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Posts posted by Natalia

  1. An uneasy expression grew on her face. "It's not that I don't want you around, Echo. I actually enjoy the fact that I actually have company right now." she said, feeling as if she was being overly dramatic. The two had just met probably around fifteen to thirty minutes ago, and now they were having conversations about whether or not they want each other around. It felt a little too much like a stereotypical internet relationship; that wasn't something Natalia was very proud of. "You're just coming on a little too strong, so if we could just slow down a bit, that'd be fantastic." God, I'm not cut out for relationship counseling. she had to withhold a grin that wanted to form.

    "To be completely honest, I don't believe you." she said, referring to his lack of confidence in regards to his intelligence. "It might not accurate, but I believe that everyone has the ability to be brilliant. Most simply don't fully reach what they can do, whether it's because they're distracted, or simply don't care to learn." she sounded a little too philosophical for her own tastes, maybe a bit ridiculous. Yet she continued. "Just have faith in yourself." she wanted to say a bit more, but stopped there.

    Natalia stopped walking as Echo spoke of his good friend, and placed her hands on her hips. "Well, that's.. different." she said, slightly confused. She could remember everything in her past pretty clearly, but he seemed to have more trouble. Perhaps it was just a difference in retention ability? Still, the thought of seeing a faceless friend within a dream was almost haunting; she couldn't imagine what the nightmare itself would be like. "I'm sorry you have to go through that. I've never had a recurring nightmare."

    She stood atop a hill with a relatively modest slope. At the bottom of said slope was a boar. "Enough talking for now, let's do some killing!" she said, and charged down the slope, her blade already in hand, but her grip tightening. She lowered her blade, attempting to slash across the creature's back, as she normally did, but tripped before even reaching her target. Thankfully, because of her miss, the monster wasn't aggressive towards her yet.

    Boar - 5/5

    Natalia - 7/7

    BD: 3

    DMG: 0 (Missed)

  2. [OOC ~ I don't mind.]

    "What do you mean.. unconscious?" she asked, though the pause between his words signified that she might already have the right idea.

    With such a large group of children, Natalia found the apparent organization orchestrated by this one person to be a tremendous feat. Both due to the fact that as children, they could be hard to control, and by the fact that it was just this one man. Or was it? "So, mister Kiluia, are you the only one taking care of these children?" she curiously asked. "If so, it must be a pretty big burden. I mean, I know that when I was a kid, I'd be a pain in the ass to deal with, but an abundance of kids trapped in a virtual death game.. that's a little more complicated. How do you provide for all of them?"

    Her eyes moved towards the group of children in the room with them. Akihiko Kayaba.. Did you intend on keeping these children in here as well? Her fists tightened. How could you allow these children to live in fear, you bastard? The thought of Kayaba living without fear in the real world as he kept them as pawns in his own game infuriated her. Once this was all over, she hoped he would suffer a miserable fate, as cruel as it was.

  3. As I expected, he's a little impulsive. Though I can't really judge him too much for that, considering I'm on the same boat. She kept her thoughts to herself, however. No need for her to let him know that she was already a little unsure of whether or not he was someone she wanted to be around.

    As he warned her to watch herself, she couldn't help but smile at his ignorance. "C'mon, Echo." she said with a smile. "These monsters only look aggressive. Everyone knows that most of the monsters in these fields are passive until attacked. Both the boar and the wolves are passive until attacked." Regardless, she still drew her blade, since they would be initiating combat somewhat soon. The hilt was lightly gripped within her right-hand as they continued walking further and further into the grassy fields.

    Though most of the time she had been looking forward, as Echo spoke of his own past, she was short of shocked as he easily opened up about his personal life. It was honesty that she appreciated, but talking about the world outside of SAO was taboo; she knew a few people who were shunned for bringing up their own lives. Still, she wasn't that type of person. "Hey," she began, "Just so you know, I wasn't trying to get you to tell me about your real life. That's all your own business." She sighed. "But I guess it's fair that I do the same for you now."

    She thought back to her life in the real world. "To be honest, there isn't much a story to tell. I'm also a high school student, though I've almost graduated with honors at this point. I would have been on my last year had SAO never launched." she hated the thought of all the effort she would have wasted if she was killed in this death game. "I didn't have many friends, though. Only problem with being in your school's top ten." she shrugged, awaiting his response.

  4. [OOC ~ I understand! It's harder to write long-descriptive posts when combat is relatively short.]

    "Damn." Natalia said, divided between amazement and expectedness. "Way to slaughter that little pig. I almost feel bad for it." she returned her blade to its sheath before scanning the area for more of the simple creatures. The fields were abundant with them, and with Ruri beside her, they could easily grind experience for hours on end. She imagined that Ruri wasn't getting nearly as much, however. Though she had offered to go hunting with Natalia. Could she really feel bad for expecting Ruri to follow through with her offer?

    Natalia found her way stepping down a slope, approaching a duo of boar, though it would take a bit of time to reach them. "So, Ruri." she began to speak to her.. acquaintance? She didn't know what to refer to Ruri as, as of yet. "What's a level thirty-three like yourself doing on the first floor? I'm sure it's much more exciting in the floors above."

  5. "To be fair, I'm not your usual person." she arrogantly said. "I'd like to think I'm something of a gift from God himself." she laughed for a second, before feeling a bit awkward due to their setting. Stop talking before they kick you out, Natalia, you idiot. she awkwardly crossed her right leg in front of her left as she stood, also biting the her bottom lip in attempt to restrain herself from saying anything that might be considered rude. Restraint wasn't her strong suite; anyone who had known her for more than five minutes would agree.

    Having been allowed sanctuary within the confides of the chapel, she followed closely as the man began to walk further into the church. "You know, that was a relatively cheesy line. Seeing my morality within the reaches of my almost flawlessly reproduced virtual eyes." a playful sarcastic tone echoed off the church's walls. "You must be a real ladies man." Sarcasm, unlike restraint, was one of her stronger suites. She hoped he took it the right way, however, as some wouldn't.

    After a few steps, Natalia found her way to a cushioned pew. She took her blade's sheath and dropped it upon the floor in front of the pew and sat down, leaving room for... "Hey, what's your name?" she asked upon realization that he hadn't given it to her earlier. "I'm Natalia, the self-proclaimed Lion-Hearted."

  6. Upon Echo gripping her hand, she immediately pulled away, startled by the immediate physical contact. "Listen," she began, "I'll go with you, but I just met you, so save the more intimate contact for someone you know a little better. Sorry to sound a bit uptight. I'm not used to friendly physical gestures." A part of her felt as if she was being a little too much of an ass about it, but her point stood strong, at least in her mind.

    Shaking off the negative of what had just happened, Natalia smiled again. "Alright, let's head to the fields!" she said with a feigned excitement, and she began to walk with him to the town exit leading towards the area populated by boar and low-leveled wolves. With no knowledge of Echo's level, she imagined it would be a good place to start. Though, judging by early interactions, specifically his offer to show her around town, it wasn't hard to imagine that he was at least higher than level one.

    "So, tell me about yourself, Echo." she said, curious as to how the optimistic boy might respond.

  7. Natalia's expression went from one of composition to shock upon hearing the girl's true level. "Level 33?" It was almost hard to believe, but for a reason that Natalia couldn't understand, she believed her. Had they actually entered combat, she would have been absolutely slaughtered by Ruri. The damage from one attack would send her health plummeting from five to zero. Luckily, it hadn't come to that, but the thought alone gave her chills, especially knowing that she wasn't one to back down from a fight.

    As for the trouble Ruri suggested she could get in, Natalia simply laughed. "Most of the mobs on this floor are passive. As long as I don't do anything to piss them off, they won't attack me. Players are more of a threat on this floor than the monsters." she smirked. "As for the request.. damn straight. I need some boar skin to level up my tailoring skill anyways. Perhaps with enough luck, I'll be able to craft myself a better suit of armor once this is done with." Her voice went from calm to eager just at the thought.

    Ruri stepped up before Natalia could and made the first move, though she seemed to have been caught off-guard by a.. turtle? It was bizarre, but nevertheless slightly amusing. "My turn." Natalia said, her hand moving to the hilt of her blade behind her back once again. She drew her blade and charged at the creature that Ruri had missed, determination in her eyes. With a slash, her blade traveled down the back of the virtual creature, and its wound glimmered.

    Boar - 5/5

    Natalia - 5/5

    BD: 7 = 7 (Hit)

    DMG: 1 = 1

    Boar - 4/5

  8. "Told by the player to kill?" Natalia tried to grasp the words that had left the girl; Ruri, she seemed to call herself. "So, assisted suicide?" Natalia's head fell at the thought. How could someone ask to be killed? That's so much responsibility on the killer. Her thoughts didn't coincide with logic itself. Logic itself said that if people were willing to jump off the edge of a floor, most wouldn't be too hesitant in asking another to take their life for them. It was cowardice, but it was a cowardice that Natalia could understand. "Well, that's selfish of them." she said, an annoyed tone present within the sound of her voice. "There's no way scars wouldn't be left on the assistant." she shrugged, doing her best to hide any sign of sorrow.

    Her grip on her blade loosened, before her hand eventually completely let go and fell to her side. "Natalia." she firmly stated. "My name's Natalia, and I have no intention of killing you. I believe your story. Besides, judging by your reaction to my question, I'm sure you're leagues stronger than me." A cheeky grin rested on her face. "And you've got that wolf beside you. Two-on-one isn't exactly my style, especially since I'm only level one." She did her best to lighten the atmosphere, though the awkward introduction might make that a little more difficult than she hoped.

    "If you don't mind me asking, what level are you?"

  9. Her rugged brown basic boots crushed the beautiful, yet virtual grass beneath her feet as Natalia made her way outside the Town of Beginnings and into the vast fields surrounding. There were quite a few of the monsters known as Frenzy Boar grazing upon the flowing green grass around her, but she had no worries. As passive creatures, they would never be the first to strike, allowing her to freely move along. Every few seconds, the everso slight breeze would strengthen and maneuver its way through what was once her finely brushed hair. As annoying as the wind was in the real world. she chuckled to herself, before stopping to enjoy the view around her.

    There wasn't actually any true reason for her to wandering the fields. Although it was one of her many, many goals to level, today she simply wanted to enjoy the nature, even if it was only temporary... or at least she believed. The thought of being stuck in this virtual world forever sent a shiver down her spine, though not simply because she didn't want to; she was afraid that she might prefer it in this world, where she was brave, charismatic, and outgoing. Compared to the real world, she felt so much more alive. She shook her head. Thoughts like that are toxic. Stop it, Natalia.

    She had only just began walking down through the grass when she heard a gentle voice carried by the wind. Her head to turned to the left and her eyes stopped upon a blue head of hair approximately ten feet away from her. As with every encounter, her eyes drifted up towards the cursor. It was yellow. Instinctively, her hand gripped the hilt of her sheathed sword, but she didn't draw. "Are you a murderer?" she asked, though keeping her distance. The girl didn't appear to be threatening, but that cursor... Natalia couldn't take any chances.

  10. Natalia had been browsing the stock of a small vendor when she was approached by another player. A boy, maybe man, standing slightly taller than herself; she estimated about two inches, give or take. As by instinct, she glanced towards his icon. Green, as she had hoped. Though she couldn't imagine why a yellow player would be confident enough to stride around the town greeting people, so perhaps she was simply being a little overly cautious. Who wouldn't, though, when murderers finally began making their appearance within the game?

    "Heya, Echo." she addressed the teenager with the name he had given her. "I'm Natalia, and though I'm still level one, I know this town almost as well as I know the back of my virtual hand." her delicate lips grew into a light-hearted smile. "If you'd like to simply go for a walk through town, maybe even outside of the town and into the fields, then I suppose I could spend a bit of time with you." Her eyes remained leveled with Echo's, showing no true sign of fear, or any sort of anxiety.

    Her fingers brushed through her long, dark hair. She gently tugged at the yellow ribbon that she decoratively laced through it. "If you're interested, that is."

  11. Not long after Natalia's entrance, she was greeted by three different people; not the sort of welcome she'd have expected this late into the night. Of course, one was a nun, judging by the lack of cursor. As for the other two.. her dark eyes shot from the nun to them. The girl had greeted her, but had almost immediately been shot down by the man, no, teenager that stood before her. He must have been the leader. After all, he was the first to ask what he could do for her.

    "I'm just looking for a place to stay tonight. Inns aren't exactly a bargain for one trying to save their virtual money." she said with a playful smirk. "I'm still level one, if that might affect your answer. Judging by your apparent leadership, I'd assume you're probably higher than that. It would take you little effort to restrain me, should the need rise." she shrugged. "To be fair, I'd understand if it's not something you'd do."

    The candle-lit church gave Natalia a bit of the creeps. She hadn't been particularly religious, but whenever she had attended a church, it had taken place in the morning. They gave off completely different vibes at different times of the day. What was supposed to be a place of peace and tranquility seemed slightly off. Had she been alone within the building, she might have left in fear relatively quickly.

    Her eyes glanced over the teen once again. The boy stood an inch or so shorter than her, yet he clearly had authority in this church. A second glance told her that he couldn't have been much older than her, if not younger; she could see the youth within his eyes. His manner of speaking also gave hint towards adolescence. Intriguing, aren't we? she released a light chuckle, as she raised her gaze back to eye contact.

    "So," she began, "What'll it be?"

  12. The air was unusually cold within the Town of Beginnings, or so Natalia thought as a slight breeze shifted her dark bangs to the other side of her gentle face. Having spent most of the first week of SAO wandering through the streets of the town, she had grown accustomed to the maze-like area, as well as its typical temperature. Yet, tonight seemed to differentiate from the typical weather subroutine; a welcome change to this teenager. After all, what was life, even in the virtual world, without a bit of variety?

    As she walked down the moonlit street, a thought crossed her mind: where was she going to rest for the night? Her feet came to a stop as she reached one of the fountains within the town, and a frustrated sigh escaped her lips. Paying for another inn wasn't exactly a welcome idea. Her hair fell back as she raised her gaze to a nearby hill. Atop the hill stood a building. A church, Natalia assumed, based on the glimmering cross built into it. Without a second thought, she entered motion, making her way to the church.

    It wasn't long before she arrived at the door, where she was once again met a cross. This one was engraved into the double doors, perfectly halved at the opening. "Well, here goes nothing." she muttered to herself, her voice beginning to fade as she grew more tired by the second. With one hand, she pushed open the door on her right and stepped within the dimly lit building. "Hello?" she called out, announcing her presence.

  13. Hi, everyone. I go by Revan, a name I inherited from a Star Wars RPG. It rhymes with my real name, so it works out rather well in the end. xD

    I'm a pretty big fan of SAO, having watched it a couple months ago, and immediately getting hooked. As soon as I finished the series, I looked for more to devour, and I've purchased the first light novel. I may have also bought the series on Blu-Ray, but that would suggest that I've spent a massive amount of money on the twenty-five episodes SAO has, so you can decide for yourself whether or not I did that. ^_-

    I've also been roleplaying on forums for years, probably since 2005 or 2006. It's safe to say I've got a decent amount of experience with this, but there's always room for improvement, especially in regards to writing.

    As I'd imagine many SAO fans are, I'm a pretty heavy gamer. If I had more money, I'd be a heavy PC gamer, but as of right now it's mostly just League of Legends. I grew up on video games, and they've been a part of my life for so long that it'd be too much of a challenge to remove them. Not like I'd do that anyways. xD

    Well, that's about all I have to say for now. I've posted the journal for my character Natalia, so if anyone is interested, check her out, and if you look her concept, we could possibly start a thread!

    Hope to make some friends while I'm here!

  14. «Natalia»

    The Lion-Hearted


    » Username: Natalia

    » Real name: Natalie Mikazuki

    » Age: 17

    » Gender: Female

    » Height: 5'7"

    » Sexuality: Heterosexual

    » Face Claim: Haruhi Suzumiya


    The result of the love between a rich American woman and a wealthy Japanese businessman, Natalie Mikazuki has spent most of her seventeen years in Japan with several opportunities other children may not have. Her mother took her to the United States once a year with the intention of exposing her to outside cultures. These trips were, for the most part, relatively short, but their purpose was well served. Natalie quickly grew a fondness for America and the diversity she witnessed within it.

    For the most part, Natalie had a relatively decent family life. She lived with her mother, her father, and her brother. Her brother, however, was rarely given any attention, as she was always considered the superior child. Natalie did what she could to try and get close to Shinn, but he never truly did seem to accept her as his sister; something she felt a great deal of remorse for. Natalie never hated him, but she could tell he despised her, and, as such, gave him the space he wanted at all times.

    At fourteen-years-old, Natalie had proven academically astute. Most of the credit could be given to the wishes of her parents, who pressured her into excelling in her education as a means to continue the financial success their family carried. With academics taking up the majority of her life, however, Natalie herself began to grow emotionally unstable. Day after day of constant study brought loneliness upon her. A loneliness that she utterly wished to be freed of. Her desperation for friends led to a search for an outlet, and her outlet was found in a massive, digital world: the Internet.

    It wasn’t long before Natalie began spending hours upon hours in online chatrooms, much to the her parents’ dismay. Although they didn’t revoke her newly found hobby, they did inform her that her schooling came first. If her grades began to suffer just once, they would permanently ban her from freely using her computer within the confines of her room. With that threat in mind, Natalie found herself living two simple lives. One was spent as Natalie Mikazuki, one of the top ten in her high school’s class. The other was spent on the Internet, under the alias <>, where she had numerous friends; something that she couldn’t say about her life outside the Net.

    Of these virtual friends, she considered herself closest to a boy her own age, or so he claimed, going by <>. For years, they remained friends, despite not truly knowing each other. It was Revan who led her to purchasing the Nerve Gear, as well as pre-ordering Sword Art Online, regardless of the fact that she didn't consider herself a gamer in the slightest. The thought of actually being with Revan was too perfect a thought for her to pass on. Her parents weren't particularly fond of the idea, but they allowed her to, at the promise that Natalie would only play for an hour a day. It was an offer that Natalie wouldn't pass up.

    When the clock struck 1PM on November 6, 2022, Natalie was among the ten-thousand players successfully trapped within the death game of Sword Art Online. Her meeting with <> was short, as he was disconnected from the game by his family, successfully killing him. That’s what she assumed after Akihiko Kayaba announced that nobody would be leaving until the game was cleared. Instead of panicking like almost all of the players, Natalie viewed SAO from a different angle; it was a chance for a new beginning. Sure, part of her wanted to escape, but she wasn’t about to just give up. She didn’t view it as a burden; she viewed it as a second chance to discover herself.


    Brave: Fear rarely courses through Natalia's virtual blood. Although death itself frightens her, Natalia is not the type of girl to let the possibility haunt her, nor is she the girl to cower in the face of danger. She truthfully doesn't know whether she simply doesn't care to die, or if fear is what drives her to remain strong; all that matters to her is that she remains positive.

    Unpredictable: Spawning from her bravery, Natalia has a habit of swiftly taking actions before even thinking. While also a drawback, it is undeniable that it brings a certain strength to her as well. Unpredictability allows her to catch people off guard, as well as sometimes even tricking enemy AI.

    Charismatic: In reality, Natalia may not be the most sociable person, but in SAO, that takes a complete one-eighty. She tends to view SAO as a blank slate: she can live the way she desires to live in this world, and as such, refuses to let social anxiety stand in her way. If she feels the need to say something, it will be said. Paired with her moderately attractive features, Natalia is someone most could be comfortable around, just as much as one could be intimidated.


    Reckless: As a side-effect of being unrelenting, one could easily draw the conclusion that Natalia is also hot-headed, and rightfully so. Instances in which Natalia acts before thinking are common, even in situations that could possibly be life-threatening. Whilst it hasn't been the death of her yet, if anything kills her, it will be caused by her recklessness: a fact that even she'll admit to.

    Brutal: Though some may call brutality a strength, most would say it's a weakness. In fits of rage, Natalia has trouble restraining herself. Combined with her sense of justice, without restraint, she might even go as far as to kill a wrongdoer, especially in SAO, where her strength exceeds that of what she has in reality.

    Reactive: It doesn't take much to emotionally offset Natalia. Simple words can piss her off to the point of shunning someone. More than that, and she might even physically attack someone. While this is balanced by her general acceptance of others, for things she's passionate about, she can be considered dangerous.




    Points Used: 4/4


    » Night-Vision: Rank 1

    » Sprint: Rank 0

    » Tracking: Rank 0


    » Battle Healing: Rank 0

    » Parry: Rank 0

    » Light Metal Equipment: Rank 0

    Weapon skills

    » One-Handed Straight Sword: Rank 1



    » Basic Longsword


    » Basic Light Armor


    » [private] Bonding With You (COMPLETED)

    » [private] The Beginning (INCOMPLETE)

    » [solo] Boar Night (INCOMPLETE)

    » [open] Just Hanging Around (INCOMPLETE)

    » [private] The Shining Cross (COMPLETED)

    » [private] Rise of the Winter Sun (IN PROGRESS)

    » [private] Raiders of Aincrad (IN PROGRESS)


    » Kiluia Seiko - Natalia's relationship with Kiluia is, for the most part, complicated. Having more of a dominant personality in SAO has led her to be typically rely only on herself for protection and emotional support. Starting a relationship to her is similar to giving up some of her independence, and as of right now, that simply isn't something she'd do. However, with every passing moment she spends with him, the conflict within her heart builds further up. How long she'll last before she breaks is a mystery to even herself.

    Story Thus Far (optional)


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