in line overnight. After his initial start in SAO, he
  17. ✿«Asuna»✿ The Flash ã€ãƒ•ãƒ©ãƒƒã‚·ãƒ¥ã€‘ ✿Profile✿ » Username: YÅ«ki Asuna (çµåŸŽ 明日奈) » Real name: Asuna ( アスナ) » Age: 18 (Beginning of Aincrad Arc) » Birthdate: September 30, 2007 » Gender: Female » Height: 168 cm » Weight: 55 kg » About Asuna lives a comfortable life in her large home in Setagaya with her mother, father, and her brother. She originally went to private, all-girl schools before the events of SAO. She logged onto SAO after she borrowed her brother's NerveGear. He was one of the people who waited in line for the game's
  18. «Name» Subtitle. Profile » Username: Agil » Real name: Andrew Gilbert Mills » Age: 27 » Gender: Male » Height: 6'7'' » About: History/personality Although African-American by ethnicity, his parents took a liking to Japan, and he opened his coffee shop-bar in Okachimachi at the age of 25. His wife was a customer of the shop. Afterwards, he had been trapped in SAO for two years and when he came back, he expected the shop to have closed long ago but it was saved by his wife's efforts. Agil is a friendly and very helpful person who is always look
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