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Posts posted by Mayonaka

  1. Rosalia? That name sounds familiar to me..Anyways I would like to fight something! Since we departed I gotten a whole lot stronger, even a new sword. I said in an excited tone. This was the day I would show him my new sword too, it was special to me since I had invested so much into it. The purchase took more than half my col but it was probably the best thing I bought in Aincrad, it served me well in battle too.

  2. This is Floor one so mostly no. But once in a while people like you come along and show style! From what I saw today I have no doubt that if you train you'll be in a guild in no time. Probably a front line one. I said, sure of myself. I mostly learn about the other player's emotions, how they handle things around here.

  3. I touched my hand to Ethereal's blade while maintaining a hard glare on Jester. You can't kill him, were in a safe zone currently. I said monotonically. This was uncommon for me to lose any expression in my voice, it hadn't happened at all ever. I looked at Ryu with a blank expression on my face. I'm not wearing the guild colors unless I'm on duty, but I see that they suit you just fine. I gave yet another glare to Jester, This invite isn't extended to you. Am I so cute now? I'm more than you could even think I am.

  4. Well I've seen you a couple times up there. I point to the border between the fields and the town. You haven't come down ere until today plus your stance was a little bit off. It looked actually really uncomfortable if I do say so. I congratulate you on your sudden bravery though! You were pretty awesome for the first try! I said with a smile on my face. The boy that I was watching before got hit in the stomach again, I winced but looked back at the girl again.

  5. My sword plows through the side of the boar, giving it a measly scrape. It was enough to bring it's health into the yell ow zone though. I guess since your ready now I can leave the rest to you! I said and leaned against the tree, still holding my sword just in case she needed help.

    Mayonaka 20/21

    Susan Stark 10/11

    Boar 0/3 DEAD

    Boar 0/3 DEAD

    Boar 0/3 DEAD

    Boar 2/3

    BD 6+2=8 {-1 HP}

    +2 Damage

    +2 to BD

  6. I turn around to snap at Jester again to see Ryu! My expression changes from a sour one to the nicest one possible. The people around me still didn't know anything about me at all. Not only did they underestimate my size but they also didn't know who I was associated with. I hugged Ryu for a little bit then turned to Dylan. If you knew me well you'd know that I don't just "ignore" someone. I only "ignore" someone if what they are telling me is incorrect or the wrong thing to do. I said with a slight smirk. My face reddened now and a frown appear on my face when Jester spoke again. I returned my attention to Jester, he was just asking for a fight now. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to smack Jester or just walk away, neither of those actions we like me.

  7. I was about to say something nasty to Jester but was pulled to the side by Ethereal. No, I'll kill him if he does anything, he's just. I said in a low tone, I meant it. I don't know why but he set me off ever since I laid eyes on him. He was just so suspicious and creepy to me.

  8. I had had enough with her insults about my size, calling me a runt was the last straw. My eye twitched when she continued on about how I was acting like a five year old, she even called attention to fact that more people gathered. I took another step towards her and intensified my glare, I wanted badly to scream at the tops of my lungs. I knew that would satisfy her though. Some people looked scared while others seemed to be entertained with our little disagreement. I'm not screaming now am I? I said and kept speaking. It's not a tantrum, it's sticking up for myself. Your the one who went around giving me such nice compliments. Besides, all I wanted to do was talk about the changes in the town yet you refuse me. Is it because I'm too scary for you? I tried to turn my rudeness down a little but I couldn't help it. It wasn't like me at all to tick anyone off without a solid reason.

  9. I think I do, because your so rude. Screaming at me doesn't improve your image either! I boorishly snapped back her. Glaring right back at her I crossed my arms. I'm not a kid, I'm probably older than you! I said with a rather visible smirk on my face. I was fully aware of my height, that didn't change the fact that were practically tearing though each other's insults. How old does she think I am!? The onlookers were back but I didn't dare release my glare from this girl to them.

  10. I scoffed sarcastically when he disappeared so suddenly. He really did just leave me on this stupid floor with no crystals! I said to myself and stood from the bench. The snow was still falling at the same pace as it was when we started this journey. With my hands in my pockets I laughed to myself and walked away from the bench, not giving it a second thought.

    End of Roleplay.

  11. I thanked Ethereal and Dylan for helping me up, I was really clumsy. When the odd player spoke to me I narrowed my eyes at him. No, I wouldn't love to tag along with you. I said curtly, still not giving my name. Obviously this player didn't know who I was or how I fought in battle. With an eased expression I turned to the others. If it's all right I would like to join you Ethereal. I spoke more kindly to him.

  12. I shake his hand that Keith held to me. So you hunt mavericks? I said, a little more interested with his role here in Aincrad. I let go of his hand when Ethereal mentioned his proper title, the Azure Brigade. That's one of the top guilds. I thought and smiled at Keith, I now fully trusted him. I placed two hands on my waist and looked at the others. It's nice to meet you too Keith, I'm Mayonaka. As of now I'm in the Knights of Blood, trying to work my way up the ranks.

  13. When the girl beside me woke up a smirk formed upon my face, time for some answers. Dazed, the girl looked to the left then right. She gave me an odd look and jumped off the bench, placing her hand of her sheath. This must be why no one approaches her, she's kinda scary. I thought and stood up. I didn't stand as tall as her but I tried not to mind that minor detail, I looked seven. The players that were eyeing her now laid eyes on me, wrong choice. When I met eyes with them I gave them the worst glare I could, scaring there eyes away from the scene.

    With a frown now I put my hands on my hips. What am I doing? Other than breathing and being stuck in this game? I said stubbornly. I eased up a bit, but was still a little frustrated from her reaction to me. I was going to ask you why everyone is so darn afraid of you! I replied tersely and stared her right in the eye.

  14. That's alright, not everyone needs to climb all the time. Susan pulls herself up with incredible strength, her avatar's strength Yes, your height is quite the advantage! I laugh and think about her not climbing a tree. Never climbed a tree? I thought wit ha sour look on my face. The boars below headbutt into the tree, making it rustles and sway. I guess they don't like us here? I say nervously and stand up. Come when your ready. I say and pick up my sword. With the blade pointed down I stab right into the monster, killing it, when I jump down.

    Mayonaka 20/21

    Susan Stark 10/11

    Boar 0/3 DEAD

    Boar 0/3 DEAD

    Boar 0/3 DEAD

    Boar 3/3

    BD 4+2=6 {-1 HP}

    +2 Damage

    +2 to BD


    [Mayonaka +30 col]

  15. I took a step back away from the man that was now looking at me, also addressing me. It was a bit creepy to see someone right when you teleport into the town. I let out a sigh and step in front of them. Excuse me. I replied took a step forward. I felt my balance go off, I tripped over a dog. My cheeks flushed red.

  16. The day seemed to drag on before it even began. I was on the first floor again for the same reason as always, I was seeing if anyone need assistance. I didn't help cowards though. There were players who still stayed in the "comfort" of the Starting City because they refused to face this new reality. Cowardice had struck a major population of this town because of the stakes in the game we were all stuck in. I would sometimes ask myself: If you knew what would happen here, would you have still said Link start? My answer would remain the same, yes. To me this was all one big adventure, just like the real world..but different.

    I walked into the main part of town to see a girl napping on a bench. She didn't look like any threat to me but to the players nearby, she did. I approached her slowly, unsure of what she would do. When she didn't move I sat down next to her, I was eager to speak to her. I need her to answer some questions for me.

  17. My body formed in the town on the third floor. I killing the time by going to my favorite cafe today, I had nothing better to do. I when I opened my eyes I saw two men talking right in front of me. One slapped the other on the back hard, I winced a little. To imagine what that felt like..

  18. I cringe when the boar attacks her again. That sounds good, let's go up here for a minute. I reply and start climbing the tree. It felt natural for me to climb it, I always slept in trees after all. Can you climb? I ask, forgetting my manners.

    Mayonaka 20/21

    Susan Stark 10/11

    Boar 1/3

    Boar 0/3 DEAD

    Boar 0/3 DEAD

    Boar 3/3

    BD 1+2=3 {-0 HP}

    +2 Damage

    +2 to BD

  19. Noticing her mistake, I rushed into the boar that she missed and raised my sword above it. Before I could do any harm to the boar I felt something pierce my back. I craned my neck to see the other boar had it's tusk in my back. The boar seemed to enjoy it too. I kicked it backwards and retreated from the attack.

    Mayonaka 20/21

    Susan Stark 11/11

    Boar 1/3

    Boar 0/3 DEAD

    Boar 0/3 DEAD

    Boar 3/3

    BD 1+2=3 {-0 HP}

    +2 Damage

    +2 to BD

  20. Not being used to the climate change either, I stumbled when I got off the teleport gate. I saw Zelrius right away in his tuxedo on a bench. He had his head in his heads, probably having the same issues as me right now. There wasn't anyone around at this time of night. It was most likely because it was dangerous to be out at night. I took a seat next to Zelrius and looked around. I will pay you back for that crystal. I said and started to open my HUD to transfer col to him.

  21. Only a level four? I ask out loud to Susan. I don't wait for her to respond though. One boar of the mob decided to attack me out of range, bad for him. Another smirk appeared on my face as I jumped in the night sky and rammed my sword straight through the boar. It was a bit of over kill but I didn't mind it.

    Mayonaka 21/21

    Susan Stark 11/11

    Boar 1/3

    Boar 0/3 DEAD

    Boar 0/3 DEAD

    Boar 3/3

    BD 9+2=11 {-3 HP} (XD 11 on the BD)

    +2 Damage

    +2 to BD

    [+15 col]

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