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Posts posted by Setsugie

  1. I fall behind the boar as its sent crashing at the floor a few feet behind me behind, then I hear the stomps of the other boars and look at them charging at me and only seconds they would be here. At this point the only thing I could do is side step and launch a counter attack at one of the boars and hope to kill it with that hit but something told me this was going to go bad.

    "Butt [censored] It." were my last words as I began to do my movement and counter attack....

    Seihito HP 6/13

    Frenzy Boar I HP 3/3

    Frenzy Boar J HP 1/3

    Frenzy Boar K HP 3/3

    I suspicions where correct. I was a bit to late in noticing the boars and one of them managed to headbutt me in the leg but I managed to retain my balance.

  2. The boar takes a jump back and squeals at me obviously pissed off I fixed up my stance ''Come at me Bro!!" I cockily say to the boar and it does just that. The boar stomp the ground and begins it charge at me I only stand my ground and decide to do my earlier failed attempt and flipping over the boar and slash its back. I wait until the last moment to do a front flip over it and aim a slash at its hide....

    Seihito HP 7/13

    Frenzy Boar I HP 3/3

    Frenzy Boar J HP 1/3

    Frenzy Boar K HP 3/3

    Nearly perfectly executed the jump only a bit missing in the timing but I still manage to hit the boar a shallow hit chipping its HP but not killing it.

  3. I stood back as the hit connected with my stomach, "Oof!" I groan out in pain having been hit also triggered the other three boars to take notice but they where both a bit far away from me. "I better kill this guys quickly before this gets ugly." I said and concentrate on the boar in front of me, I swing y sword left and right and then take a giant step forward and brandish my sword at the Frenzy boar....

    Seihito HP 7/13

    Frenzy Boar I HP 3/3

    Frenzy Boar J HP 2/3

    Frenzy Boar K HP 3/3

    With a large Swoosh! my blade met with the shoulder of the boar and cut down a bit of its HP.

  4. I motioned at the boar to come and get me with a smirk as I readied as stance. "I hope to the gods that I get all three from these boars or at least 1 more.." I think with a slightly sad expression these boars drop rate where bad or was it that I'm lucky, no yeah the drop rate must be bad that's all... I then took another swing at the Boar at in front of my while I still could....

    Seihito HP 7/13

    Frenzy Boar I HP 3/3

    Frenzy Boar J HP 3/3

    Frenzy Boar K HP 3/3

    I missed terribly and the boar took this chance to hit me in the stomach with its trademark headbutt.

  5. And there it was the beautiful item I've been searching for albeit only one of them but it was there and that what counted. "[censored] YEAH!!" i screamed with teary eyes I finally got one and the emotion took me over, "Know I need three more...." I said as my happy expression turns into one of sorrow.

    I sigh spotting a pack of three boars, "Welp, there's still more to come I guess." I said and stretched my body and ran at the nearest boar and take a slash at it...

    Seihito HP 8/13

    Frenzy Boar I HP 3/3

    Frenzy Boar J HP 3/3

    Frenzy Boar K HP 3/3

    The boar notice my approach and quickly moved back to dodge my blade but the other two are still unaware of my presence.

  6. "How do you like them apples?" I redundantly asked the boar with a smirk on my face, well lets see here the monster was already at the last chip of HP, so one more clean hit would do him in. I once again took my low stance then changed it to my Kendo stance holding my blade with two hands lifting it up and then bringing it down in a vertical downwards slash on the beasts head hoping to finish it off...

    Seihito HP 8/13

    Frenzy Boar G HP 0/3

    Frenzy Boar H HP 0/3

    My attack was again successful I brought my blade to the skull of the Frenzy boar and slash through it splitting it in two before it explodes into polygons.

    Seihito Has Received:

    Tanned Hide x1

  7. I stuck my sword to the ground failing to hit my target, "Damn...." I said and took out the sword from the grass ground and turned to the boar. I glared at the beast as it to glared at me and gave a snarl, I smirk and ready up a low stance pointing my sword at the boar holding it with both hands. Then I place the sword on my shoulder and activate the Sword Skill <> and dash forward and attempt a thrust at the creature....

    Seihito HP 8/13

    Frenzy Boar G HP 1/3

    Frenzy Boar H HP 0/3

    I dash with great speed leaving no chance for the boar to move in response and deal a strike its side causing a bit of damage.

  8. "Oof!" I groan as the boar hits me, I stagger a bit but quickly regain my composure, "I guess I deserved that one." I said and glance at the boar deciding to try and finish it with my next attack. I jump and aim my sword at the head of the boar and do a thrust at it, "Lets see you try dodging this!! I say to the boar and execute my attack...

    Seihito HP 8/13

    Frenzy Boar G HP 2/3

    Frenzy Boar H HP 0/3

    I guess it was predictable since the boar was able to dodge by running forward.

  9. I was probably getting the hang of fighting these boar which was a bit sad and considering I have yet to get a drop only meant getting even more adept at fighting these boars. I could almost cry knowing this, but he couldn't do anything he really wanted to finish this quest and get the leather coat. "All I ask is for at least one Tanned Hide from you." I said to the boar and ran towards it.

    Bringing up my sword with one hand placing my other hand on the back of the blade "Haa!" I grunted as I did a horizontal slash to the Frenzy Boar....

    Seihito HP 8/13

    Frenzy Boar G HP 2/3

    Frenzy Boar H HP 0/3

    I missed my slash on the boar and it manage to hit me with a head but dealing some damage to me.

  10. I slice was all it took to kill the boar, "Woops I swung a bit to hard." I said with a childish smile looking at the other boar, "Oh but don't worry you will join him soon enough." I said walking at the other boar, it roars viciously at me and stomps the grassy floor beginning its attack a headbutt that has hit me to many times in the past. I merely tried sidestepping and slashing vertically upwards on the torso of the boar.....

    Seihito HP 9/13

    Frenzy Boar G HP 2/3

    Frenzy Boar H HP 0/3

    I swiftly bring up my sword slashing the boar dealing some damage as I successfully sidestepped away from its attack.

  11. " This is Amusing." I said seeing the loot menu not seeing a single drop only Col, I sigh and take a look around, the day is still young I still have much hunting to do. I still need the <> which the Boars are reluctant to drop probably because of the level gap between us. But hey I wouldn't let anything like that discourage me, piss me off maybe but no discouraging!

    I looked around seeing another pair of boars "Next serving of pork chop a la Seihito coming right up!!" I said and dashed towards them. I brought my sword up towards one of them and did a vertical slash at it...

    Seihito HP 9/13

    Frenzy Boar G HP 3/3

    Frenzy Boar H HP 0/3

    My Kendo training kicked in and when I brought my sword up I cut clean through the boar slicing it in half, it exploded in many crystal-like polygons.

    Seihito Has Received:

    15 Col*

  12. "I guess you don't want to eat then, I force feed you!" I said to the boar. I looked at the boar who had just dodge my attack, "Wont be using that Sword Skill for a while." I though readying my stance. I focused on the boar in front of me and pointed my curved sword at it with one hand. I took a few short steps towards my enemy and thrust my sword at him aiming at his hide.

    Seihito HP 9/13

    Frenzy Boar E HP 0/3

    Frenzy Boar F HP 0/3

    I stab my sword through its hide completely and deplete the boars HP down to 0 killing it.

    Seihito Has Received:

    15 Col*

  13. "Ah..." was the only thing that went through my mind as I got hit by the boar, I fell to the floor but did a roll to pick myself up quickly and turned at the boar. "No fair! You're not supposed to hit me!!" I said to it as it snarled angrily at me. I ready myself and put a stance seeing that the cool down for my Sword Skill had finished, I smiled and activate it <> and dash at the monster with blinding speed.

    I aim my curved sword at the boars face "EAT IT!" I said to it as I brought my sword to its face....

    Seihito HP 9/13

    Frenzy Boar E HP 2/3

    Frenzy Boar F HP 0/3

    The boar saw through my attack and jumped back evading my attack completely.

  14. "Ow, ow! That was a hard one!" I said getting up and held my stomach with one of my hands. I looked at the boar as it paces side to side before it breaks out running for me. I come up with a stupid strategy and decide to run away from the boar, it obviously follows behind me. I then slow down letting the boar get closer then I jump doing a back flip over the boar, then during this back flip I decide to try and slash at the boar....

    Seihito HP 9/13

    Frenzy Boar E HP 2/3

    Frenzy Boar F HP 0/3

    I guess it really was a stupid plan, seeing as I get it in the back by the boar before I could even perform the back flip.

  15. Again the monster dropped didn't anything I was a bit frustrated again but disregarded this feeling seeing the other boar charging straight at me." Its already that close...I can dodge!" I thought and managed to bring my sword to attack it, albeit I was going to take some damage here but I would at least try to do something against it....

    Seihito HP 10/13

    Frenzy Boar E HP 2/3

    Frenzy Boar F HP 0/3

    The boar hit me hard on my stomach with its headbutt, it actually sent me flying a few feet back and falling on my back.

  16. After my attack I jump back trying to gain some distance in case the boar decided to attack at me. "This is a piece of cake all of the sudden..." I mumbled but disregard it looking at my prey. I glare at the boar dash jump towards it and aim once again to Impale my sword on the boars hide and finish it off....

    Seihito HP 11/13

    Frenzy Boar E HP 2/3

    Frenzy Boar F HP 0/3

    My attack was a success I jumped and my thrust manage to go through its chest depleting the last of its HP. The Boar then explodes in tiny little polygons of light.

    Seihito has Received:

    15 Col*

  17. My slash was masterfully enough done to do some damage and stop the boar in its track I laughed triumphantly in my mind looking the boar as it glare viciously at me. "I think I'm getting the hang of this." I thought and smiled and decided to try and dispatch the boar in front of me before the other one got here and began attacking. I took a step back and pointed the tip of my curved sword at the boar and trusted it aiming to impale the boar through its neck....

    Seihito HP 11/13

    Frenzy Boar E HP 2/3

    Frenzy Boar F HP 1/3

    My attack was a bit off but I still manage to graze the boar and take some of its HP.

  18. I sent one of the boar flying backwards and directed my attention at the other boar "I'll dance with you for now." I said to it with a smirk. It snarled at me and began sprinting with a headbutt in mind it charge towards me but I stood my ground and decided to slash at the monster in hopes to get some damage in and nullify its attack....

    Seihito HP 11/13

    Frenzy Boar E HP 2/3

    Frenzy Boar F HP 2/3

    My reckless attempt to nullify the boars headbutt with an attack proved fruitful as my attack landed and managed to chip away some of it HP.

  19. I stop and look at the boars as they snarl at me both, I smirk at them "I [censored] hope you drop something I'm almost about to quit this quest and go nap somewhere...." I say to them as if they could understand me. One of the boars begins to stomp its hooves on the ground preparing an attack I notice this and sprint to it in an attempt to attack it before it attacks me...

    Seihito HP 11/13

    Frenzy Boar E HP 2/3

    Frenzy Boar F HP 3/3

    My plan was a success I managed to slash the boar before it attacked and sent it a few feet back.

  20. I killed the boar and once again they dropped nothing, I was beginning to get annoyed "Oh, c'mon!" I screamed in frustration then sigh "I hate collecting items...." I mumbled under my breath. I then began running through the grasslands looking for a nice pair of boars to cut down.

    Then I spotted two more of them, "There we go!" I say and directly run towards them sprinting and draw out my blade, "HYAAAAAH!" I scream and slash at one of them doing a horizontal slash at its head....

    Seihito HP 11/13

    Frenzy Boar E HP 3/3

    Frenzy Boar F HP 3/3

    The boar managed to hear me and dodge my attack by moving to the side, I glare it as I go by and stop.

  21. The boar squeals loudly as my sword connected with it and sent it back then it began to get up. "Well at the least I hit it once but I didn't manage to kill it...Oh well eventually it'll die." I thought readying my stance once again and was going to do a sword skill but noted it was still cooling down a frowned a bit an decided to do a normal attack, I ran forward sprinting and slashed at the hide of the boar....

    Seihito HP 11/13

    Frenzy Boar HP 0/3

    I was fast enough to reach the boar and slash through its hide before it could react and cut its hide depleting the last of its HP.

    Seihito Has Received:

    15 Col*

  22. Well it was no sense in waiting for the monster to attack obviously "Let's try a more aggressive approach to this and see how this play out." I thought and shook my head taking my stance I ready up my sword and aim it at the boar in front of me and decide to do three slashes at it. One Vertical and Horizontal Slash followed by a stab to the head with hopes to kill the creature with my barrage....

    Seihito HP 11/13

    Frenzy Boar HP 2/3

    One of my attacks connect with the boar while the other miss, at the very leas I managed to hit it and cause some damage but it was nothing to be proud of.

  23. This had the makings of a long day I had defeated two boars and none of them have dropped the <> I sighed closing the menu, "This is what I get for lazying around know the system is gonna make me work twice as much for the items." I said with a pained face as I look for new boars to cut down.

    I searched a bit and saw a boar spawn in front of me, "Oh, lucky..." I mumble looking a the boar and deciding not to waste any time I slash the monster drawing my curve sword from its sheath...

    Seihito HP 11/13

    Frenzy Boar HP 3/3

    "And so the misses begin..." I say sighing as the boar side steps dodging my slash.

  24. "Just a little bit more and you're gone as well." I say to the boar and ready my stance once again. I bring up my sword and slash at the air still looking a boar as it snarls at me I run towards it hold my sword with my right hand as it also breaks out sprinting at me aiming for a head bud. Before he was to close I do a small jump and aim to hit the neck of the boar and kill him right there....

    Seihito HP 11/13

    Frenzy Boar A HP 0/3

    Frenzy Boar B HP 0/3

    My jump was a success jumping for the creature I aimed my sword at its neck and swung my sword connecting and taking away the last of it HP.

    Seihito Has Received:

    15 Col

  25. I stepped behind the polygons as it dissipated, a beautiful slash connected ending the last of the HP of the boar know all at was left was 1 boar. Though the one I killed didn't drop anything, I was hoping for the other one to drop at least 1 material. I turned facing the other Frenzy Boar smiling "You're next!" I said and activate yet another Sword Skill, this time it was <> dashing towards the boar closing the distance in an instant I bring up my sword at the boar doing a slanted horizontal slash at it....

    Seihito HP 11/13

    Frenzy Boar A HP 0/3

    Frenzy Boar B HP 2/3

    My slash connected with the boar and chipped a nice sum of its HP, I smile falling behind it.

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