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Posts posted by Kay

  1. That I CAN help with. They do a quest where they encounter a monster at risk to themselves to feed it something. What the monster is depends on the floor they put the quest on. We can call it "Feeding the Enemy" if no one has other ideas.

  2. I started a thread awhile back on this but since it's not devoted to profession skills I thought I'd start a new one. When I brought this up we agreed a player has to be honest about what they have and if enough time has passed they have to change it. I'd like to pose an idea to tighten it though and I'd like others thoughts:

    It's simple an item be it armor, weapon, accessory, or potion (I don't think Crystals can break) has a time limit it lasts five threads. After that they have to get something new or have it repaired. If not they roll a die and if depending on the number landed it may or may not "break" what it looks like and does is up to the user.

    What do you guys think?

  3. I was gonna wait for Edan to get back to us first but I do admit I have an idea.

    Episode 7 Lisbeth mentioned being a "master" so we set up a rank system. Here's my idea total:

    Phase 1: to obtain a crafting skill you take the quest to get the "Vendors Mat" this gives you the skill and a way to set up shop (either in a city or a separate social thread).

    Phase 2: User then sets up a crafting log to use as something of a benchmark.

    Phase 3: to reach 1 rank you practice 10 times. Then the number doubles as it goes up. So for rank 2 you'd 20 things, rank 3, 40 and it goes on till you've capped at (insert number here) to reach master.

    Phase 4: how practicing works you roll a die numbering 1-12. 1-11 equals success anything else equals failure. But as you go in rank the number decreased goes from 1-11 to succeed to 1-10 to succeed. To get that back you'll use mats (random items) you HAVE to get from quests whether the're from the anime/novel or something you make up. NOTE: for practicing purposes as rank 1 you can only 2 randoms a day as you go up in rank the number increased until only 10 a day period! These can also be used to do stuff for yourself (personal gear for you). For making stuff beyond that you HAVE to be commissioned by a player meaning interaction. Since we have no money system the exp is your reward plus whatever items they give you to help the process.

    Now I want to lay down a list of professions and what you can do with them:

    Merchant: can sell rare items (how they get is their problem) and can appraise specs not normally seen (say a rare weapon dropped they'd be able to tell whether or not it has a special effect).

    Smithing: make better, repair, or make anew for weapons and metal armor.

    Tailoring: make better, repair, or make anew for leather/cloth armor and accessories.

    Artisan: make better, repair, or make anew for jewelry can be metal or leather/cloth.

    Alchemy: make potions and upon mastery can make crystals with RARE ingredients.

    Performer: sings and performs (acrobatics) for a crowd. In battle this allows you to throw your voice (for pulling monsters to and away) and be more evasive (fancy flips and doges).

    Cooking: I know we skipped this but we SHOULD include this. Basically it's a social thing you eat good things and it maximizes luck for certain things beyond that nothing else.

    That's all I have for now. I'd like a GM's thoughts as well either Edan or Nevina's.

  4. So the forums changed a lot and I want to get back to a topic. How will crafting skills and opening player shops? Cause we have me, Kay the blacksmith and Cici the bard so maybe this should be settled now too. I changed this thread's title as its original purpose has been settled and now changed. So my issue is this:

    For smithing, and tailoring (not sure if there's an alchemy for potion making or not) will we just use a dice system to determine if something works or not?

    If we do go with the dice roll thing then should certain items maximize a better chance for the dice roll succeeding if that's possible?

    I also have an idea about how we should start using our side skills(?). Nevina's idea about obtaining them through quests is good but honestly I think that's something we can choose (at least if I'm reading the web novels right) as we create our character and level up. But I think I'm straying off topic. Anyways for a side skill user to do anything for themselves with that skill we WILL do a quest thread for them to get the item "Vendors Carpet" (what each one comes with and looks like depends on the skill and person its for) when the quest is done they get the item in their journal and they can set up a social thread in one town or another and start doing business. What do others think?

  5. We're requiring people to be honest anyone about items and the whole journal thing. As for how the ranged weapon system would work I have an idea. Players using those things will have to have an accessory for holding ammo. So like a quiver with (20/20) status or a belt for throwing picks (6/6) and for each attack used you minus one. When you hit 0 you have to go back to a town for more. It would certainly mean players would have to be choosy adding more spice to their posts!

  6. I'm not sure about the counter thing personally. I'd also like to re-open the "long range" weapon discussion. I'm gonna say no guns even muskets cause that's probably too advanced. But I think bows, crossbows, and arrows should be fine. We'll probably have to set up an ammo system cause even in the anime Kirito used throwing picks so I'm still thinking long range weapons should be possible. At the least such a thing would keep parts of the forum active.

  7. Sorry about the double post but I am wondering where do we stand on things with this forum? I ask because this forum went from being inactive to confusedly active. I'd like to be active but as things stand I don't know where to even start.

  8. I've seen the trailers for Hollow Fragment and am hooked. I particularly love our new "Orange Player" Filia. So recently I decided to a fanart of her. On advice from a friend from a message board I took a picture as reference and draw side by side with it. Adding in some color this was the result. I'm not really happy with the sword or eyes but I wanted to share this. This: sta.sh/01yzziicu5u6 is the steps I took in making this. If you wanna pass me advice feel free. I'm missing a fair bit of detial but it works. Enjoy! I do not own Sword Art Online.

    [attachment=0]filia guide file fin.jpg[/attachment]

  9. So on the Dot Hack version of this forum I have an art thread showing off where the randomness takes me. I thought I'd post some of my SAO stuff here too. I own nothing enjoy!


    [attachment=1]sao-fnart lyfa.jpg[/attachment]


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