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Posts posted by Suzaku

  1. Suzaku stepped out from the inn he had spent the night in. The sun shone high in the sky, blinding Suzaku for a short moment. Everything felt so damn real, too real in fact. Once Suzaku regained his eyesight, he made his way down the steps and onto the streets of Starting City. Everyone was laughing joyously which was great to see. Suzaku was just like them, not really giving a damn if he was in the real world or not. He was going to make the best of his time here. With that tucked into his mind, he began walking down the streets, going wherever the path led him.

  2. Starting City, the biggest town the resided within the vast Floor 1. The reason the name was Starting City was pretty much obvious, it was the one city every new player began their journey from. The moment they logged into the game, they would begin here. From this point on, every decision made in the game was crucial. It was not just a game anymore, it was a death trap. Every thing was real, death was real. People were of course freaking out but at the same time, there were players that seemed to enjoy the amazing world of Aincrad. One the players that enjoyed this place was Suzaku.

    The blond male made his way towards the center of town, looking to mingle with someone. It was his second week here in Aincrad and he had already taken a liking to it. However, the other players seemed to have a complete disregard for him, almost as if they did not want to make any social contact. It was a bit of a let down. If he was going to be stuck in this world, he wanted to make the best of it. To do that, he would have to begin by making the most friends he could as the more friends, the merrier a person was or, that was what he believed in. "Is everyone in this damn city gonna ignore me!" Suzaku shouted as he slouched over, beginning to walk aimlessly. Maybe someone would take his shouting as a plea for help.

  3. Tales-of-the-abyss-guy-character-artwork-2.png

    «Suzaku» The Hero


    » Username: Suzaku

    » Real name: Shin Katari

    » Age: 18

    » Gender: Male

    » Height: 6'0"

    » About: History/personality

    Appearance: Shin is a 6'0" tall, well built male. He had short blond hair along with turquoise eyes. His in game outfit consists of eastern clothing. He keeps his rapier sheathed to his left side for ease of drawing it out.

    Personality: Shin is a loving character, wanting to help everyone and anyone he can in any possible way. He can be childish and immature when he wants to but it is all in good intention for a laugh or two. He bears the personality of a hero, wanting to always protect everyone even if it means risking his own life for the sake of another. He tends to use experiences from his real life in SAO as he feels it can help him achieve his goals. During duels and boss fights, although he can be reckless, he is rather serious in the end. He enjoys fighting as it brings out a different side in him. He does not care for drawn out plans as he feels you should fight in the moment, if you die you die. When it comes to women, Shin has an easy time talking to them. Being blessed with looks as good as his, he has an easy time attracting women. Once he finds a woman that fits his standards, he does his best to protect her, being a good a boyfriend as he possibly can. Sure he fools around with various women but if he can find the perfect woman, he will drop everything to be by her side and in turn, he expects the same.

    History: Shin grew up in poor, isolated town. He was accustomed to living in the way of an old Japan, as that as the way of his family. He was not allowed to do anything without the consent of his parents and more often than not, was left in his house alone. His family lived off welfare, not having the money to purchase goods. They lived off whatever they could find, often scavenging for food off the streets. In short, he lived a disgusting life. He only hoped to see a better day and he would receive his wish soon. After a few years, his family was killed in a major crash. A drunk driver struck his family, killing them on site. Of course, being left alone at home, he was saved. He was then sent to an adoption center where in less then a week, was taken in by a middle-class family. He moved over to Tokyo, the heart of Japan. It took him a few years to get acustomed to the modern life of Tokyo. He never fully grasped the modern age that people lived in which was hard as kids in his school often poked fun at him. He was bullied day in and day out, only to get home to escape the torture. At home, he would play video games, escaping reality and creating an all new persona online, only to get away from real life. It was at this moment he was introduced to SAO. With all the money he had, he was able to go out and purchase his very own Nerve Gear, with the help of his foster parents of course. Upon placing the Nerve Gear upon his head and stating the words "Link Start", he was transported to an amazing new world. After a few moments in the game, he and the other players were broken the news they could not log off the game, and they were now living in a death game where every move was critical. Death was real and only the best would make it through the game to see the real world. Shin made it his mission that he would save himself and everyone else that was forced to become trapped within SAO, hoping to become the hero he viewed himself as.

    » Virtues:

    Generosity: Growing up in a poor town, Shin was subject to seeing what it was like to live without the basic necessities. Since coming over to a better lifestyle, he has made it a goal to help everyone he can in the simplest of ways. In the game, Shin is always giving out food and items, no matter how scarce or rare the item is. Of course, he has some items he keeps for himself but anything that is no use or is simply excess, he tends to give it away to see a smile on a face.

    Courage: Shin always enjoys playing the big hero in any game he plays and he has formed a knack for being a courageous person. He has no fear of looking death in the face as to him, it is all a game. He is not one to back down from a fearful challenge or a death threat. Matter of fact, all this gives him determination to become better. The courage to look death in the face is something that makes Shin who he is.

    Compassionate: Shin is one to help everyone. When he meets a person, he lets them do all the taking, simply listening in on what they have to say and based off that, he will makes comments of his own. If someone needs to get something off their chest or are having a bad day, Shin will take time out of his day to listen on what they have to say, attempting to help in any ways possible. It is just another thing that shapes Shin.

    » Flaws:

    Overprotective: No matter what the case may be, Shin is always throwing his body on the line in an attempt to save someone. He cannot bear to see anyone die, so if he has the option to save someone, he will more often then not do so. Stranger or not, everyone is a friend to Shin and as a friend, he must do his part of saving lives, even if it means his life must be risked.

    Claustrophobia: The fear of being in a tight, enclosed fear. A phobia that has struck many people, including Shin. Whether it be in real life or in a video game, Shin cannot stand being left in a tight, enclosed space such as a closet. It just creeps him out. If he is left in a tight space, he begins to panic and lose his breath, before fainting.

    Reckless: Shin is reckless, not caring for anything. He is not a man who enjoys making out strategic plans or attacks, he is one who likes to confront the enemy and attack without caring about what happens. He enjoys living in the moment and at times, this is bad. This can come to bite him and his comrades in the ass during a raid or a boss battle as his recklessness can get in the way, completely tossing away any plans and thus, leaving himself open for direct attacks.

    Profession: Blacksmith

    Skills Points Left: 0

    Skills Points Used: 2



    » N/A


    » Sprint (+1)


    » One-Handed Rapier (+1)

    Weapon skills :

    » N/A



    » Basic One-Handed Rapier




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