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Posts posted by Kai

  1. The sound of his blade piercing the wolf's shoulder made for a satisfying thud. Just one more blow and the wolf would be down for the count. With a smirk he took the chance offered by a quick weapon such as a rapier and struck, not waiting for the wolf to get moving. With speed and hopefully accuracy, though who could be sure with Kai's skill, he attacked.

  2. The wolf struck his arm, its jaws clamping around him. He cried out in terror as the beast's Bite drained his HP bar before it let go and scrambled around again. He cursed under his breath as the red particle affect caused the wound to make floating red polygons. The wolf wouldn't get lucky again, or at least he hoped.

    Lunging at the beast he struck, a thrust.

  3. Luckily for Kai, the boar he killed upped his level and so with speed found in level two players, which to be honest wasn't that big of a difference between level one and two, he was able to dodge the blow and strike one of his own. The wolf whined as it was struck tot he grass. Scrambling up it ran in two circles around the player. The wolf was fast, much faster than the boar and it had one more Hit Point than the boar, but his identification skill wasn't high enough to see the enemy's level. Readying his blade once again he got into a battle stance, waiting for the wolf to strike.

    Around and around it went and lunged at him, he tried to dodge but...

  4. Monsters weren't hard to find...Basically everything mobile was a monster out here, outside of other players of course. A cheery smile inched across his face as the sounds of many players just like him moved to battle their foes. A low growl came from behind him as a wolf creature attacked. With no parry skills himself, his only option was to attack as a counter.

  5. Another day, another grind. At least, as he yawned loudly and stretched tiredly that's what he told himself. His golden eyes fell on the sheets that covered the length of his body. Was this how every day was going to be?

    Qwerrr Qwoo. Qwerr Qwoo.

    He sighed...He couldn't think that way, not with his life on the line. He could not, would not falter at the hands of this game. Leaping out of bed he stretched again, clenching his hands into fists. "What am I doing?" he mused to himself as he swung his arms around him, wrapping them and slapping his back. It was an old habit, a stretch he always did before a butterfly race. He smirked. "I'll be back there soon...We all will." he said to the room. Opening his inventory he equipped his rapier, the light blade hovering into existence in a show of blue particles.

    Clipping it to his belt he set out for the fields again. Maybe he was foolish for going again, or maybe he was gaining some independence. He liked to think it was the latter.

  6. The pig did drop an item, but he didn't have time to look at it now...The game before this...tragedy boasted that the economy of Aincrad would be a player run economy...Though he doubted how true that would end up being. No doubt people wanted to clear the game. He wanted to as well...To help so he could get back home...But as he looked around at the defeated faces of the other beginners like himself he slowly began to think that this was not the case.

    Luckily the big man upstairs had some pitty on his newest prisoners...The inns were all free for the first few days...Or at least that's what he heard around. Before picking up a room he stopped by a player on a literal soapbox. "New players! New Players! Come here and get your guidbook! Please! It'll help you survive this harsh world!"

    But maybe there was hope after all. A fresh air of relief washed over the young player as he reached into his pocket, or inventory rather. Swiping his finger down through the air he took out his own guidebook. It looked like they had updated recently...New data was always coming in after all. He had to at least thank the beta testers for that. Deleting his old one he walked up to the player and greeted him, happily taking one of the books. "Thank you..." he muttered embarrassingly. After all how could he not be? The player giving them out was likely several years younger than Kai. With that, and a heart full of hope he went to the inn, checked in, and slept the night away...

  7. Tetsuya cursed, gripping his sword as the boar made a third hit, sending Kai right into the yellow. Cursing and spitting out simulated blood, the pixilated substance breaking on contact with Aincrad's grass. The red eyes of the boar brought fear, and resolve to the young man. He couldn't die here. Isn't that what he said earlier?

    What was Tetsuya doing? Just watching? Was this going to be a lesson for him to learn? He gaseped as he watched who he thought was a friend walk away from him, hands shoved in his pockets. "Tch! What a waste of time. You'll die in the first month I swear..."

    That was quite the good luck charm. Standing shakily to his feet he readied his blade once more. If he was going to go out he was going to go out fighting. He charged the beast, it had one more Hit Point, Kai had three, he could do this! He swung the boar leaped...

  8. Of course, the attack was a failure. Was his earlier attack simply a fluke? The beast took note of his hesitation as the AI system worked within and blocked the blow with its tusks, tossing the sword from Kai's weak grip. "Crap..." It oinked in agreement, tackling him and sending him back a few feet.

    Scrambling up he ran towards his sword, the beast quick on his tail. Plucking the weapon from the ground he thrust it into the beast once more, his eyes pinched closed.

    Kai: 3/5

    Porker: 1/2

  9. A clean hit, Kai's sword sliced right through the hide of the beginner level monster, the blade cutting through red data, a standard squishy attack sound resonating from the blow. The pig squealed in simulated agony as it flinched, giving the newb another chance for attack.

    His eyes widened and a metallic taste filled his mouth as adrenaline flooded his veins, the nerve gear simulating the sensation perfectly. With a presumably final battle cry he thrust his weapon into the weakened beast.

    Kai: 4/5

    Porker: 1/2

  10. "Squeee!!" the pig shouted, its horns battering through the attack, or rather dodging the attack and continue its charge. Crying out in surprise Kai fell back on his arse, his HP dropping by one. Sucking his teeth Tetsuya shook his head at the terrible attack. "Not like that ya idjit!" It was becoming more and more apparent where his mentor came from in the real world. Grunting and standing on his knees he readied himself again, this time he took the inititive.

    "Grahhhh!" he shouted, slashing at the porker.

    Kai: 4/5

    Porker: 2/2

  11. Bwee Groo, Bwee Groo.

    Tetsuya-san. Confident and strong. He watched as the man's wild black hair danced atop his head. Both player's starting gear was red and their levels were around the same...Yet Tetsuya seemed to have a much better grasp on this world than he did. Sighing in frustration as he ran a hand through his silver hair he watched him land yet another sword skill on the wild boar that infested this open prairie.

    "Orrrgeah!" the brute's battle cry came, a strange gurgling 'R' sound as he struck at the pig. "See? Its not hard...You just gotta...feel it in your gut. Its almost like wielding a real sword, just set the attack and let it go." he said, sending the purple porker his way.

    "Gah! I'm not ready!" he shouted as the pig ran towards him. Panicking, Kai jumped to the left, tripping over his clumsy hand of controls. The pig rounded around a boulder and charged at him again. He couldn't die here. That bastard wouldn't get the satisfaction of this particular player dying. His eyes narrowed as he prepared to attack.

    "Squeee!" Faster and faster the pig ran, a silent swing...

  12. â•”â•â•â•â•â•â•â–„▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄â•â•â•â•â•â•â•â•—

    «Kailing Hasegawa»



    `•.•â—•۰• ••.•´

    Profile Information

    `•.•â—•۰• ••.•´

    » Username: Kai

    » Real name: Kailing Hasegawa

    » Age: 22

    » Gender: Male

    » Height: 5'11"

    » About: Not generally a competitive person Kai has always done everything he has for the fun of it. In the real world he swims all of the time and despite his carefree attitude on the pool deck is a very quiet and studious person without many friends. He has never been the type to pretend to be strong for the sake of others, in fact he rather likes to distance himself from others, though since he has joined the players of SAO in their fight for survival he has been forced to become sociable.

    `•.•â—•۰• ••.•´


    `•.•â—•۰• ••.•´


    As a swimmer or "Pro" as the Japanese like to call their college level swimmers, Kai was already in great physical shape when he entered SAO, though that did not carry over in the skills department. Aside from that though it does give him a drive to better himself and allows him to become comfortable with a close-nit team or Guild.

    Business Major.

    Trade is in blood. His father was a banker in Bangladesh for many years where he met his mother and as the saying goes "Like Father like Son" Kai has taken to the business tract in life (though only because those jobs are "easy" and pay enough to pay for what he thought would be an expensive pass-time). Regardless he has taken what he knows and attempted to apply it to the world of SAO.

    New Sponge

    This is his second ever MMO and SAO is not the place to be making mistakes lightly and since his introduction he has been sucking up any information he could get his hands on about the world. He's become quite a quick learner in this do or die world.

    `•.•â—•۰• ••.•´


    `•.•â—•۰• ••.•´


    Kai has what would be called a...constant scowl, as if always brooding. That coupled with his height compared to the average player and his strange dark complexion make him an enigma. It suits him though as he also dislikes playing with other players unless he absolutely has to.

    Abandonment Issues.

    His father disowned him before he started secondary school. He vowed to never do that to anyone, but since his imprisonment in the world of SAO he feels that is exactly what he has done. He thinks a lot about the real world and it leaves him depressed at times...


    The last game he played online...was Wallet Monsters Online. This is all new to him. The lingo goes over his head for the most part.

    Story Thus Far (optional)

    »Born in Bangladesh and raised in Ikebukero Japan, Kailing "Kai" Hasegawa became engrossed in the world of gaming during his primary school years. A natural born swimmer, Kai sam in dozens of tournaments as a child and loved it with all his heart, splitting his time between gaming and swimming. His suffering grades however caused him to be disowned by his strict Japanese father who sent him to live with his grandparents in Kyoto. With barley an internet connection in their old-style home in the mountains the disconect from internet life proved a powerful aid in his school work and swimming.

    During his secondary school years he quickly gained renown in his division even becoming one of his division's fastest 100 meter butterfliers. After graduating and attending University where he swam and received a great scholarship he moved back to Ikebukero. Living on his own and with school and swim a constant stress on his mind, soul, and body Kai picked up the NerveGear and one of the few copies of Sword Art Online at release at the recommendation of one of his only friends in University (Whom ironically did not get a copy).

    But of course, the game was more than he expected when he plugged in. His life would be forever changed.







    » Defensive Skill-Parryâ—1{Only One Rank}



    Weapon skills :

    » One-Handed Rapierâ—2{Unskilled}



    » Starter Rapier

    » Starter Armor-Light

    » Starter Boots-Light

    » Starter Gloves-Light


    »1 Leather Working Material-Boar Skin

    »1 Artisan Material-Wolf Fang




    » [solo-Floor 01]C'mere I'll Show You the Ropes

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

    Relationships (optional)


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