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Posts posted by Daiko

  1. Snapping out of his daze, Daiko stands up, and heads for his home. It had been a long day today, and he fought his first few monsters. He was ready to do more challenging dungeons soon, and try to make it to higher floors.

    [ Thread End ]

    Items Gained:

    >1x Iron from Crab1

    >1x Iron + 50 col from KingCrab

    >400 col for completing full page

    >>2x Iron, 450 col Total
  2. Daiko arrives in the town, taking in the scenery. Although he was in the game, all the minor details seemed to pop out, as if they were real life. He sits on a bench, simply looking around. Putting his hair in front of his face, he hums. He continues doing this, and loses track of time while zoning out.

  3. Daiko slipped from the spot on the shell, earning him a claw to the face. 'I can't give up..' he tells himself as he runs for the monster once more, ready to continue the attack he was doing earlier. He jumps up in the air, about to kick the crab right in the face, so he could spring off of it.

    Daiko - 4/5

    King Crab 4/5

  4. Daiko smacks himself in the side of the head, as it turned out that nothing dropped. Rubbing his temples, he hears a loud screech coming from behind him. It was a large crab, that had different minerals on it's back. "I can do this!" He yells as he charges toward it, jumping in the air to kick it with both feet.

    Daiko - 5/5

    King Crab - 5/5

  5. [Loot Roll = 14]

    The beast had dropped a sort of.. Dagger. Daiko had no idea how the creature had this ore, but it seemed to be made of the same rocky-metallic substance the crab was made out of. Turning the iron in his hand, he sticks it into his Inventory. He decides to use it for creating something new. He notices a second crab spawn, this one smaller. Now was a great time to get more items, or even get something special. He swings his foot at the Crab, ready to kick it across the cave.

    Daiko - 4/5

    Crab - 2/2

    >>Item Get - x1 Iron

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