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Posts posted by Akumu

  1. I was getting pumped to know that I actually had a shot at winning this game. Today I finally found not only a friend but where my rapier was! With a smile on my face I rushed at the wolf that daunted in the shadows of the woods. Right before I was going to land a critical hit I felt a tug on my foot, I fell forwards. The wolf took the chance to devour me and pounced on me, gnawing on my leg. Rebekah! I shrieked.

    Rebekah 15/15

    Miku 6/7

    Wolf 8/8

    [Okay, and thank you SO much for it!~]

  2. Oh, I'm sure what you said was really important. I say as a form of an apology. Yeah, I could use some rest, and you do too. I don't think it's possible to get sick in the game..your fine..i think? I say, concerned about his sneezing fit. I pet the dog slowly and stood up from the bench. Can you lead the way? I said, I didn't know this floor at all.

  3. Thank you Sieghart, you can call me anything you like if that's too long for you. I think that a battle is a pleasant idea, maybe some boars. I said, letting go of his hand. I scrolled through my HUD and equipped my starter rapier to the side. It had and ugly handle...still. The small unlikable details about the sword disgusted me. I took his hand and stood up, looking into his brown eyes with my teal ones.

  4. I nodded again at Rebekah, which was a habit of mine. Calmly, I figured out how equip my sword with only a few things that went wrong in the process. My rapier felt light in my hands, like it was meant to be there, which was weird because I never fought before. The handle was an ugly brown, I vowed to get a new one sometime. Trying to imitate a movie scene, I flew forward with a speed I didn't know I was capable of and targeted the boar. It looked a little frightened, and it tried to run away. I leaped above the boar and landed in front of it with ease. Where are you going piggy? I said to myself and plowed through it's body, leaving damage.

    Rebekah 15/15

    Miku 7/7

    Wild Boar 2/3

  5. Yes, today is quite nice. The clouds aren't out but the sun is seemingly bright as usual- I responded but stopped. Who am I talking to?! I wonder and look to my right. I saw a boy, good looking if I might add, leaning on his knees next to me. I was a little shocked that I just lost myself in thought when I talked to him. I let out a small cough and replied. It's a pleasure, I'm Hatsune Miku. My hand cups his and shakes it firmly. Finally...Someone who doesn't know me...

  6. I walked out of the Inn I was staying at from the night before. The service had been very well considering someone bought me dinner. But I knew that was only because I was Miku, I will always be noticed. I left my teal hair down, which reached the ground on it's own, because I was too lazy to put it up. I was heading from the Inn to the fountain in the middle of town. I liked to go their and sit on the fountain, it was somewhat relaxing to sit there. The people seemed to shuffle around, moping as usual. Some had things to do, some were just passing through. I sat down on the edge of the fountain but noticed I wasn't alone today, someone was sitting next to me.

  7. Well actually that sounds nice now. I didn't even realized that I was cold until now. The air around here didn't affect me much. I cringed when he mentioned me as a noob. The snow started to slow down a bit but it was still cold. I forced a smile, even through I was agitated. Well being a low level doesn't necessarily mean your not stronger. I said.

  8. My people-stalking session came to a close when I heard taps getting louder. I looked up to see a dog jump straight on me. He started licking my face but he was pulled off of me before I could react to the situation. A loud thud came from the floor, it was the dog and a boy. I looked down at them with an utterly confused face. What just happened? I though.

  9. My teal hair was pulled into a perfect braid that spiraled past my waist. Today I was on the wintry floor, floor four to be exact. I didn't know why but I really wanted to just watched the people walk around all day. The snow would pass by me, scents would fill the air, and I would almost forget that this wasn't the real world.

    I sat on a bench and observed everyone that passed by me. A man who was limping gave me a creepy grin and shuffled past me quickly. I was glad he didn't stop to say hi. The next person to walk by was a taller woman with a sophisticated look on. Her scarf was neatly wrapped around her neck while her skirt was wrinkle free. She was beautiful if I do say so myself, but she paid me no attention. After about twenty minutes a couple walked by. They held hands and laughed with each other the whole time. I couldn't help but feel a little sorry for myself, I have not connected with anyone in this game due to my lack of combat.

  10. I nodded in agreement. Yes, some of my music isn't everyone's cup of tea. I'm glad to hear that your friend enjoys my music, I'll have to meet her sometime. I said politely. It was true that not many girls played this game anymore, most would have died by now, I don't even know how I survived this long. Yes, I think that's a splendid idea, that makes us a team! My finger swiped the HUD and sent a party request to the kind girl. I would love for you to teach me! I practically sang, I was too excited about meeting a new friend.

  11. I stopped twirling around and let my teal hair drop down to my legs. the girl who just saved didn't know my title, or who I was even. Should I tell her..or not? I wondered about having a friend who didn't know me as everyone else did. No, lying is bad! I thought and stared at the girl. My arm reached out to hers as I waited for her to greet me. Rebeckah, my name is Hatsune Miku, it's really nice to meet you. If I do say so myself I am pretty famous in Japan, in the states too. I said to her.

  12. I reached a hand under myself and pushed up. When I stood up I felt something crash into me again, it was Argumail. He was trying so hard to kill that monster. As he spat out blood I sat up. Argumail knealed next to me, staring at the moon. You will survive...and what is it? I asked, a little shaken up from the fall.


    Argumail 10/17

    Akumu 13/15

    Miki 13/15

    Charlotte 15/15

    Toiposi 11/36

  13. I looked up from my coffee to see two girls in my face. I ease the cup back up to block their view of me, that didn't work..they recognized me. I slowly placed the cup down and stood up cautiously. The girls also stood up, only more excited. Thinking of a way out of this I pointed behind them. As soon as they turned around I bolted out and turned into the alley way. Unfortunately they followed me on hot pursuit. Hatsune please sign this!!! One screamed as they sprinted after me, they were crazed fans. I turned another corner and sprinted fast through the square.

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