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Posts posted by Alyce

  1. «Alice Killings» Journal


    » user name: Alice Killings

    » Real Name Allison Locks

    » age: 15

    » Gender: Female

    » height: 4'4

    » About: Allison was abandoned when she was 5 years old, leaving her to distrust everyone, but also trust very nice people. She was taken to an orphanage after being found a few months later, she had obtained kindness there. At the orphanage she was bullied consistently, her once long blonde hair, was cut into short boyish hair, which she still has to this day. Most of the girls liked her with her long hair, until it was cut short,Later on, she became the leader of the hoodlums, they were thieves, and Allison was a decoy, she would break things outside of the stores, so that her group could steal. Everyone always asked about Allison's left eye which is covered with a eye-patch, its not missing she would always say, which was true, its not missing, its another color. Allison left the group to runaway when she turned 12, leaving a pack of playing cards strewn about her bed, all having the name Alice on them in deep red letters. She ran as far as she could leaving cards in her path. She came across a couple crying at a grave, she asked them "whats wrong?", they told her that their child had just died, they looked Allison and said to her, "y-you look just like our daughter... will you be our new child?" Allison was surprised at this and nodded quickly saying"Yes! my name is A....Alice...." She knew what she just did, she knew she had lied. She went with the sad couple, only to find out they are very rich important people. On her 15th birthday she got nerve-gear, and Sword Art Online. She was so happy, the next day she set up the nerve gear and yelled excitedly "link start!" and then Sword Art Online began for her.

    » Virtues:

    Sweet Alice can be sweet sometimes, but only if she likes you, or your in need of true help. She learned to be sweeter when she was younger, all because of a nice old lady and then a couple taking her in. If it weren't for them she would have been mean and cruel. The woman who had adopted her was a part-time veterinarian and would often take Allison to work with her. In fact if she get's along with you she'll show you that animals are kind and loving depending on the person.

    Heroic She loves to help others, even if she hates them. Allison has never liked seeing others die, so when she entered sword art online she vowed that if she could save them she would. Although if its 1 versus 5 she'll save the most people instead of the one important one.

    A.D.D. she can't stand standing still. Meaning in battle she is very quick on her feet, and will figure something out if something were to go wrong in battle. Even when she's working ((if she has a job)) she gets it done fast.

    » Flaws:

    Childish one of the least flaws she has, because she's always like this. This makes it very easy to get on her badside and/or good side. She hates to lose, no matter what it is; from a battle to a board game, she refuses to lose. .

    sarcastic Has had this problem at age 7. Her little habit tends to make people hate her, or dislike her. Although, because of this it goes well with her childishness. She always uses their words against them in the end.

    smart-ass She's actually a lot smarter than she seems, seeing as she resembles a child, you'd expect her to be dumb. She was a grade A student at any school, no matter if she was a rebel or not. and she will try to outsmart you if you piss her off. It's always been like her to be this way, it also fits in with her sarcasm and child like self. .

    Profession: performer








    Weapon skills :




    » beginners pack

    Beginners One handed curved sword


    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)


    »She will always be a bit of a flirt. Is now taken by Kazuya.

    Story Thus Far (optional)


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