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Posts posted by Mayonaka

  1. This boy sure was strange to me. He referred to the people surrounding us as "humans." I decided not to ask any questions about the relationship between him and Ryu because I knew it had something to do with the past. Even if he told me, it wouldn't change a thing between Ryu and I. Why do you always smile? I say, kind of laughing of the inside. And here's another question, would you sacrifice yourself for others?

  2. Would you guys keep it down! i'm trying to- AHHHHH!! I screamed as I fell from my tree. A boar had decided to wake me, bad idea. I was furious at this boar now, my eyes raged with anger as I took out my sword. Your going to regret that!!!! I yelled at it as I charged with my sword. I missed the attack but came back for another. Everyone knew, with the exception of Haine, not to wake me up or they will die!

    Battle Die 2, MISS

    Boar 1/ dead

    Boar 2 6/6

    Boar 3 6/6

    Boar 4 6/6

    Mayonaka 17/17

    Kiluia 11/11

    Latsu 11/111

    Haine 59/59

  3. I listed the names in my head. Let's see there's Ryu, Haine, Will, Caen, Rolland, Artorias, Primrose, Akumu... I could keep going on but I guess that would take an hour or two. I said. His next question was an easy answer for me. Yes, I am willing to die for every single one of them. Although people like Ryu and Caen will throw themselves in front of death before letting me die. I said confidently.

  4. I wasn't quite sure how to react to his rant. He was referring to me as a "female." I didn't like that but the only thing I thought was cool about him was his ability to insult someone, move on, and degrade their character like he knew them. Another thing I didn't like about him was he sounded like a teen counseling book, "the first thing a characteristic should have is acceptance!" I let out a laugh after imitating his voice in my head. I looked up at him and said, My name is Mayonaka. Now what is your name smarty pants? I said.

  5. I for one don't act but you sir do, I say while lightening my expression. Was my face really that serious? I say inside my head. And if you know everything upon meeting a woman then what is my emotional scar? I ask with a smile, knowing he can't answer it. It was a trick question because I had no emotional problems. My life was good at home and it's good here too I guess. I want to make the most out of this experience and risk my life for others.

  6. I smiled widely and chased Haine out of the Tavern. I raced her through the town, bumping into many people, angering them. I finally got the lead and took a little detour through the alley ways. I raced over the extra trash and and broken path while not looking back. I jump up the wall and onto the roof, hey I was short but I could climb. I dashed across the rooftops, seeing the field I was looking for.

  7. My eyes opened in a hurry to see if it was an emergency but before I could I felt a tickle everywhere! AACKK! GAHH! I screamed really loudly to the random tickling. I looked up to see who it was and when I saw it was Haine I struggled against her tickling ability to try and playfully strangle her. I giggled and made a sudden movement towards her, making me flip out from under the chair.


  8. His sudden mood change, an annoying one, led me to believe that he was good at acting. I smiled at sarcastically responded to the insult. Why thank you, I eat extra bland brand no name cereal each morning!I made a stone cold serious face after that and started to think. I thought the quest sounded cool, getting to do an easy one such as this one will be fun.

  9. My eyes rolled into the back of my head when he pulled me, and twirled me around with him. When he broke the connection I spun away but didn't fall. I smacked my hand to my head and opened one eye at him. He was a higher level yet he was on floor 1 still, why? I stood in front of him, refusing to sit down. I sighed, Ya I guess. What quest are we going on?

  10. As I strolled down the path I was wearing my usual black ripped skinny jeans, black boots, and a blank shirt. I wore a thin jacket and my purple hair in a long messy braid. I opened my eyes to the sky, it was a glorious day, too bad it wasn't real. I looked ahead and saw a boy twirling in the middle of the path. I walked up to him, but stayed away hoping he wouldn't hit me.

  11. I didn't remember much about the conversation with Caen, or why I fell asleep. It didn't make much sense at all. I got out of bed and exited my room. As I walked down the stairs I saw that two men were arguing about something. One man punched the other, knocking him out. I glued my eyes to the floor and passed him quickly. I heard him say something to me but I ignored it and ran out of the Inn. I sprinted all the way to the Coffee Shop, which I knew was closed. I sat down on a chair in the dark corner and gathered my thoughts.

  12. Hello! Haine and I are wanting to know if anyone was up to roleplay with us...about Black Butler!!!! [characters with an icon next to them are characters we NEED] Please comment if you want to rp with us and who you want to be.

    HERE IS TEH LINK: viewtopic.php?f=45&t=3332

    Ciel TAKEN :D

    Sebastian :D

    Lizzy TAKEN :D

    Finny :D

    Bard :D TAKEN

    Meyrin :D

    The Undertaker TAKEN


    Tanaka :D

    Madam Red


    Bycount Drewit

  13. [OOC- Does he drop any items?]

    I wake up in a haze, and I know I'll go out again soon but I get up anyways. I walk to where Caen was slashing at the Kobold. I put my hand the sword handle and pull it out. With my one and only chance to finish this thing before he harms my friends again I charge at it. I run at lightning speed towards the stomach of the creature. I jump up high, hoping to stick my sword in it, even when I can't see. The Kobold is furious and swipes me away, but he's too late. His body falls to the ground and explodes. I land on my feet and drop my sword with a clang. I give a weak smile before falling to the ground again, watching Caen and Will look at me.


    Will 8/13

    Mayonaka 8/15

    Caen 6/15

    1-5 miss

    6-8 1 damage

    9 crit for two

    10 super crit for 3


    Giant Kobold 0/30 *Enraged +1BD +1 DMG* DEAD

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