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Posts posted by Atlas

  1. New information flooded the window, basic information on how an Blacksmith would take basic materials and create the basic leveled equipments. After grabbing the materials, Atlas headed back towards the city to hear about low level players who ventured into the dungeon without gear, and blew up into million of polygons. In this world, HP falling to zero would equate a real death. Atlas now knows that he must find a way to craft strong equipment to fight his way through this horrid game.

  2. After accepting the quest, Atlas headed out towards the dungeon to grab the materials for «Griswold». Strolling through the plaza he was able to find information about the dungeon. There were high level mobs in the dungeon, and Atlas was quite ready to take on high level mobs just yet. He looked around the grasslands, and was able to identify a couple of materials «Griswold» was looking for.

  3. Atlas finally stopped before the rather fat, bald looking NPC, a old male wearing a gray and red tunic and trousers. He paused in front of an NPC named «Griswold» and suddenly it launched into a common dialogue of a quest, Greetings! It's always a pleasure to see customers! I know that you have been venturing deeper into the dungeons, and there is a story I was told that you may find worth the time to listen to... One of the men who returned from the dungeons told me about materials that he came across during his escape. If you're able to return with the materials, I'll make you a blacksmith! A window popped up before Atlas' eyes with two symbols, one to accept, and the other to decline. He accepted the quest and continued on his journey.

  4. Making his way back, he walk through the crowded area, Atlas spotted his NPC and walk through the crowd. With so many players deciding to become a blacksmith as well, he had a good time asking for some help as well. Most players were walking aimlessly around the central plaza of the Town of Beginnings. They all looked like zombies who were looking for a place to stay, as there really were a few places to spend their time. It was congested, but ultimately manageable even if some players were annoyed.

  5. In order to get the profession, he would need to find a blacksmith, and officially accept the profession after a few text windows of information pertaining to what the skill would be used for. He was quite fortunate to find a blacksmith nearby, also he had a general idea of where he would find the blacksmith. Some players had difficulty finding their NPC, so he took his time to help the players find their NPC. He knew the general area of most of the NPC, so it wouldn't be a problem for him.

  6. For a moment he imagined how great it would be to be packed with armor and weapons, yet he wasn't the type to use heavy armor, yet he was able to dismiss that thought and focused on the goal. Putting such thoughts into his mind, Atlas took a step with his leather boots and followed the path into the heart of the Town of Beginnings. This was the central portion of the city, and a good place as any to start his search to figure what he would do for his profession.

  7. Atlas' play style was different from other players, as he is a experience VRMMO player. Choosing the profession as a blacksmith was a good idea for him. With that thought in mind, he had decided that going into a party might be the best choice. Having easy access to armor and weapons would make the game easy to progress, not to mention the col. That would benefit Atlas well, because the game goes around the Col currency.

  8. Still, deciding whether or not to hide or leave, Atlas could not help but choose to invest in smithing. If he were to ensure the survival of everyone around him also himself. Already decided on which profession to invest in, and he has already spend some time on deciding what to do. He had been tempted to take up a crafting profession anyways. Smithing is a great profession for any player that is. Crafting your own metal armor, and weapons to protect yourself from player killers, and enemy mobs.

  9. "Profession?" Atlas thought to himself. In order to smith, one would need the proper materials, materials that would either need to be purchased, traded, or harvested in the wilds. That means spending col that would otherwise be used to continue hide in the Town of Beginnings, or leaving the safe zone. It was a risky choice, but one that seemed to be necessary to free players from this game.

  10. And yet, many players thought that Akihiko Kayaba was just bluffing and just leaped off from the first floor, with each passing day it would become more difficult to gain the basic necessities a beginner would need to survive. The scene was proving to be troubling indeed. Many players have told me that the first step to overcome this problem lies within the Profession Skills, creating items to sell to further enhance your Col supplies. But it was quite dangerous.

  11. Atlas has looked everywhere, he saw many players simply hanging out to kill some time. Some players were also too scared to leave the Town of Beginnings, so they took shelter in a cheap inn close by. Many players spend all they're funds, or col, on the inns to hide. Atlas did his best to comfort everyone who had a break down. Some players couldn't handle the truth and took their own lives. There was nothing he could do to help them out.

  12. In a dark blue coat, a figure walks confidently through the streets of the Town of Beginnings. Negativity fills the air, sound of cries are heard throughout the streets. So many people had stayed behind, believing that this was the best way to live, waiting for someone to beat the game. Atlas has taken notice that after a week with no one passing the first ten floors, no one will save them. Akihiko Kayaba has several plans for all of us.

  13. 2vty4ol.png25tgrv4.pngwl9hci.pnge16n1v.png




    Atlas, clumsy as usual and could not find his way around town. He walked around town, which was quite crowded for once. "What is there to do at this time?" he said before walking towards the shade. The graphics of the games, weren't so bad. It still felt like real life.

    For awhile, he looked around to see if there were any players who was just like him, but it seemed like people had other party members. "This is a lot harder than I thought it would be to make some friends." he said. Still confused he stood up and walked past other players. He was quite frustrated on what to do he just had to walk around some more to find a more experienced player.


    With bandages on his face, he turned towards a female voice. He looked at her hand, and then his hand. "H-Hello, I actually do need some assistance." he said as he shook her hand. He smiled at her with a gaze in his eyes.

    The female player look like a experienced player, and a beautiful one while on that topic.

    [sorry if this is a bit flashy.]

  14. Caen: Yup. But Hey, I'm not a loser >:x I'm a gamer, Otaku, And somehow Anti Social at school :x *Don't take this seriously

    Lisbeth: 2048? I used to play that game. But since I was confused, I switch into School Idol project :3

    Hey, Hey! That's not nice, You know. Every people is really different, And Otaku is not a strange people. Normal people is not that weird either. We just need to understand each other~! >:3

  15. [Haine]Hey Hane, nice to meet you! Why thank you for having a great place for me to join! I will trust you. I'm looking forward to roleplaying with you all! Yes, your gifs are beautiful!

    [Ruri]Hey Ruri, We could be best friends right now if you would like. LEL. I'm just being someone new! y'know. Making a beautiful journal is one step of being new. I think. I will ask you questions when I have one! Well my character can't wait to get to know you and I hope we can Rp soon! Bye!

  16. Hey guys, My name is Atlas! I'm 16 years old. I'm such a loser. Really I am. "Live on friend as somone!" A good friend once told. Not so long ago! He's a really nice guy. He's awesome! Anyways, I guess you can say I've been roleplaying for sometime now. Nice to meet you all, and hope to roleplay with you all soon! Sorry for the short introduction. I suck at these things.

  17. ατlαs

    «The Blue Fire»




    » Username: ατlαs

    » Real name: Rin Kiyoshi

    » Age: 16

    » Gender: Male

    » Height: 5'9

    » History: Rin is a very kind, caring, sweet, and brave boy. He loves to do nice things and make others smile. He is also very clumsy and immature. He is bullied in school for being too nice and "good" and he never knew how to felt comfortable around others. He loves video game with a passion, and is a top class student who gets excellent scores. He loves to play video games, and his favorite genre is the VRMMO.. He plays everywhere if he has a chance to. He tends to fall in love quite easily, and has always dreamed of finding his one and only. Since his father is a famous developer of the popular virtual reality consoles in Japan, he was able to buy Rin a game, "Sword Art Online." That was when Rin's life change.

    » Virtues:

    Cheerful- Rin is the type of boy who is always smiling. He never lets defeat spoil his mood, He'll always think of the positive side of situations, and find another way around situations. He is the definition of positive, and always encourages others to keep on striving towards their goals, especially in a world like Aincrad.. there isn't always much hope. So he is there to lend a helping hand, and one by one he'll fuel an army of enthusiastic warriors! That is his goal. To restore hope to those who have lost theirs.

    Loyalty- Once Rin is your friend, you earn his absolute respect and trust. For him, his friends are just like family. He will always be there for them no matter what it may be. He is never the type to turn his back on a friend either. True friends stick together.. no matter what. And especially, he is completely devoted to his comrades. In a perspective, he is just like a dog.. always looking after those dear to his heart. A loyal person makes a better comrade after all.

    Bravery- Rin does the craziest things you can ever imagine. He'd take on a monster floors above him even. In the world of Sword Art Online, bravery is a very scarce virtue. Many people are still trying to cope with their new reality, but its merely too hard to cope with. This was the same for the young adventurer as well, but he was able to cope rather quickly indeed. But for the emerald eyed boy, he was able to do the riskiest tasks with ease. He understood that if he dies, he dies. That fact doesn't seem to bother him anyways. Why let the fact that death lingers around you bring you down?

    » Flaws:

    Over Protective- Rin is always concerned about others well being. He worries about those dear to him too much, often getting in their way. He'll go to the extents of enforcing what he thinks is "reasonable" for them, often causing trouble. This does not happen quite often, for Rin needs to be extremely close to a certain person. He'll always be sure to check if their are any bruises on anyone, even if the damage was light.

    Stubborn - Unreasonably, often perversely unyielding; bull-headed. Firmly resolved or determined; resolute. He is stubborn and has a lot of ego and pride, so he will not back down from any challenge, even if it is hopeless. He will keep pushing forward till the end but can also cause her trouble. As such, it is a double edge sword to her.

    Dyslexic - He is slightly dyslexic, he mixes up numbers and letters sometimes and has difficulty reading if he is rushed or under pressure. This is probably from him playing too much video games back in Japan.



    Nothing, atm








    Weapon Skills:






    » 13 mats


    » [solo] - [sP - F1] «Earning A Living»[Completed]

    » [private] - [PP - F1] «Secret Medicine of the Forest»[In Progress]



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